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Posts posted by Franko

  1. They really needed to have a better sense of which circles characters existed in. Not to keep picking on Diahann Carroll, but Dominique's a great example of this. Is she a household name or isn't she? Or, a little later, that Lady Ashley knew Amanda back in London. Who know Hugh and Rosalind Bedford were so connected?

  2. 9 hours ago, Khan said:

    Whenever I see Deidre Hall and Jane Elliot's names mentioned in the same sentence, I always imagine them joining Leslie Charleson and Donna Mills on some wild girls' trip, where they take turns ogling the Spanish-speaking waiter with the tight buns on their Caribbean cruise.

    Book Club, the daytime edition.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Vee said:

    IIRC J.R. did try to lean on Val briefly over Capricorn Crude, but he didn't get very far or seem very committed.

    I think it was mostly to mess with her head. J.R. ended up profiting from the whole thing by buying Val's publisher.

    If Knots wasn't in "I don't know her" mode about Dallas in 1989, then having Sue Ellen produce an adaptation of Capricon Crude would have made slightly more sense.

  4. On 5/6/2023 at 10:22 PM, Khan said:

    So, while Lana's initial appearance on the show did give FC an enormous ratings boost, later appearances failed to match those results.  (I don't count the S2 finale, because it was, after all, the season finale, as well as the climax of the "Who Killed Carlo Agretti?" mystery.  "Climax" would have rated highly whether Lana appeared again or not.)

    I think that data reinforces my initial point: FC could have recast Jacqueline -- if not with another Hollywood legend like Miss Turner, then certainly with a formidable actor -- and the show would have been fine.  They could have brought in someone like Barbara Rush or Dorothy Malone.

    I'm not sure if she would have wanted to do a nighttime soap, and maybe she'd look too similar opposite Jane Wyman, but the first woman who came to mind was Maureen O'Hara.

  5. This is calling to mind the legend of Julie Goodyear deliberately trying to find the tackiest but in character clothing possible for Bet Lynch. Can you imagine that note being pinned up on the AW bulletin board? "SATURDAY -- Trip to Target. Bring $50. Carpool if you can. XOXO, the Costume Department."

  6. I don't know if it's canon, but over the years, I've read that the Quartermaines originally hailed from Southampton, New York. Supposedly that was where Herbert and kin remained.

    Looking back, I think that ELQ never quite mattered on the scale of, say, Ewing Oil, was because it took a long(er) time for it to ever feel vulnerable/in flux. I wouldn't trade Alan and Monica as doctors, but watching them spar with Edward over some business McGuffin or another, I'm caring about the character actions rather than why they're fighting. (Which has its pluses.) Who knows how things might have gone had non-doctor Tracy stayed in 1980? Or on the flip side, if Edward had been in medicine rather than business.

  7. 41 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    I recall Dynasty aired on either E! or Bravo or something at one point, while it seems both FC and Hotel were left sitting in the vault until SoapNet premiered. 

    Dynasty reruns were part of FX's first programming.

    Thank you all for the discussion about the syndication trends. Fascinating stuff.

  8. 27 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Did primetime soap reruns have success in syndication before the growth of cable? Somehow I can't picture a CBS affiliate airing reruns of Dallas/Knots Landing/Falcon Crest at 4 pm opposite an ABC or NBC affiliate airing Oprah. Plus with syndication episodes are cut for more commercials so key portions of the storylines or pivotal character moments could be missing.

    I don't know if it was successful, but yes, the nightime soaps did enter the syndication market. I've heard that in some cases, episodes were split into two, which just sounds horrible.

  9. 17 hours ago, Vizion said:

    And how did Jake end up sleeping with Lucy? There didn't seem to be any sexual tension between them leading up to it or anything. I know it happened when they were on the run and hiding out in that house, but I've never understood how it actually happened.

    Jake sleeping with Lucy seems to be plot-driven rather than character-motivated, but luckily, it did kind of pay off. Most significantly, it and Lucy's short-lived pregnancy continued the Bobbie-Lucy rivalry. Lucy being entangled with Bobbie & Jake (and later, recent widower Tony) also gave her a reason to hang around when she could have easily faded away, like so many '80s GH characters did after their initial stories or two. And I suppose having Bobbie & Jake barely get a moment of peace after finally being married followed the precedent set and continued by other GH newlyweds.

    16 hours ago, Vee said:

    I'm surprised Sam Behrens' Jake was never brought back. He seemed to have built a real home and family with Bobbie, then from what I've read and watched it appears Scott conspired to keep them apart. Suddenly she was married to Tony and that whole part of her life was totally forgotten.

    Scott's involvement didn't help matters, but really, life went to hell for Bobbie and Jake not too long after they got married. At least when she was with Tony, they had a second chance (1991-94). 

  10. 1 minute ago, Wendy said:

    If they want out, let 'em go. But they won't get anymore federal funds. They will be less than third world in 3 months.

    Loss of federal funding, loss of maintenance of infrastructure, impacted interstate commerce ... the consequences far outweight anything that would be "gained" in service to moronic posturing.

    That said, I think we're going to see red states become even more red. I live in North Dakota, where all but 16 of the 141 state legislators are Republicans. We have an especially low population, and regions like my own are creating campaigns to lure people to move here. I want to believe it's innocent, at least on the local level, but if you told me that someone, somewhere also figured there's an unspoken "Deplorables Welcome!" attitude, I'd believe you.

  11. 5 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    Thank you for posting this!  The details were a little fuzzy I haven’t seen it in a long time.  It’s one of my favorite Lucy/Kevin scenes, really shows the growth Lucy had as a person.  She was still Lucy, just matured and less selfish.

    It's an excellent scene, greatly improved by the length. I like that they took the time to really let us savor the range of emotions Lucy was feeling there: anxiousness, curiosity, pride, gentle annoyance, despair, love. Nice acting showcase for Lynn Herring, and Jon Lindstrom did well, too.

  12. 1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    There is a great scene where Scott has sent Lucy either photos or a video of Serena to watch a year or two after they left , and she remarks that Scott had given Serena a haircut like his.  It’s funny and sad, which Lynn did really well back then.


  13. 7 hours ago, janea4old said:



    Was it part of Scotty's apartment when he and Lucy were roommates? After she was done with Tony and before Alan?

    ETA: Never mind, earlier posters say it was part of the Katherine Delafield cottage set from 1988-89. I guess they just photographed Lynn and Kin there because it was available. It's better than my first thought, which was that this was Lucy's apartment from 1986, which presumably had already been scrapped as a set.

  14. 47 minutes ago, Vee said:

    As much as Hudson Hawk and his music career got lampooned, I think he had talent as a song and dance man. With more musical vehicles like the revival ones we have now he could've done better work in romantic comedy than he often got in film.

    Curly. Harold Hill. Billy Flynn. Coulda played 'em all.

    2 hours ago, Wendy said:

    No idea who was testing for Maddie Hayes here, but it is another actress.

    YouTube commenters say it's Mary-Margaret Humes (Dawson's Creek).

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