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Posts posted by Vee

  1. Yeah, read the actual headlines, including the headers and the opening grafs. I did from the Post and the Times last night (I'm not going to comment on Anchorage and Arkansas because c'mon). Some of the headlines are definitely mealymouthed, but they're still not super both sides on this in the stories themselves. And these handful of weak print headlines aside, the overall media coverage, especially on TV, has most certainly not been both sides.


    There is a difference between being pragmatic and clear eyed about the failings of media, and then searching for the evidence that fits the worst story we expect. I fully expected the media to find a ways to both sides the debate before it ended in order to find a way to give Trump a comeback. They didn't and aren't. This is what is on TV and in media this morning.




  2. It's a complete shitshow of a debate.  Joe is doing about as well with this kind of utter [!@#$%^&*] tornado as anyone could, and Chris Wallace humiliated himself - begging Trump to follow the rules and then just say whatever he wants. But some dumb advisor told Biden to stay calm and soft spoken to contrast Trump, and that was a mistake IMO. This debate isn't going to move the needle or the votes to any major degree, but the only way to dominate a debate like this is to be loud and strong. That being said, "will you shut up, man?" and "you're the worst president we ever had" lines will be the takeaways, and that, is what will matter. Joe has gotten more aggressive as he goes, and those hard attacks are what matter now.

  3. There is no upside to Biden skipping the debates. It's going to go fine. Conspiracy theorists will come up with nonsense, Trump will make a fool of himself, the media will struggle to mount some sort of new narrative for Trump to come back, the polling and reaction won't bear it out, and nothing will have changed in this race tomorrow or by end of week. It's not that serious unless someone's a blogger whose entire existence is built around social media.

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