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Posts posted by SoapDope

  1. I hate the way Steve keeps defending Mona and her treatment of Carolee. Mona clearly thinks Carolee is beneath them in social class and is calling Ann on the phone. She's lucky Carolee doesn't go ape crap and catch her napping and give her an injection or hold a pillow over her freaking face. 

  2. I get frustrated trying to find anything pre mid 80's for Y&R. Somebody out there who could afford to of had a VCR/Betamax recorder during the1977-1983 time frame had to of taped Y&R. Not everyone was watching ABC/NBC daytime.

  3. I remember several years ago on the defunct media domain Y&R board, there was a poster there who would talk about past stories. The way their posts were, it sounded as if they had vintage 70's episodes on tape and would write detailed accounts of what was happening onscreen. A lot of people would question them about having episodes, but they would never reply. 

  4. I just saw the episode where Billy lets it slip to Mona that Steve was accused and locked up for the death of his father and she has a heart attack. I can't wait to see the follow up episode.


    Cathy is so gross walking around with that dead fetus inside of her. Dr. DeSales is an interesting character. I wonder if he becomes a major player beyond the Cathy story ?

  5. I decided to start a thread for this drama, even though it might not be considered a soap. I was looking at the first season a few weeks ago and always wondered why they replaced Elayne Heilveil in the role of Nancy ? I thought she was fine, especially in the Pilot. I have read Elayne was fired because they thought she wasn't coming across the way they had hoped, then also someone claimed she didn't want to sign on for a weekly series. There was another actress recast in the role, but when they hired Meredith Baxter, she had to go back a retape scenes. Cheryl Ladd also was being considered, but I don't think she filmed anything. Aaron Spelling kept her in mind and then cast her on Charlie's Angels when Farrah left in 1977. 


    I think Brianne Leary from Chips looked similar to Elayne Heilveil and wonder what she would have been like as Nancy. I think she is younger than EH. Brianne is on the right.


    1e.jpg   brianne-leary-13.jpg

  6. Looking at these recently uploaded episodes of 1984-1986, They should have renamed it The Matt Ashford Show. Interesting to see Kevin Conroy here playing Chase. Now days he is only known for the voice of Batman by the majority of the public. His onscreen acting career is now pretty much forgotten. Right after he left SFT he did the stint as Bart on Dynasty that went nowhere. 

  7. I never understood why Colby was let go on Y&R in the early 90's. He had a lot of potential as a leading man and could have been paired with several of the ladies. The same with killing off Rod Arrants as Steve. Steve could have paired up with Nikki when Victor married Ashley.

  8. My earliest GL memories are from about 1980/81. I was excited see the two re-uploaded 1977 shows. The one with the Spaldings staying with Jackie was not long after their arrival in Springfield. I wish someone had the episode of their first airdate. I say most of the 70's episodes are long gone. I have only seen the 1973 episode about Papa Bauer's funeral and the two 1977 episodes prior to 1979 in circulation. 

    Yes, most of the 1970's are long gone, but not all, as there are a few random episodes around. In fact, Roger Newcomb found two GL episodes from 1976 that he never had a chance to get released via Soap Classics, along with a Bauer compilation video that likely included various scenes from the 1970's. I'm guessing Roger would have found some more if given more time. Some episodes from 1973 exist at UCLA, but they are not even allowed to be viewed. There are clips that have surfaced on YouTube over the years (one from 1975 as Mike Bauer confronts Hope's college professor, etc.). I wish that the German GL sets would have continued (which would have gotten us through the rest of 1979, but I guess there were either low sales or P & G put a stop to them).

    I would love to see those. I know Maureen Garrett started playing Holly in 1976. I would like to see Lynn Deerfields version of Holly onscreen. Maureen said Lynn would come to the set after she assumed the role and stand by the camera. Lynn did a interview years ago in SOD and she joked that when she was on the show " She was married to Ed and wore polyester. There is a short 1976 Roger and Peggy scene on youtube.  


    Yes UCLA does have a vast collection of rare soap episodes. Now that you remind me. They also have some early 70's ATWT. I wish the people at UCLA would get off their butts and start making that stuff available to be viewed. I also wish someone would get in touch with the right people at CBS and dig out 70's/early 80's Y&R. 

  9. My earliest GL memories are from about 1980/81. I was excited see the two re-uploaded 1977 shows. The one with the Spaldings staying with Jackie was not long after their arrival in Springfield. I wish someone had the episode of their first airdate. I say most of the 70's episodes are long gone. I have only seen the 1973 episode about Papa Bauer's funeral and the two 1977 episodes prior to 1979 in circulation. 

  10. I've been going back and watching some classic GL episodes on youtube. I wonder why they never brought back Hope Bauer Spalding, Lainie Marler, Justin Marler, Elizabeth Spalding in later years. The Elizabeth and Alan confrontations were awesome. Chris Bernau was my favorite Alan. He died when I was 11. 

  11. I was watching some scenes between William Gray Espy and Matt Crane and it struck how much Matt looks like he could have played the son of Espy's version of Snapper Foster and Trish Stewart's version of Chris Brooks on Y&R. I know Snapper & Chris had a daughter, but they could always write in they had a son as well. 

    c19e55001c1b22b62403bd0aaec0b879.jpg Image result for william gray espy and trish stewart

  12. I never understood why they got rid of Quint and Nola. They were a super couple 1981-1983, then by the time they left they did that stupid Nola Aerobics storyline. I guess when the Lewis family and Reva arrived, Vanessa was pulled in that direction and Nola didn't have her sparring partner.

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