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Posts posted by Y&RWorldTurner

  1. Interesting, I wonder if Alexander Lamb will stay on as the sole story editor at EastEnders, or if Kirkwood will add someone else, or if Kirkwood will shakeup anything up there.

    Isn't he officially taking over in a few weeks? I think I read Santer will be gone by the end of February.

  2. Does anyone have a link to a clip that has a specific OB/Clare scene. The scene has her patting herself on the back and admitting she could have saved Mel when she was burned The Doug explosion. Such classic lines include, "And if it wasn't for moi, poor old Mel wouldn't have burned in that fire and you'd still be holding hands at her AA meetings. Tragically the other one had to die too. Two for the price of one."

    But the part of the scene I need the most is of when she mentions how no one believed Mel when she finally told the truth and then relays that there must be a message in there somewhere, "Liar liar the LUSH is one fire."


    2:14 in. :);)

    God, I love Clare, and I guess we can thank Lucy Allan for that crappy and anticlimactic ending to her last return.

  3. It could be April or May, depends on what they mean by "the middle" of the year, but since June is half way though the year, I consider it the middle.

    You never know when to expect a new regime's work in the credits with the UK soaps. They're usually so far ahead, but as we get closer, I'm sure more definite dates will leak to the press.

    Allan took over from Kirkwood in January 2009, and her episodes began airing in June 2009.

    So, I guess June is the correct time for Marquess's work to begin, since he too started in January (2010).

  4. Can anyone here speak about Trina Fraser's time at Corrie as producer and the time at which she was head of production for Hollyoaks?

    Also, can anyone do the same for Claire Fryer when she was the story editor for EastEnders and The Bill? Did she work with Marquess at The Bill?

  5. I didn't think the Ashworths added anything to the show in a while. I'm not sad to see them go. Hannah was always my favourite, and Emma Rigny was already set to leave anyway.

    I hated that the Ashworths took ownership of The Dog, they were such am poor fit for that place, IMO.

    But I think this is definitely the beginning of Hollyoaks being reshaped and more firings will be on the way.

  6. Here's Ray Quinn receiving his British Soap Award for the bully story. You see the part where the mother of the bully he killed confronts him in the presentation clip.

    You also see some more clips from the story after he accepts his award.

  7. Crap, I didn't know Emma Rigby was on Brookside when Paul Marquess was there. She apparently played a character that was sympathetic to Anthony (the boy who murdered his bully).

    From what I saw of that bullying storyline, it was so hard to watch. Anthony was such a gentle and good kid. I felt so bad watching him being tormented and driven to the point where he had to kill one of his bullies. It was a great storyline, but hard to watch.

    Too bad such little of it is on YouTube, and none of the important parts are on there.

  8. I guess Marquess will inject a shot of adrenaline into this aimless and boring show.

    Hopefully, he doesn't get too carried away. I think Tony Wood and the brass at Lime want to intentionally go in the opposite direction of where Allan took this show, and I can't say I blame them.

  9. Was so pissed off this video didn't make her recent DVD.

    Yes, but strangely, it's only on The Immaculate Collection Video Collection, though the song itself isn't on the album version of The Immaculate Collection.

    It's one of the great vids David Fincher did for her (along with Vogue, Express Yourself and Bad Girl, which was also dropped from the recent DVD) and makes me wish all the more his plans to do a movie musical (a dark, "creepy one" apparently) come to happen

    Yep, he did some amazing cinematic videos for her in the late 80's and early 90's. I'd really like to see what he could so with a musical.

    The Bad Girl video is excellent, though apparently, Mark Romanek was her first choice to direct that video, but it didn't work out, but he later directed the Rain and Bedtime Story videos for her. Bad Girl does appear on the 93-99 Video Collection, though.

  10. http://www.digitalspy.com/soaps/s13/hollyoaks/news/a198988/hollyoaks-stars-fear-mass-cast-cull.html

    'Hollyoaks' stars 'fear mass cast cull'

    Monday, January 25 2010, 3:21am EST

    By Daniel Kilkelly, Entertainment Reporter

    'Hollyoaks' stars 'fear mass cast cull'

    The cast of Channel 4 soap Hollyoaks are fearing for their jobs following the appointment of new producer Paul Marquess, a report has claimed.

    Marquess joined the teen drama earlier this month as a successor for Lucy Allan, who recently announced that she had quit her role as leading producer after a year in office.

    According to the Daily Star, the show's team have since been bracing themselves for a massive overhaul as Marquess has a reputation for instigating cast clear-outs following his past work on The Bill and Family Affairs.

    A source said: "Paul is known for having the balls to make serious changes to the cast if he thinks things need a good shake-up. Everyone is expecting a mass cull."

    It is thought that there has been an "air of change" around the soap's set since Marquess began work on January 17.

    The insider added: "Things do need a bit of a shake-up. Like any soap, you need to keep things fresh. If that means out with the old and in with the new, then so be it."

  11. http://www.digitalspy.com/soaps/s2/eastenders/news/a198351/steve-mcfadden-quitting-eastenders.html

    Steve McFadden quitting 'EastEnders'?

    Thursday, January 21 2010, 8:32pm EST

    By Mike Moody

    Steve McFadden quitting 'EastEnders'?

    EastEnders star Steve McFadden is reportedly considering leaving the show when his contract ends in the summer.

    According to The Sun, the actor could follow departing cast member Barbara Windsor, who will exit the BBC One soap in two months' time.

    McFadden, who plays Phil Mitchell in the programme, said that he is "absolutely gutted" by Windsor's impending departure.

    "Her leaving will be a massive hole for the show and for me personally as well," he added.

    "I'm sure they will leave the door open for her - they'd be mad not to."

  12. There's a lot of propaganda involving the universal health care stuff, a lot of Americans are so gullible and think universal health care means a huge shift to socialism.

    The word "socialism" is so scary to a lot of Americans.

    My experience with universal health care in the UK, when I was there a few years ago, was fantastic and easy. But much of America is consumed by bureaucratic red tape.

    Martha Coakley's campaign was. :rolleyes:

    It should serve as an example to other politicians, never give up seriously campaigning when you're in the lead and it looks as if you have no real competition. Getting your name and vision out there is too damn important.

    Ted Kennedy is spinning in his grave...

  13. I think the show lost a lot of heart when OB left, and then when Max was killed off months later. I understood why it happened, since Jeffries and Littler wanted to move on, but I thought Max and OB brought a lot of heart to the show and their friendship was the strongest relationship on the show for years.

    I didn't realize how much I've missed them until they were gone.

    2006 and ESPECIALLY 2007 were dynamite years for Hollyoaks, mostly everything clicked and the main storyline were all must see. I think Hollyoaks in 2007 was one of the best years I've ever seen on any soap.

    Things started to falter a bit in 2008, but I still thought the show was entertaining. Lucy Allan just made the show lots more aimless and her stories adn new characters were so poorly developed.

    I'm interested in seeing Kirkwood's work on EastEnders, which is a totally different animal from Hollyoaks. I think he's a very strong storyteller, but it should be fun to compare and contrast it with his time on Hollyoaks.

  14. LOL! They couldn't wait to get rid of Lucy Allan! :lol:

    So the stories Allan had planned will be significantly changed then?

    I'm assuming he'll be planning stuff for when her material runs out, unless he can somehow tweak her latter stuff that maybe hasn't been shot yet.

    This should be an interesting year for most of the UK soaps, as EastEnders, Corrie, and Hollyoaks are getting new producers.

  15. Yes, he was a bit of a strange fit for the The Bill, and his format changes were the most out there for that show at the time.

    However, I think Hollyoaks right now could use someone with some strong vision, and is in dire need of certain characters being axed.

    But the stories and potential new characters have to be good.

  16. Wiki says he's also known for sensationalist stories.

    I think those types of stories work better on Hollyoaks than some of the other UK soaps.

    Marquess apparently loves and thrives under the serialised format, we'll see how it works out.

    Marquess is known as someone who has no problem firing a lot of people, in front of and behind the camera.

    I guess Hollyoaks will get a big cull. That's needed, although I hope he leaves some of the better actors.

    Yeah, but to be fair, often that seems to be the case with most UK soaps when a new producer comes in.

    Hollyoaks could use some type of revamp about now, hopefully the stories and characters will be strong under his watch.

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