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Posts posted by Vee

  1. She is now blaming Ambien. She appears to have downshifted in mood and is suddenly retweeting rebuttals of all her horrible whatabout tweets quoted above (not that that excuses a thing). Granted, we've been saying it for like thirty years but this woman needs serious help.



  2. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I wish someone would figure out some way to keep the rest of the cast and crew employed.  Maybe "The Connors" isn't doable, but what about scraping together some pilot for a new series, or something?  


    As I have said, I would welcome a CBS sitcom with Sara Gilbert and the boy who played Mark titled by another name. Darlene was a linchpin of the new season, possibly even more than Roseanne herself.

  3. According to CNN, today was the BTS staff's first day back at work on Season 2.



    The view inside Disney, according to sources, was that Tuesday was the third or fourth time when Barr's tweets had presented a problem for ABC. This controversy was by far the worst yet.


    Tuesday's racist and bizarre tweets were "unsurvivable," one of the sources said. "Enough was enough." [...] "There was no way to come back from this," one of the sources said.




    Later in the day, an ABC executive expressed regret that more than 200 people involved in the making of "Roseanne" would be out of work as a result of the cancellation.


    But the source pointedly blamed Barr, saying "that's the collateral damage that Roseanne has to live with."


    Barr is said to be drafting a contrite statement, although it's unclear when or if she will release it.

  4. Yeah, I forgot her as well. I also can't see the parents of the two child actors (especially Jayden Rey) allowing them to remain. Ames McNamara was so good, BTW. I hope he gets something quickly. That's another tragedy, losing Darlene and her son's dynamic and what was obviously planned to be a long-running thread with David continuing to recur.

  5. I think it's a decision that speaks well to them, though, and maybe to the nation at large. There are still things we can't countenance and can walk back from. And frankly I suspect a lot of the cast and crew would've walked along with Wanda Sykes and Sandra Bernhard even if ABC had waffled. That was certainly the tone I got from Sara Gilbert's initial comments, and I can't see Laurie Metcalf or John Goodman being far behind. Those are all people who stuck with Roseanne day in and day out through all her craziness in the '80s and '90s, but this was too far.

  6. I will watch the rest of the episodes (uh.... somewhere) out of love for the rest of the cast and what they accomplished. At some point, not yet.


    It's just such a waste. Both of the person Roseanne once was, and what the rest of them were trying and I felt, largely succeeding in doing with the new show. I want to buy Sara Gilbert a drink.

  7. I think the original Roseanne is one of the best situation comedies in TV history. I think the Roseanne of that era was a talented, complicated, very difficult person. And I think aspects of that person still do exist in Roseanne today, but not enough to countenance what the rest of her - like so many other men and women of a certain age or background like her - have inexplicably become. Too much is said and done to let the rest go anymore. What they say and do eclipses who they used to be.


    In a strange way, this entire revival was a microcosm of what some of us have gone through as a country in the last year-plus - we've struggled to reconcile how former friends, neighbors, family have turned to what they have, just as Sara Gilbert, the cast and a predominantly liberal-progressive writing staff have done with a person they've known and loved most of their lives. We tried to find an imperfect place we could come together like we used to. And then, finally, something so unspeakable happens that we can't let it be anymore. It's awful and it's sad and it's ugly but we tear the page out and walk away.

  8. Negan was never good for this show. He was a ridiculous comic book character and Robert Kirkman's personal avatar, and Kirkman always dragged the show down. He should've lasted a season tops if you had to do it. It doesn't surprise me he ultimately was what pulled the TV show apart to the point that I mostly stopped watching at the end of S7 and definitely checked out when they fired Chandler Riggs. I assume Lincoln (and next I'm betting Gurira) came to the same conclusion I have, and him exiting after Riggs' unexpected exit does not surprise me. TV is not comics.

  9. I think most of us who watched will. For me, there was a lot to enjoy. But there's not much to be done about it. I can't see the cast wanting to go back to that situation in any way right now, and I doubt Roseanne would allow it (I'm assuming she has a stake in the entire IP).


    ETA: LOL - guess I'll catch the last few eps on Dailymotion! Prospect Park's backups lasted longer.


    In amusing news, the alt right is now attempting to target Bill Maher on Twitter for firing as retaliation. My response, in one tweet (not mine):




    Oh, OK, a few more:



  10. Unrelated; this is whistling past the graveyard now, but this is an anecdote Whitney Cummings had in THR some weeks back as part of a creative roundtable that I thought was interesting:


    WHITNEY CUMMINGS A big part of my involvement [on Roseanne], because it stars a character and person who voted for Trump, is that I was the progressive lib-tard in the room, and I really wanted to dig into the hypocrisies and all the hot-button issues that we're all talking about. So, [the Conners] have a gun in the house, and the story was about how they can't find it, and I really wanted the 5-year-old kid to find it. She was gonna come out and be holding it, and it made everyone very uncomfortable, which is why I wanted to do it. I thought for a multicam, this could be incendiary and interesting and start a conversation and show the dangers inside the home of these kinds of choices. And the network — well, everyone was pretty freaked out about it. And I fought really hard, and it was a hill that I died on. We didn't end up shooting that, and then Parkland happened and I was like, I …


    JUSTIN SIMIEN Should've done it.


    CUMMINGS Should have done it? You think I should have done it?


    AMY SHERMAN-PALLADINO Oh, I think you should've done it.


    CUMMINGS I was like, "I'm sure they would've made us cut it later, anyway."


    SIMIEN They would've.


    PAMELA ADLON Absolutely.

  11. The structural change is similar, yeah, but that's where it ends. Miller-Boyett simply sniped Valerie to turn her show into proto-Full House.


    I don't know that any of them would do the show without her, even now. For one, Roseanne owns it and I can't see her giving it up. For another I imagine they're all probably just utterly done with this.

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