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j swift

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Posts posted by j swift

  1. I was just reminded on Twitter that this is his penultimate week (4/17-4/20).  I recall that there was a report that CBS was going to replace him with a revival of @midnight, but I haven't heard anything since then.  Does anyone have info on what will be in that slot three weeks from now?


    BTW - this is totally just an inquiry, I haven't watched late-night network TV regularly since Letterman ended.

  2. A couple more lingering thoughts about today's episode.

    I like John talking to Brady about Rachel because John has a better rapport with Rachel and can help modify her behavior.  But, I still wish John would reflect on his difficulties in raising Sami to help give Brady some perspective (alternatively it would nice to hear Brady reflect on what he learned from his difficulties accepting Marlena as a stepmother, I'm certain he wasn't her favorite after he threatened Belle with getting run over by a train or whatever he did back then).  For a writing staff that is so beholden to the past, this feels like a missed opportunity.  Just like it would be fun to explore how Brady's parenting style reflects some of the poor choices that he's made with women in his past (although it is admittedly bizarre to wish for character development on a soap that deals with age reversal serums and magic biscuits).

    As for the Alex/Marlena scenes, I can't help but be a little excited at how Marlena's relationship with Alex will affect her relationship with Maggie, given the rumors of behind-the-scenes drama between the two actors.  It feels like DAYS is trying to recapture the dynamic that Marlena had with Will.  But, he is her grandson, not a client, so it can't really be duplicated.

    I totally don't understand the gunshot/wine fake-out.  Are we meant to think that Bo shot his gun and threw wine at the same time, that seems difficult?  Or, in Greece does throwing wine sound the same as a gunshot?


  3. I will withhold judgment on the Alex/Marlena relationship until they have more than one episode together (although she is terrible with confidentiality which is considered the cornerstone of the therapeutic relationship).

    I like the Steve/Bo interactions and how they evoke memories of their friendship/rivalry.  It made me realize that since their initial time on the show, they've been like two ships passing in the night where one would return while the other was off-screen.  So, it is fun to watch them act together again.

    The John/Brady scene represents my pet peeve about DAYS scripts.  Much like the Stephanie/Tripp scene last week, it involves two people talking about a crisis, but as soon as they are done, they begin talking about their romantic status.  It's like "my stepmom just returned from the dead (for the umpteenth time) and half of the town was just drugged by a biscuit, but what really bugs me is if I should kiss this girl that I knew in high school."  The tone is just weird. 

  4. It would be awesome if Megan and Kristen exploit the EJ versus Stefan rivalry to gain control of the Dimera fortune.  I wouldn't mind whatever silly idea would get them out of prison in order to see the interplay of those four characters (ok, I would mind it if they repeated that idiotic thing where everyone was just pardoned without consequence, but if it was clever I would approve).

  5. Talia seems to have synthesized a drug that makes women horny and men hallucinate.  I hope she gives Rolf a run for his money in the laboratory sciences.

    This makes me wonder, have we ever seen Kayla in a lab?  Was there ever a story where she had to concoct some kind of antidote?  Because if Talia is making LSD in a one-bedroom apartment, maybe Bo should've kidnapped her.

    Lastly, is it possible that the Beyond Salem crew is similar to us because they also don't seem to know what the Dimera and Kirakis family businesses produce?   Rolf worked for Dimera in creating the youth serum, but now Bo wants to steal it for Kirakis, but do Maggie and Xander even know that their company manufactures pharmaceuticals?  I think there's some irony, given the number of prescription drug ads on daytime, that they're even playing with this idea. 

  6. I'm interested in how few people watch Live's YT clips.

    It could be a function that 64% of the audience is over 35.  But, Sherri and Jennifer Hudson's clips get more viewers every day, by a wide margin.

    Here's Wednesday's most watching Live clip


    Sherri had 16 times more views


    And J Hud got 20 x's more views


    The celebs were equally famous, and their stories were equally banal, so they were not driving views.  But, it is interesting to see how a low-rated show could still make some revenue from YouTube.

    Even today's goodbye to Ryan clip got 20% fewer views than the Nikki Bella clip on J Hud.

  7. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I am interested as to why Talia is doing this.

    To be honest I snoozed on Sloan's details about her parents, but was one of them a doctor?  And thus could they have been involved in whatever forced Talia to leave the profession which might explain her motives?

    She seems to be setting up Sloan, but perhaps they are working together.

  8. Today's episode was a clear example of the dynamic between ideas and execution.

    The twist resolves a lot of the initial questions about Talia's motives to work in a bakery given her history as a doctor.

    However, the puking, the revealing costumes, and the lack of insight of any of the characters (including those that had drunk drugged cocktails within the past month) was absurd.

  9. There's something super love bomb-ish about Ridge's treatment of Taylor in this classic episode.

    But, what I really wanted to highlight is the overhead shot at the beginning of the episode and how it mirrors the overhead shot of Ridge & Taylor on the beach.  Current episodes never play with perspective in this "arty" way, even though it was fun and creative.


  10. At least with Eric and Sloan we got some character development that explained their attraction.  It has been made clear that they use each other as a distraction, guilt-free, but there's a hint that they would each like a bit more of a commitment.

    Jada and Rafe's attraction seems purely based on proximity.  There has been zero time spent discussing what they have in common (besides being cops).  I have no idea why she moved on so quickly after Eric.  They seem like a rebound couple without any long-term prospects.

    Also, the dialogue is offensively bad.  What lady of Chanel's age and upbringing uses the phrase "slap yo' momma good"?

    And, although it is the least of my criticism, what bakery leaves biscuit dough, at room temperature, in the kitchen overnight?

  11. Wait, is Laura saying that the Haunted Star is the same boat as the one that Mikos Cassadine died on in the original Ice Princess Story? 

    Did we know this before today? I thought it was Frank Smith's old boat where Scotty punched Luke at the beginning of the Left-Handed Boy saga.

    I recall the Haunted Star as being the boat where Luke had his casino, but I don't remember it as being the Cassadine yacht.  And wouldn't Luke's renovations have rendered it decommissioned as a sailing vessel (especially from New York to South America)?

  12. The ISA is a very confusing agency.

    They're a secret international spy organization whose offices have huge signs on the buildings so people know where they work.

    And today we learned that they write press releases about using shock therapy on US military personnel in order to deprogram them.

    Not very sneaky...

  13. I guess I had never considered how scandalous it was that Caroline carried on an affair with Victor while having three small kids at home.  And then stayed married to Shawn for decades afterward with the plan to never tell him about Bo's conception.

    Kayla's tearful response to Victor's letters is confusing knowing those facts.

    Talk about a character who got an unjust romantic revival.  Victor's treatment of Carly, Kim, and Kate was pretty gross.

  14. I know trying to apply logic to this plot is a fool's errand, but, if the Thomas Banks information was just a red herring, doesn't that negate Megan's plea agreement?  So, why would she risk getting what she wants by giving false information?

    @Noel I was also questioning the age of the house.  Assuming that Victor lived there last after he impregnated Caroline with Bo, it must be around that many years old (50?).  Because he clearly left at some point to start his business.

    But, I always forget if Bo is number two or three of Caroline's kids. Did Victor want her to abandon Roman (and Shawn) to come live in a shack in Greece?  No wonder she returned the letter unopened.  I'd rather live above a fish market than in that one room shack (even if it has its own wine cellar).

    Also, I'm intrigued by this side plot of everyone remembering Hope throwing plates at the tavern (which seems very un-Hope-like) when she said it didn't happen.  If this is about Princess Gina, then it is an unbelievable amount of times to return to that well.

  15. It was shocking watching the Sunday morning shows debate how the legislature should've dealt with dissent (CBS), or how Reps Jones and Pearson will use the expulsion to their political advantage in future elections (NBC), rather than, what is to me the jaw-dropping reality of how many people in Nashville and Memphis will go without representation in the state legislature until there is an emergency election.

  16. I wonder how it is playing locally within the culture of Tennessee?

    I've seen the usual attempts by country music folks to divert attention using the now-predictable transphobic vilification of Bud Light for paying a trans woman for a single social media post.

    But, I don't know how the more liberal constituents, who for now have no representation in their state legislature, feel about this.  Like is it being discussed on local news, in the bars, and at the supermarket as a constitutional crisis?  Or is the relative lack of coverage by the national media indicative of the local interest?

  17. 37 minutes ago, Joseph said:

    She decided to use Spencer a while back because for some reason she could no longer use Corinthos, i remember watching the scenes but i couldn't found them again

    IIRC she changed her last name as a tribute to Bobbie's family of origin last fall after her whole adventure with her adoptive mother's ashes when she found her true self on the beach with Drew, and then promptly regressed within weeks

  18. It definitely hasn't been validated on screen either way, I am just predicting the end of the story. 

    Given that the actors are only contracted for 15 episodes, we'll know soon...

    The other thing that I wonder is, given that streaming is not dependent on sweeps weeks, is there any need to stretch out this story until May?

  19. I'm just going on two clues that this is not Bo

    1. The remarkably odd acting style seems to be foreshadowing that this is not actually Bo.

    2.  The frequent notes that the other pod in Megan's lab predated Bo's death because they kept referring to the fact that Rolf had been able to maintain it for more than a decade.

    However, my predictions are rarely correct and I am frequently guilty of overcomplicating simplistic plotting.

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