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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. 1 minute ago, DRW50 said:


    This happens over and over in New Jersey. The media really wants those flips (that's one of the reason they loved Chris Christie so much) so they overhype these races every time. 


    I'm surprised that people were surprised.  I always believed that Menendez would keep his seat (*shrugs*).

  2. I wish that people had paid more attention to voter suppression before we got to this point.  It has been a consistent problem, particularly in areas with a large African American population. 

    If this had been more of a talking point when talking about 2016 battleground states, perhaps we wouldn't be seeing what we're witnessing in Georgia right now. 

    Perhaps Kemp wouldn't have managed to keep his position as Secretary of the state of GA while simultaneously running for one of the state's most prominent positions.

  3. Neither rain, nor wind, nor darkness of overcast skies, kept me from my appointed mission today- I Voted!:)  Actually I went this morning so I voted as the first light drops began to fall.  I was outta there and back at my desk when the heavy rains started to come down.

    Since I went at an off-peak time, my polling station wasn't crowded but it did have a consistent flow of people in an out, which will likely change after 3 p.m.  I'm hearing reports of long lines from friends who live in larger cities though.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I think Anderson has become slightly more dynamic in the past year or so IMO, but I agree that I don’t like to watch “ace, move to the left, ace, move to the right” and poor return games. It’s not fun. They can both be so dangerous, of course.


    For me, it's not even about that specifically.  Isner's game is utterly predictable.  If a player can successfully manage the trajectory of the ball coming down from his ball-strike (especially on serve), they can manage his game.  The variety is almost completely non-existent.  It's usually a question of whether his opponent can manage the high bounces coming off his ball-striking. His movement is not as lumbering as it used to be but a crisp shot-maker and a very clean hitter of the ball who can find a target with accuracy and hit the ball right past or behind him pretty consistently. He causes discomfort to some players, mainly because of the trajectory of the ball coming off his serves but a good portion of the Tour is fine with playing him.


    To a certain extent, you're right about Anderson.  He has shown more variety in his game by adding a bigger arsenal of shots to his game (which is what any player would want to keep opponents off-kilter) but for me, in terms of the sheer entertainment factor, I find Anderson to be lacking. 

    It still depends on his opponent, whether I stay attentive or completely zone out in his matches.  He alone, under his own power, cannot keep me interested in watching his matches.

  5. Trump hates black people yet he cannot resist using aspects of our culture, including our music to try to boost his appeal. And according to his calculation, Rihanna would hail from one of those sh*thole countries he can't stop railing about. Hmph.  I hope Rihanna and Pharrell sue his ass off.


    Interesting stat presented here.


  6. Hollywood is no different from any other industry in America where abuses happen daily but fail to get attention.



    But since the thread does highlight Hollywood and speaking of Gayle King (who I knew was a TV news anchor before I learned she was Oprah's friend), this is a snippet of an interview with Mira Sorvino this morning.


  7. 3 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I'm like what mother names her son Karen....LOLOLOL....Isn't Agassi Armenian too? 


    And Lawd Karen's uncle is hot....LOL...the one Sascha was complaining about....LOL. I see where Karen gets his good looks. 


    It's more likely that his father named him since his father is Armenian. Yes, Agassi is ethnically Armenian, though his father was from Iran.

    I don't know if you remember the tennis player Sargis Sargsian (he's friends with Andre) who retired sometime ago but he is also Armenian. 

    Not for nothing but Serena's husband is Armenian-American too.

  8. Wow, Karen Khachanov bullied that baseline today, lol!  Of the GenerationNex group, his volleys are a cut above the rest, from what I've seen.


    Even if Nolé is fatigued, he's beaten people looking much worse than he did today, so Karen still had to go out there and take the match and congrats to him!

  9. 2 hours ago, slick jones said:

    I wish they were, after seeing Patrick Horgan on The Doctors, I enjoy seeing anything he appears in.


    Both Horgan and Rosemary Prinz could have made multiple appearances right up to the series finale.  Missed opportunities, for sure.



    Some months ago, I was revisiting a classic ATWT from 1986 and saw a scene where Frannie Hughes and Casey Perretti were returning from a date and just as Casey was moving in to kiss Frannie a wail came from inside--it was from baby Christopher Hughes.  The crying disrupted the moment.  

    In a half-joking, half-complaining tone, Casey laments the unfortunate timing of "Vinne Boombatz". :lol:


    I had no idea what Casey was referring to so I began to try to find out.  Initially, I had misspelled the name and got no answers and forgot all about it.  Today, something jarred my memory and I decided to search again and for some reason, I found who I think Casey was referring to.


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