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slick jones

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Posts posted by slick jones

  1. Watching the Lorie/Victor scenes, it would have been intriguing to see what could have happened had JLB just taken a hiatus rather than leaving the show. I think her Lorie would have been a real force for Nikki to reckon with. VM is also so subtle yet on point in her scenes. I do prefer McCook as far as acting in the Lance role, though Cole is better eye candy. I remember Cole from several appearances on Charlie's Angels.

  2. Yep, I believe she was Rev. Baxter's wife. I worked my way through what they have of Reed's columns, but they only have about 20 articles with casting information. I've seen Cissy, Sissy and Casey Muldoon in various sites around the web. That list is the majority of the blanks I have in my LOL cast list. Others are day player doctor types. While I know there are plenty of characters I've never heard of to include in my list, these are the ones I've tried to locate most often. If anyone has any more info, I'm grateful for any assistance. If anyone has any cast questions from LOL[or any show], if I have the information, I'll be glad to share it with you. You can PM me or just ask in the show's thread. I have substantial lists from many shows, even several radio shows.

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