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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 1 hour ago, Wendy said:

    And a stark reminder of just why Democrats keep over-performing in elections: The Christo-Fascist right-wing Texas Supreme Court - at the urging of criminal Texas AG Ken Paxton - has blocked the ruling of a lower court judge who allowed a Texas woman, carrying a fetus with Trisomy-18 and certain to die, an abortion.

    And doctors have stated if this is not done, the woman could lose infertility, face sepsis, and worse.

    Instead, a criminal AG and the Texas Taliban are in control. (The stay is "temporary", with "no regards to the merits of the case", meaning this is ongoing, but no time line was given for when the stay would be revisited, and the woman is already 20 weeks along.)

    In the end? THIS is what is driving voting turnout, and the media is frantic to try to shrug off abortion because Dump means money.

    But so far, it's not working. And may that continue. And may this story above keep in the headlines to remind so many just what is at stake if the GQP and/or Trump prevails again.

    I read about that case, and it makes me sick.

    We're not at that point here, yet. But we're on our way. The far-right is on the rise all over Europe, and even though I don't think the abortion issue has taken any prominent place in the political discourse it's there in the background and anyone who thinks otherwise is sadly mistaken. Here the major talking points are xenophobia and the increasing racism we're seeing.

  2. 22 hours ago, janea4old said:

    Thorne also says in this Dec. 5 phonecall with Ridge that Kristen, Felicia, and Rick are all on safari and there’s no way they will get to LA today.

    I could buy that excuse in 1991 when Marian Wilks missed her father's death and funeral on "Emmerdale", but not in 2023.

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