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slick jones

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Posts posted by slick jones

  1. Thanks for posting these great classic episodes. I know I really appreciate them.

    For anyone that watched Y&R in the early 80s: Does anyone know the name of the character that pretended to be Jack's mother, Dina Abbott when he hired a PI to find her?

  2. Michael was the one I liked most. Pat Peterson grew up on the show, and Michael was just a good guy. Steve Shaw's Eric was also good, and it's a shame he passed away so young. Lonow's Diana was just a horribly written character. I, too wanted Karen to shake her and throw her down. Tonya Crowe's Olivia was a standout in that drug storyline, and although she was portrayed as a brat at times, she was a great child actress who grew up well in the role. I especially loved her scenes with Val. Brian Austin Green was a decent Brian, but they should have utilized him more as he grew older. I don't remember Bobby Jacoby's Brian much. I count Olivia and Brian as Fairgates, because their father the Cunningham guy [Jeff] wasn't around enough to raise them.

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