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Posts posted by Vee

  1. It will likely fail in the House, but it gets them on record. And it's a start towards fixing things. This is a huge victory regardless.





  2. I find the entire Transparent situation very bizarre. Tambor is probably no saint and a man with at the very least severe boundary issues, and meanwhile one of the accusers apparently promptly left Hollywood and trashed the rather hapless Soloway after not receiving a payout following the scandal and is now running a gofundme or something. It's weird and I'll leave it at that.

  3. 33 minutes ago, j swift said:

    I disagree that Malone rehabed the characters, instead he turned them into Yuppie-Kevin&Kelly.


    That's what they'd become. It was the natural evolution of the prideful, self-righteous assholes (with no regard for others, like Joey) which JFP had made them into together. Malone's second stint was a colossal mess but he did right by Kevin and Kelly by bringing them back as what they'd become instead of pretending it hadn't happened, then deconstructed both characters. It was the only way to make them viable again, and it made Dan Gauthier's Kevin a fan favorite.


    Kevin and Kelly knew their relationship was built on a foundation of sand based on the previous awful JFP-era storyline, but they lived in denial - a marriage, a governorship, a baby would make it all alright. When it came crashing down they were able to forge a better and more honest relationship, despite it being tortured and often vicious. They became OLTL's answer to Alan and Monica Quartermaine in the early '80s.

  4. I remember that Jill was clearly salivating to pair Gibbs and Robin Christopher - Kevin and Skye. IIRC they bonded over having drinking problems and may have kissed once or twice. It was a very specific type of character - dark, brooding, soulful - and it wasn't Kevin. He seemed to have aged ten to fifteen years. It's to the very gonzo Malone 2003 regime's credit that they actually managed to reconcile this bizarre depiction of Kevin (along with Kelly), take ownership of some of it and rehabilitate the character.


    I know JFP blamed Florencia Lozano for not putting the pairing with Téa and Sykes over, and allegedly had planned to kill Téa off as part of the bizarre backstory for the short-lived Jared Hall before Roger Howarth agreed to do his trial balloon short return and usher FL out.

  5. Jill liked her older actors - no one else's. (As for Scott and Bobbie at GH, that was a barely-there subplot and I didn't like shoving them back together, but yes she treated the actors poorly.)


    Michael Logan was always willing to follow a trend. The yes-man line on Kevin Stapleton's wildly unpopular firing (which helped alienate Laura Bonariggo) is laughable.


    Cat Hickland was great as Tess on Loving and The City, too. Yes, Lindsay worked out but that was because of Cat, not JFP. Her work as an actress saved the character many, many times.

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