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slick jones

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Posts posted by slick jones

  1. Some random thoughts since I started watching these 1967 episodes.

    Carolee Campbell is such a great actress. I have only seen Jada Rowland in the role.

    Love James Pritchett and his pipe. Bethel Leslie is so genuine in the Maggie role.

    Like PT, and Gerald Gordon is great, and Elizabeth Hubbard is a soap opera goddess in every role.

    TK is so human in the Dr. John Rice role. His scenes with Polly are wonderful.

    dc, I have never heard of Carl Webster and his wife. Any idea who played them? The Gloria Davis role is new to me as well. If you don't mind my asking, where did you find these synopses? Thanks!

  2. OK so first of all, there should be a mandatory police locker room scene in every episode Brian Hallisay appears in! This man should never be clothed!

    Never a fan of the Charlotte character. Connor Paolo made her tolerable, but the last 2 seasons, I just can't. All I could think of when she was on the roof was Van Halen "might as well jump " and "Kriss Kross will make you jump, jump".

    Glad that truck missed Victoria. I'd much rather see Amanda/Emily do her in.

    David is still a gullible jerk. What a moron, falling into Victoria's web. You mean to say that he hasn't been following her revenge?

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