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slick jones

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Posts posted by slick jones

  1. I looked through a lot of the old Jon Michael Reed articles available on the google archive newspaper site, and was looking for the casting in LoL's final years, the Bambi Brewster debacle of a story. Has anyone found any casting notices for Eloise Alberini, Rev. Brewster's crazy follower? I've asked this befor, but here are some others:"Big" Al Barton, Reverend Richard Brewster, Reverend Harding, Leonia Baxter, Cissy[Casey]Muldoon, reporter, Arthur, Barbara, and Kathleen Brewster, Tran Chang[child of Kim Soo Li and Tony Alphonso], Papa Gaspero, Mildred Russell, Frankie Sills, Solly Sullivan[prison guard, saved by Ben], and Paul Smith[smithers?] reporter?

    In reading some old magazines, a couple of names I haven't seen in cast lists are: Sally Cartwright [Patricia Wheel], Cathy Smith[Mallory Jones] Pam Wagner[ Lisa Bentzen], and Merlin [Hector Mercado]. There was also a newspaper editor played Frank Thomas, Sr.

  2. No one needs irritating Elisabeth Hasselback back on this show. I danced a jig when her gluten free whining *ss was fired, and I couldn't have been alone. If anyone made the show all about herself it was EH. She literally had nothing to contribute except her political views, which we all knew before she opened her mouth, ad nauseum.

  3. I still have about 7 [maybe 9] more to go, but some observations

    Never cared for the Adair character, either actress.

    I didn't like Justine when I first saw LS in the 80s, but after enjoying her on Y&R,[way too briefly] I'm actually enjoying her this time around.\

    Terri Eoff is much better here than her Pilar Casals on AMC. Ditto for Jo Henderson as Kate McCleary. Her scene w/Martin was well written. Does anyone know of her other roles? I've read she was on GL among others.

    Why did Maree Cheatham leave? Louise Schaffer was much better[and will always be] Rae Woodard to me. She's a much harsher character under Schaffer.

    Lt. Marion Bowman[Harris Laskaway] sounds so much like Larry Haines, I thought he was Stu when I was folding laundry! He would have been a good recast Tom Bergman!

    Never ever cared for the Cord Tourneur character, but I wish they kept Victoria around, I liked that actress.

    And, finally, Sherry Mathis was amazing, and was taken from this world far too soon. Her Liza, there are no words.....

  4. For many years I have seen old write-ups stating that Jan Miner[Palmolive's Madge the Manicurist] appeared on EON. In reading an old Radio TV Mirror from 1959, I found out that her character's name was Carol Rich. I believe Mrs. Rich was a neighbor to the Karrs. I read about the neighbors in the 1950s EON synopses on the EON Homepage. Ms. Miner appeared in numerous radio soaps. Just a tidbit I wanted to share! The article also says that her co-star was an actor named Skip Homeier. If he played her husband, that character's name was Lee Rich.

  5. The security man, Sam Adams, looks familiar. Is that Richard Council , temp Hal Munson and Ari Triandos ATWT, PI Parker and Pete Walker, LOV, and Michael Blake, LOL? I think it is, anyone out there know?

    NBA and Carl, thanks for posting these awesome episodes. The cast at this time was great! Such a treat to watch!

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