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I Am A Swede

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Posts posted by I Am A Swede

  1. 3 hours ago, Khan said:

    If I were a betting person, I would bet that Bradley Bell already has Krista's replacement lined up.  It could be Hunter Tylo again, it could be his sister in a cheap wig from the Vivica A. Fox collection, it could be someone entirely different.  But - mark my words - she's waiting in the wings.

    That would really be like playing with fire, and not only because of the way Krista's departure has been handled. To re-cast a role, especially a long-time role like Taylor, is always a gamble. They got lucky this time with Krista, who seems to have been accepted and well liked by most of the audience. To try it again, for really no apparent reason, could easily backfire on the show, and with the circumstances the way they are, I'd say the risk of that is big. Unless the possible replacement is Hunter Tylo, but that doesn't seem very likely.....

  2. 1 hour ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I know that at least one article said that they offered her recurring & she declined. (The same was said about or by Rena with the same result.) I did not read anything about "3 lines" etc. I wonder if recurring status means something different at B&B than it does at either DAYS or GH. Plenty of people work on a recurring basis & always have. There's no question, though, that going from contract to recurring is in fact a demotion. 


    I would say it probably does. On B&B it's usually the first step out the door and into oblivion.

  3. 4 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    💯 It was a shift that was needed to keep the soap alive, due to poor ratings. The introduction of Jeanne Cooper's Katherine Chancellor changed everything. Once the show expanded from half-hour to one-hour, [most] of the deals for actors forbid them from acting that full hour, so it meant William J. Bell had to re-develop things, and it brought forth the Abbott and Newman families, and they slowly transitioned out the Brooks and Foster families, due to their success.

    I was under the impression that she was on from the very first year of the show?


  4. 11 hours ago, Toups said:

    Every artist/entertainment entity, big or small, have obsessed fans.  We just see it more now because of social media.  Before, they were writing letters, now they're using their phones. 

    This is so true. Social media is positive in many ways, but there's a dark side to it and unfortunately that dark side seems to be growing.

  5. 7 hours ago, Juliajms2 said:

    Is immigration a topic that can be addressed rationally in Europe or is it polarized like it is here in the US? Here it seems to be a zero sum argument, which is one of these reasons we seem unable to make the immigration system work better. 

    I can't really speak for the rest of Europe, but here in Sweden we're definitely on our way to becoming as polarized as the US. And frankly it scares me. We've had high political figures make statements that wouldn't have seemed out of place in Nazi-Germany.  :ph34r:

  6. 6 hours ago, OpportunisticSlut said:

    I am disgusted by the way the mob mentality fans are attacking KKL on twitter and instagram about Krista leaving. So much hate on an actress THAT IS NOT A WRITER or producer. Why do people always attack other women, when it is obvious that a man is at fault here. KKL is not God. Why is she always attacked on social media? The only think I would have loved to see from KKL is for her to wish Krista good luck. They seemed like besties months ago and even did video interview together.

    Yes, I don't know their relationship and KKL has free will and can do whatever she wants, but it would have been nice. Even so, KKL shouldn't be attacked on twitter.


    NOBODY wishing Krista good luck on the other hand... is fishy and creepy. Guys, this was your colleague a month ago... you posed with her on photos... why the complete silence? Isn't there at least 1 person that has compassion for Krista? I am so disappointed in human nature in situations like these. Everyone tries to save their own ass. People walk on corpses if their money or future is concerned. 

    Maybe they did it in private? Not everything has to be put on display for the whole world to see.

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