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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 30 minutes ago, te. said:

    Falcon Crest was a hit in parts of Europe, while Dynasty and Knots floundered. Just saying that it clearly had its own appeal.

    Here in Sweden for example. Falcon Crest was very popular here, even matching Dallas, and it has been re-run several times.

    Dynasty on the other hand ended after season three, and had to wait almost 10 years after that to air in its entirety, and then only in a daytime slot, while Knots Landing has, as far as I know, never aired in full here.

  2. 14 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    The Golden Girls episode that hit #2 was when Sophia sister visits for her birthday party.

    I loved when she came to visit, and the curses Sophia and Angela would exchange.   :lol:

    "May you put your dentures in upside down and chew your head off!"

    "May the bags under your eyes grow so large your head falls in them!"

    "May you take a diuretic and not be able to get your pantyhose off!"

    and the one Sophia reacted to most:

    "May your marinarasauce never cling to your pasta!"

  3. 5 hours ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    Paige (Meena) gave her Top 5 Meena moments. She even said that this is the end for her as Meena and that some of us are happy about it !

    I feel sorry for the actress that the audience got her so much backlash 

    That's ridiculous. I can't understand why people still can't separate actor from character....  :rolleyes:

    I mean, heaven knows that I loathe and despise any and all Dingles on this show. But I would never let those feelings spill over from the characters to the actors playing the Dingles. For all I know they could be the most lovely people. But I'm not interested in them. It's the characters I care (or don't care) about.

  4. I agree with the ban too. It's easy to say that politics and sports should be kept apart, but the truth is that it doesn't work that way. Sports has been used for political purposes for ages. It's a source of national pride and a way to foster a sense of national unity.

    Yes, it may be hard and unfair for the individual athletes, but every time someone uses that as an argument I think of the Ukrainian people. They're the ones who deserve our sympathy. Not Russian and Belorussian athletes. And if a ban can shorten the war in any way then it's worth it.

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