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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. 4 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Ooh, I'm unaware of her story. I'll have to look it up.

    There is a great movie on her... with Jessica Lang in the lead. I think she got an Oscar nomination.

    Her life reminds me of Britney Spears. Scary disturbing movie. 


  2. The stress of work got to me... and lately I've been eating horribly. I don't overeat or anything, but I've been choosing foods like bread with chocolate for lunch in a hurry and things like that... and I feel soooo no okay. I am a very health-oriented eater and I eat salad and fruit every day in huge quantities. 

    I need to reset with some salads and some strawberries. No more slices of bread with nutella for me! 


  3. 14 hours ago, j swift said:

    I'll say in general, my biggest writing grievance on soaps is when characters telegraph their inner thoughts so obviously toward the audience, but their scene partners completely miss the cue.  For example, when two characters hug, but one is mugging menacingly toward the camera.  IRL, you'd know if you were hugging someone, and they were making faces behind your back.  Or they write for a character to arch their brow whenever their beloved mentions their fraudulence, yet it flies totally under the radar in the room.

    Or I was recently re-watching the classic DAYS scene when Bo saves Hope from marrying Larry.  It was fun, but are you going to tell me that not only could Howie Hofstetter fit into Hope's dress, but her entire family couldn't tell it wasn't her under the veil?


    It just makes everyone seem like an idiot that they can't read nonverbal cues that would be clear to a total stranger.  And it is a device that is used far too often by hack writers who don't believe that the fans can infer a character's motivation if it is not made crystal clear.  I sometimes swear cartoons are written with more subtlety.  

    But, perhaps even worse, is when a soap that is written as totally silly fluff, suddenly tries to be socially conscious.  For example, you can't have characters return from the dead, and then suddenly try to tell a serious disease story with the same person.  Like when Reva was valiantly struggling with cancer, despite knowing doctors who could clone her and help her return from the dead.  Or why should I care if Mayor Paulina on DAYS has thyroid cancer, if her DA lives with a mad scientist that can perform heart transplants three years after a person dies.  I hate when they try to have it both ways.

    I agree with 99.9 percent of this. This, what you described... are some of the most off-putting techniques writers... sadly still use. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, DemetriKane said:

    Okay, good catch.

    I already have it in original Blue Ray, it's one of my favorite movies of all time. I searched it for you on youtube. I hope you like it. 

  5. Friday

    Steffy looked HOT. Kinda retro, giving me Hunter Tylo 1991 vibes. Even thought it wasn't perfect - the hairdresser needs some help... I am not loving the hairstyles in this show - but yes, I loved the vibe and the idea of the look.

    So Hope going there to ask Finn to go to Sheila's wedding - did Hope forget that Sheila tried to kill Brooke MULTIPLE times. 

    1. She wanted to poison Brooke in 1992, she even planned to do it and was holding a needle in her hand.

    2.She wanted to push Brooke from the balcony, but someone rang at the door.

    Okay... these couple of times nobody, except us and Sheila, knew about this...


    In 1996 Sheila held Brooke at gunpoint and wanted to kill the entire family. Brooke included.

    In 2002 Sheila shot and nearly killed Brooke - and Taylor DIED, running to save Brooke. Most people forget that Sheila first tried to shoot Brooke and Taylor ran to stop her. It was Brooke that came out the door and triggered Sheila.

    In 2003 Sheila once again held Brooke at gunpoint.

    So... someone tries to kill your mother multiple times and you act like it's surprising you and her son can't go to the wedding... HM... What is Hope thinking? Annika is amazing, but... I am not liking this new Hope that Bradley is trying to stitch from nothing... This is not the Hope I've seen for now... 14 years. Not the same character. 

    Everything in this show is subject to change when it works for the storyline - characters don't matter and their archetype or past history is completely ignored just to serve the new plot. Lazy.



  6. 11 hours ago, dragonflies said:

     If KB weren't besties with Brad, Casey, KKL, and if they didn't like SC, their character's would be gone.

    It's what's killing this show, one reason at least 


    Ok, so this here is the rhetoric and attitude of some soap fans (thank God a minority) all around the internet that I find the most toxic and disturbing. The sheer audacity to blame people like KKL...  for another actress, and actor  characters still being on the show... On the basis you think they are "besties" is just out of this world wrong. This is level 1 of social manipulation and trying to pit people against other people who have done nothing wrong. 

    How is KKL being friendly with someone a reason for Sheila to be on the show exactly? Or Liam? Do you even hear what you are writing? This exact same type of thinking and gossiping about a person's Personal choices and then connecting it to their professional life just to fit your narrative... is that same way of operating that got people sent in camps and prisons in communist regimes. People used to die because of people writing reports like that about them. Know that.

    KKL being friendly with Anybody has nothing to do with Sheila being on. Or Liam being on.

    For example... Liberty Biberty aka the world's most wooden actoooor (and notice me commenting only on acting ability and talent and never on his personal life choices)is not friendly with KKL but he has 100 percent more episodes than Sheila or even Liam and he is on all the time. All the time. How do you explain this? Is he besties with Santa Claus?

    So yes, you pushing these deragotary statements about KKL after calling her a Pet on other instances and trying to do this multiple times... Is really mind-blowing.

    I bet if it rains today... KKL may be to be blame too. Cuz why not. It's the internet, you can say whatever you want, right? 

    I have to say this since some innocent naive person may read what you wrote and think it's the truth.Otherwise at this point I am used to you and don't care about what you think. I also don't argue with people who never accept anything than their own agenda.

    I am just stating this for the record and for anyone else. 🙂

    Also this is said and done for me. I am not going to be commenting more on this subject. I just can't stand by lies and insinuations.


  7. Just now, SteelCity said:

    Too bad Shauna has disappeared completely. She was so good against Brooke. Of course they can't be forced to write outside the core! I really did like and thought she brought a fun bitchiness to the show.

    I LOOOOVED Shauna... it was the last time the show worked for me. Really the last time. It could have been epic if she had succeeded in destroying Brooke's life. And so fun.

  8. 2 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    James Reilly created Passions for the middle schoolers and high schoolers that were too young to watch his run on Days. Notice the NBC run was 8 years. A 12 year old in 1999 would be 20 in 2007, so the NBC run covers their whole teen years.

    I did love it when I was a kid. But... thank god I grew up. 😂

  9. People who can't control their tone of voice and start yelling at me, have no place in my life. One time yelling at me is enough for me to never ever see you again. Then they act surprised when I'm gone. I have 0 tolerance for aggression. 

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