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Posts posted by SoapDope

  1. Yes, Wings Hauser was totally wrong for the role of Greg Foster, on every level. I was aghast that they decided to bring HIM back, when the character returned for Liz Foster's death storyline. Egads! At the time he was originally cast, TPTB said that they wanted to recapture the similar look between the Foster brothers that had existed when William Gray Espy and James Houghton played the roles. I suppose the producers thought Hauser looked somewhat like David Hasselhoff. What an insult to the Hoff, LOL. Of all four Greg Fosters, Wings was by far the worst. Brian Kerwin was bland, but at least he wasn't actively repellent.


    Chris Brooks Foster, as played by Trish Stewart, is my favorite Y&R character of all time. I adored her from the very first episode, and was very impressed with her talent during her rape storyline. I was not prepared for Stewart to be replaced by ANYONE, and I already hated the idea of seeing a "fake" Chris before Topping even appeared on-screen. That being said, Topping was an acceptable actress and a lovely women. I just never warmed up to her as Chris. When the Brooks sisters all returned for Nikki's wedding to Victor in 1984, I was pleased to see Stewart reprise the role. Had Topping been cast in another part, I'm sure I would have been quite happy with her, but Trish Stewart is the only "real" Chris Brooks to me.


    I also never adjusted to Victoria Mallory as Leslie. Janice Lynde played Leslie Brooks as a fragile, doe-eyed heroine with deep passions raging just beneath the surface. Mallory came across as very charming, very self-possessed, but aloof, and without the depth or vulnerability that had made Leslie such a sympathetic character to begin with. Again, had she been cast in another role, I'm sure i would have found Mallory perfectly fine. She had charm to spare, and she sang like an angel. She was also gorgeous. But her interpretation of Leslie was so strikingly different than Lynde's, that I couldn't adjust to it. The editors of Rona Barret's Daytimers magazine wrote at the time that, "due to (Mallory's) colorless portrayal of the part", Leslie's importance in the story had dwindled, and the principle focus was now on Jaime Lyn Bauer's fiery Lorie.


    I enjoyed the Lucas/Leslie/Lance/Lorie story for the most part, although again, when Dennis Cole replaced John McCook as Lance, I hated it. Tom Ligon as Lucas was sexy as hell, and his character was such a good, supportive guy, I always thought Leslie was a moron for pining over Lance when she could have had his hunky brother. I'll bet Janice Lynde's Leslie would have been bright enough to choose Lucas, LOL!

    My Mom watched Y&R from the start too and she loved all the original actors especially William Gray Espy as Snapper.  When I was old enough to remember the show, Dennis Cole was playing Lance. I felt sorry for Lucas because both Brooks sisters obsessed over dull Lance. His mother Vanessa also favored Lance over him.


     I wonder if Victoria Mallory saw or heard those comments about her portrayal of Leslie ? It was interesting that years later she became friends with Janice Lynde.


    I don't really recall Howard McGillin as Greg, since I was so young at that time. Did his Greg interact with Nikki ?

  2. What an awkward actress. Watching Erica Hope, a newbie Melody Scott, Wings Hauser, and Patricia Everly in key roles certainly made sitting through Y&R at this time a chore.


    I know some have said that period of time was very strange and mostly enlivened by stuff like the Suzanne gaslighting. I wish some was around to watch so we could see. Bell seemed to always hit these patches and then come out the other side. 

    I am the first to acknowledge and celebrate Bell's genius and enormous contribution to the genre, but he did have some occasional dry patches as a writer; times when his material was hackneyed and cliche, and, well...pretty bad. The Suzanne Lynch story was not well written at all. I found it absurd, over-the-top, poorly acted (Ellen Weston was no great actress) and not well constructed. As I recall, Bell dropped the story quite suddenly, as if he had realized it was not working, and wanted to erase it from the canvas. To his credit, when a story was failing, Bell corrected course sooner rather than later.

    LOL.....I remember reading somewhere that Erica would blab storyline spoilers to magazines pissing Bell off. 


    What were they thinking when they hired Wings ? He's nasty. It seems that Bill Bell fell in love with the way Melody played Nikki and began to focus writing for her and didn't know what to do with Casey. It sounds like Casey was the focus early on.


    Wings Hauser was so creepy in the role. It was as if a degenerate drug dealer and pimp had suddenly taken over Greg Foster's body...and nobody in Genoa City dared say a word, LOL! Casey was a major focus early on. I loathed her. I hated the idea of her coming between Chris and Snapper Foster, and every time she would appear on-screen, I wished the character would just disappear. The more I think about it, the more I wonder how I sat through this time on Y&R, since it was (temporarily) marred by weak writing, and had so many actors on-screen whom I literally could not stand.

    In reading synopsis for the 1978-1981 period, it seemed Bells priority was the Leslie/Lorie/Lance/Lucas story. What did you think of the Chris Foster recast of Lynn Topping from Trish Stewart who originated the role ?


    I still can't believe someone agreed to cast Wings as Greg. Even in magazine photos it looks like he's come off a bender, went through the dirty clothes to see what smelled fresh to wear to take a photo. I remember seeing a short scene of him and Melody on the show and he had on a filthy gray athletic jacket without a shirt on and it was unzipped to his navel.

  3. Thanks for the answers. I wish more early 70's episodes would show up, especially Kim/Bob/Jennifer/John. I heard about how shocking it was when John raped Kim. I can't remember if it was Laura Horton on DOOL or Kim on ATWT that they showed a pearl necklace break and spill on the floor during the attack. 


  4. LOL.....I remember reading somewhere that Erica would blab storyline spoilers to magazines pissing Bell off. 


    What were they thinking when they hired Wings ? He's nasty. It seems that Bill Bell fell in love with the way Melody played Nikki and began to focus writing for her and didn't know what to do with Casey. It sounds like Casey was the focus early on.

  5. Liz was so pretty. She still looked great as she matured.


    I have been watching some of the 1979/1980 episodes again on youtube and had a question. Why was Tom Tammi let go as Tom ? I thought he was fine in the role. Deas was playing the part when I started remembering the show. I liked HBS and Greg Marx as Tom & Margo.


    Tom got younger as time went on and his history went out the door and the marriages to Carol & Natalie were buried by the time the 80's rolled around.


    I remember CZP being interviewed in SOD back in the 90's and she said Deas was her Tom and Colin was her Margo. Which is strange since her first pairing with Tom was Tammi's version.

  6. Thanks for the classic Y&R article. It's strange seeing Erica Hope as Nikki. I wonder if she had been fired from the show when that hit the stands ? Melody started playing Nikki in February 1979. Erica only had the role for about 6 months.

    Wings was so gross and miscast as Greg.  I think Tom Tammi who played Tom on ATWT around this time might have made a good recast as Greg or Snapper.

  7. Reading old synopses about the introduction of Melinda Grey in August 77. TPTB obviously wanted a new young character on the show and tied her to Kim,Bob etc by making her Jennifer Hughes' long lost daughter.

    I wonder why they went to all the trouble of creating Melinda when Jennifer's daughter Barbara already existed? She was in the same age range and had been off the canvas for years after a short time onscreen.So her personality could have been shaped to that of Melinda.

    Also,that brings up some questions.

    If Barbara and Melinda were around the same age,what were the circumstances of Melinda's conception? Who was her father? Shortly after giving up Melinda did she marry Chuck Ryan and get pregnant with Barbara?

    How was it explained that Barbara never visited her mom when she was sick and died? Was this dealt with when Barbara finally arrived in Oakdale in late 78?

    Those are very good questions. I also wonder why they never had Kim have a child by her first husband Jason Reynolds who had died before she arrived on screen.




  8. I wish Marie Masters could see that and comment. I hope someone out there unearths some more vintage material from the late 60's or early 70's, especially Kim/Bob/Jennifer.


    I know it was common practice then, but it is so sad that P&G wiped their vintage material. I wonder if the episodes when broadcast new, ever had a "muddy" appearance to them since they kept reusing tape ? I read that Johnny Carson's show looked that way then because of that practice. Kind of like a VCR tape degraded over time with re-recording. They said Johnny wanted to pull some stuff one time and was told what had been done to the early footage and went ape crap.

  9. Strange to see little Wednesday Addams grown up and playing Cricket. Speaking of porny, Lisa Loring (Cricket) married 4 times and one of her husbands was a porn actor. Lisa was 15 when she married her first husband, had a child at 16, and divorced at 17. Her second husband was Doug Stevenson from Search For Tomorrow.

  10. It's always interesting to get info on the first airdates for actors. I remember reading years ago that Melody Thomas Scotts first airdate as Nikki was February 16, 1979. So I wonder when Erica Hope last aired ?

    Kay Alden's interview with the Archive Of American Television she said something about the actress they first hired for Nikki didn't bother to show up for work one day. I don't know if she was referring to Erica or if they had hired someone before her that didn't make it to air. I have also read stories of how Bill Bell wasn't happy with Erica and she would leak storyline info to the soap press. I think Melody was being considered to play Ben's wife on The Waltons, but was asked to audition for Y&R. I saw Melody's screen test with Beau Kayzer (Brock). Ed Scott said he knew she was going to be their Nikki.

  11. I remember someone posted on a message board that Aaron Spelling seemed to be obsessed with Deborah Adair. He put her in Dynasty and when that failed, he put her in Finders Of Lost Loves. He then had her guest in multiple episodes of Hotel, Love Boat and Matt Houston. Later he cast her in Melrose Place.

  12. I remember reading that during the Stu/Jill marriage in 1979, Jill decided they would have Greg and Nikki's wedding the Brooks home so she could rub her marriage to Stu in her mother Liz's face. Stu & Liz were in love, but Jill seduced him and faked pregnancy to trap him into marriage so she would have financial security.

    I wish the complete Greg & Nikki wedding episode would surface. I have seen clips of it and the reception where everyone is drinking champagne. I wonder what everyone thought when Nikki walked down the stairs in that white wedding gown that Chris loaned her ? I bet they could hardly keep a straight face. Nikki wore white again for her Victor's 1984 nuptials.....LOL

  13. Making Jill adopted also took away Jill's sentimental reason for naming Billy (William Foster Abbott) after her late father William Foster.


    Another huge screw up was forcing viewers to accept Steve Burton by making his character Paul & Nikki's son in a history rewrite. Nikki was married to Greg Foster when she joined the cult and there is no way she could have had a child. They probably think the people watching back then no longer do or are dead/senile.

  14. Julia Newman was a character they wasted. I don't know why they didn't pair her with Matt or Jack at some point. She had a daughter with Eric Garrison.


    Michael Crawford was another character that dropped off the canvas without explanation.


  15. That 1982 upload was awesome to look at. Is there more ? It puts todays Y&R to shame. I was a small kid at that time and remember bits of these storylines. Allison Bancroft was a piece of work. Nikki treated poor Kevin like crap and pined for old prune face. I always wished that Kevin would come back and reveal since DNA test were not around at that time that the blood test performed was botched and he was really the father of Victoria. The scenes with Leslie, Lance, and Brooks was touching. I felt sorry for Lucas having the boy he felt was like his own son being ripped from him and loving Lorie who only had eyes for his brother.


    Here is a current photo and page for Christopher Holder who played Kevin. He teaches acting. http://christopherholder.net/contact.html

    Nikki and Victor fans would revolt. I'd die of laughter at first b/c it'd mean Victor being brokenhearted, but I'd later cry b/c the writers would have a field day with this and turn Nikki back onto the bottle for the 1000th time, which is so used to death. Plus, EB would probably have a heart attack over this story and wanna fight it tooth and nail.


    The Nikki/Victor fans and Braeden reactions are really the absolute least important reasons why that would never work, and they're still pretty big reasons why to avoid something like this. I could give several reasons why it would be disastrous but I don't want SoapDope to feel I'm attacking their idea, so I'll leave it at that!



    I don't feel you are attacking my idea. You have the right to your opinion. I guess I am tired of Victor always getting his way and maybe losing his oldest daughter would destroy him a bit. I can understand the other side of it too. I saw Nikki and Victor unfold over the years and it would mess up history of the show, like they did with Jill not being a Foster and countless other bad writing choices.


  16. I agree. Liz should have been on as support to Jill and friend to Katherine and always trying to mediate between the two.

    I proposed at one stage that the John Silva character could have been Greg-go to lawyer and romantic option for Nina etc as played on screen.

    That would have been awesome. Imagine Jill going ape crap over her brother Greg sleeping with Nina.

  17. That 1982 upload was awesome to look at. Is there more ? It puts todays Y&R to shame. I was a small kid at that time and remember bits of these storylines. Allison Bancroft was a piece of work. Nikki treated poor Kevin like crap and pined for old prune face. I always wished that Kevin would come back and reveal since DNA test were not around at that time that the blood test performed was botched and he was really the father of Victoria. The scenes with Leslie, Lance, and Brooks was touching. I felt sorry for Lucas having the boy he felt was like his own son being ripped from him and loving Lorie who only had eyes for his brother.


    Here is a current photo and page for Christopher Holder who played Kevin. He teaches acting. http://christopherholder.net/contact.html

    Thanks!! :) I'm glad I was able to get those scenes.....I gotta tell you as much as I think the late 80's/90's were the most well rounded of Y&R's history, everytime I see this stuff I wanna see more as I think the early 80's had some good stuff too! and I do have some more to post including some more clips of Deborah Adair Jill! :)


    Great. I hope to see them. I wish they had kept some of the Fosters/Brooks/Prentiss on after 1982. Jill was kept because she and Katherine's feud was the core of the show.  Stuart disappeared in 1984 and Liz only appeared now and then till she was gone.


    The photo of Roberta Leighton and Melody is nice, but RL has clearly had some bad plastic surgery.

  18. That 1982 upload was awesome to look at. Is there more ? It puts todays Y&R to shame. I was a small kid at that time and remember bits of these storylines. Allison Bancroft was a piece of work. Nikki treated poor Kevin like crap and pined for old prune face. I always wished that Kevin would come back and reveal since DNA test were not around at that time that the blood test performed was botched and he was really the father of Victoria. The scenes with Leslie, Lance, and Brooks was touching. I felt sorry for Lucas having the boy he felt was like his own son being ripped from him and loving Lorie who only had eyes for his brother.


    Here is a current photo and page for Christopher Holder who played Kevin. He teaches acting. http://christopherholder.net/contact.html

  19. Bill actually had big plans for Casey & Brock but BK & RL leaving Y&R caused major rewrites.


    Did it affect other characters they were going to have story with, or was their part in the story given to someone else?


    I wish I could see more of that era, especially Casey and Lucas.

    I read that Brock was supposed to of been the one Victor locked in the basement instead of Michael Scott. Julia was going to be the love of Brock's life, but Beau left the show shortly after Y&R expanded to an hour because he had signed on to do a half hour and didn't want to commit. All the actors who had signed on before the expansion had voided contracts. Brenda Dickson and John McCook also left in 1980.

    THANK YOU YRfan23 for the classic 1982 upload.

  20. Brian Kerwin and Howard McGillian went on to become bigger stars than Wings Hauser ever was and Hauser wants to talk [!@#$%^&*]? Even Houghton is better known to Y&R fans! 


    Roberta Leighton was so underused in her run ultimately and went the way of Matt Miller. To which both characters should have been uses a whole lot more but ended up being footnotes.  


    It's almost hard to to see that David Hasselhoff and William Grey Espy played the same role sometimes. I know Espy is best known for his AW role but it was still was nice to see him return in 2003 

    I agree. When I saw pictures of Howard McGillian, it looks like they wanted Greg to return to looking like Houghton's version. I wonder if Y&R considered asking Espy back in 1982 or since Hasselhoff was by then so associated with the role they didn't even bother ? 



    Wings said in a blurb that soaps were "Hair Shows" and that actors who talked about how hard the work is was pretty much full of crap. He also said something about he only got to go shirtless a few times on Y&R and figured the producers etc...did not like what they seen......LOL



    Casey, Brock, Matt, and Peggy seemed to be characters Bill Bell didn't quite know what to do with them and they faded in and out.

  21. I agree about David. He is considered a hammy actor much like Ted McGinley. It would be nice to see Roberta Leighton as Casey again. I saw a Q&A from a few years ago with Melody Thomas Scott and Roberta stood up and asked why doesn't Nikki call her sister surprising her. MTS said she was close to RL like real sisters when they were on the show together. Somewhere I have a photo of them together from around 1979 and they had the Farrah hair going on.


    Wings Hauser was always creepy in everything he played in. James Houghton and MTS would have made a stunning looking couple if they had worked together. Tom Tammi who played Tom on ATWT briefly 1979-1980 might have been a good recast as Greg or Snapper.

  22. It might just be me, but David doesn't come off well in that interview. He pretty much says he's just sticking with crap like Y&R till something else better comes along he feels is worthy of his talent. He has always been a mediocre actor and should be thanking Bill Bell everyday for giving him a career. His return to the show a few years ago was a joke. I can imagine what that 1979 album sounds like.

    He and Wings Hauser were miscast  as the Foster brothers. Maybe Greg would have had more of a shelf life if James Houghton had stuck around to be paired with Melody Thomas Scott. Wings also speaks ill of Y&R.



  23. I remember Kay Alden saying at the time that Bill Bell made the decision to drop Danny,which she wasn't totally on board with. She hoped to use him in some kind of music storyline with Callie. This was in an article about Bell handing over the reigns and how that was working in practice. 

    I'd agree with Bell on that one, given Danny was pretty unpopular with viewers at the time and apparently throwing him at Christine was the only thing they could think of to sustain him. Phyllis had at least given Danny extra shelf life, but Paul and Christine went back to the summer of '93 and pretty much made their footnote in Y&R history between Paul saving Christine from Michael and them saving Margret and Miles by working together and later saving April. What made it so bad was that Katherine even appeared out of the black hole she was in at the time to advise Danny to reclaim Christine. I can't imagine what kind of "music storyline with Callie" Alden had planned with Callie and Danny except it would have had to have been very boring had it played out. 

    I wonder how well the Callie character would have taken off if Michelle Thomas hadn't passed away and gotten to play the role for a long run ? I was not impressed with Callie # 2.

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