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Posts posted by Vee

  1. John, any time any soap makes a big move you get excited by it. Some of us need a little more than that.


    I actually don't think recasting Jackie with a major star is a terrible thing given the connection to Scorpio and others currently in play on the canvas, but I do think that given her totally inconsequential place in things outside of being played by a Hollywood star it smacks of shock value and it's another stunt on a show with no decent stories whatsoever.

  2. More from Jake Sherman, who despises Democrats and is Politico born and bred:




    I only fitfully agree with Hayes in this day and age, but this has always been correct. The modern media considers America center-right because they view themselves as innately out of touch; they were trained by the Reagan era to believe 'real America' is always out there in the diners (hence the Trump voter love affair) and never anywhere else. They disdain Democrats and progressives because they have been conditioned to believe they themselves are effete and not genuine, and therefore so is anyone not on the right. They project this onto Democrats so as to divorce it from themselves, and focus all their energies on Trump/GOP voters instead. This is a belief a lot of the party rank and file also still lives with as PTSD since the 1980s.


    This is why every time Obama or the Dems won handily in the last 15 years, the press would go on TV saying "it's not a mandate" and basically imply he got lucky. Any time Dems win it is about some sort of amazing trick that only happens once in a lifetime; the economy, the pandemic, etc. They will always attribute any Democratic wins to outside circumstances and imply it is a fluke. Whereas the GOP are always brilliant strategy mavens.

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