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Posts posted by MissLlanviewPA

  1. 3 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I thought they were very insightful and some good people could possibly emerge as the new chair head.


    I agree. For the record, my top 4 choices are:


    1. Tom Perez

    2. Pete Buttigieg

    3. Jaime Harrison

    4. Keith Ellison



    I LOVED seven year old Toby speaking to Tom Cotton. My parents grew up in Northwest Arkansas, so needless to say, I'm quite proud of those roots right now. :) 

  2. 9 hours ago, Khan said:

    You know, it really sucks to live in Oklahoma, because no matter how much you complain to the elected representatives -- the ones who are elected to represent our interests and act on our behalf -- you are smacked in the face with two, incontrovertible facts: 1) they never listen to their constituents, no matter what; and 2) they keep getting re-elected, no matter how hard a fight the opposing party (in our case, the Democrats) puts up.  I like seeing all protest marches that have occurred here since Trump took office, but I also know it's all falling on deaf ears and closed minds and that Oklahomans, for one, essentially have no one -- not our governor, not our representatives at the state legislature or on Capitol Hill -- to really turn to.


    Furthermore, you get the feeling that Oklahomans aren't entirely set in their ways -- how else do you explain a Democrat such as Brad Henry winning the gubernatorial race once upon a time? -- and that not all our views on issues fall in line with the conservative agenda.  But you also get the feeling that, when it comes time to vote, they just shrug and vote Republican anyway, for reasons I just don't understand.  (Is it laziness?  Is it ignorance (like, maybe they don't KNOW people like Jim Inhofe aren't running unopposed)?  Is it both?  Is it something else entirely?  Who knows?)


    Anyways.  Like I said, the CPB is probably dead, and so, too, is public television here in Oklahoma.  There's no way our local PBS affiliates can survive without that grant money.


    It's a shame David Boren retired when he did (not that I blame him for wanting to), because you guys lost a truly great public servant when that happened. 


    And for years, despite Republican dominance in OK since at least the Great Depression, there was until about 5-10 years ago an advantage for the Democrats in terms of voter registration--I guess because of older voters who were too lazy to go to the DMV and change it to Republican? 

    8 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    @Khan At least with PBS, you can watch most of their programs on their website and it you watch before the expiration date, you can watch for free.


    There's a famous country/bluegrass music show called Mountain Stage--produced by West Virginia Public Broadcasting--that's in danger of losing funding (I think that might have been the Appalachian program you had mentioned a few days before?), except bizarrely, some of that is actually coming from newly elected WV Governor Jim Justice--a Democrat (but also a billionaire, one of the few in his state).


    And WV can use all the positive representation it can get nowadays. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I don't care for him either, TBH. It's probably true that you shouldn't learn too much about a public figure's personal life but since then, he's always come off as smarmy and sleezy to me.


    I read that one of his scheduled guests cancelled because he felt it was a waste of time to debate Yannopoulis and having him on the show was a simple ratings grab.

    People went in on Trevor Noah for having Lahren on his show. How is this any different?


    I think Jeremy Scahill went after Bill having Milo on his show in part and in  particular because of his role in getting people to go after Leslie Jones on Twitter last July (which resulted, thankfully, in Milo being permanently banned from Twitter). But even more importantly, Bill had Tomi on his show too recently. And he's still having other Trump supporters on his show. He's always had conservatives on his show, which is fine, but I think JS felt that Milo was a bridge too far, a sign that Bill has NOT fully adjusted his show in response to what Trump supporters are like compared to "regular" conservatives. I understand the need to want to have people of different sides speaking/debating each other, but at this point it feels like Bill is normalizing people like Milo who SHOULDN'T be normalized.


    I've been a huge fan of Bill in the past (don't hurt me!), but I feel he's starting the miss the mark here, in terms of guests. He still does some GREAT New Rules, but he should think twice about inviting people fully aboard on the Trump Train to his show. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Khan said:


    It's times like these when I hate not subscribing to HBO anymore.


    Is it up on YT yet?  Granted, Maher is not necessarily one of my favorite people.  Nevertheless, I live to see anyone rip Borat a new one.




  5. 25 minutes ago, Vee said:

    It's not that we want Pence. It's that when faced with Trump, Pence or a mushroom cloud I think you have to go with door #2. Keeping Trump is increasingly not an option, nor would I ever choose him over Pence frankly.





  6. 6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    The truth is I doubt anyone would want Shepherd Smith. Megyn Kelly is flavor of the moment, a pretty blonde thing in an industry full of them; her relevance peaked with the election. I tend to wonder if Faux News is somewhat glad to be rid of her.


    Without sounding too stupid, I HATE how Fox News made money on the idea that all blonde women are dumb, industinguisable robotic conservative Republican apologists. There ARE smart, hot,  young, non-generic looking blonde progressive Democratic women out there. I should know. I'm one of them. ;) (Hopefully!) Just give me time to become famous and do good in the world. :lol: 

    6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    The truth is I doubt anyone would want Shepherd Smith. Megyn Kelly is flavor of the moment, a pretty blonde thing in an industry full of them; her relevance peaked with the election. I tend to wonder if Faux News is somewhat glad to be rid of her.


    I'm glad you have that fight in you. Sadly I think we'll be among the few who don't join the parade.


    Oh believe me, I don't always. But I feel like someone has to. "Nonetheless, she persisted" and all that.


    Choosing between Trump and Pence is like choosing between projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea. I don't particularly want either of them, but I'll take the latter in each case. (Sorry, I know that's graphic.) 

  7. 10 hours ago, Roman said:

    He may not care as long as profits come in. if he thought making FN a liberal network would give him the very same revenue.....he would do it in a heartbeat IMPO.

    well, he signed a new contract not too long ago to stay. I ws hoping he would leave but they probably threw a ship full of cash at him to remain their one reasonable host. and who is flawed? 


    Megyn Kelly. I felt for her when Trump was harassing her during the campaign, but I know better than to hold her up as too great a journalist. She did just as much to push the Fox News agenda as anyone else when she was there (I don't mean to say that like you don't know that, I just pointed that out after saying she left FNC for NBC, and how maybe Shep might do something like that someday, too.).

    8 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    We're less likely to be nuked (hopefully), but lgbt people, along with women and minorities, will be #1 in his crosshairs. I'd expect laws in short order that would do things like allow doctors to refuse you medical treatment if you're gay (or Muslim, or the wrong "type" of woman, and so on). And get ready for a lot of Democrats to throw us under the bus, as they so often do. 


    Not this Democrat (I know, you mean ones in office. But still.).


    I still remember what he did to Indiana. He had Republicans hating his ass in record speed (not enough to get them to vote against Trump in the general election, because I can't have nice things, but I'll NEVER let him off the hook. 







    I feel a bit better about having him as President than I do having Trump as President, even though he comes with own dangers. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Roman said:


    there is only one reason why I don't watch Shep....I am NOT giving FN one ratings point. ever. 


    I suppose there's always a chance he could leave for another network. If Megyn Kelly* can do it, he certainly could.


    *Yes, I'm aware of just how flawed she is, but still. 



  9. 3 hours ago, Roman said:

    That was classic. it's about time someone told Morgan off and flipped him the bird. he's such an arrogant [!@#$%^&*]. 


     I loved it. Piers Morgan proves that having a British accent does NOT automatically make you smart. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    My brother a so called republican(although he hasn't voted that way in 16 years) voted for Kander and was actually excited about him. Kander is exactly IMO the kind of leadership the democrats need now. Fresh, young, and his campaign seemed more pseudo grass roots - he actually seemed to go out and talk to people from both sides. He's also not afraid to speak truths democrats from both sides(establishment and far left) don't want to hear. I am actually proud to see him  championing a group that is focused on voter suppression. I do hope he runs for political office again. When is the next Governors race in Missouri?



  11. 1 hour ago, marceline said:




    Preach. I'm laser focused on working on Sherrod Brown's re-election campaign. His last race was the most expensive one in the country because the Kochs dumped a fortune into it. Now the same weasel that ran against him last time is doing it again but now he's a Trump mini-me, talking about a rigged system and backing a heinously racist piece of anti-immigrant legislation. Part of me is hoping that will backfire on him as the wheels keep coming off the Trump administration. Kasich is term limited out so the Governors race is still forming because everyone is "considering" throwing their hat into the ring.


    In Maryland our biggest concern is getting Larry Hogan out of office next year. Granted our situation isn't NEARLY as bad as many other states--we do have a Democratic super majority in the State House and Senate--but it's going to be competitive. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Khan said:


    Bill Clinton (at least, I think it was Bill Clinton) said it best: "It's the economy, stupid!".  Whoever runs in 2020 needs to remember that.


    James Carville on behalf of Bill Clinton, but close. :)


    I have a LOT I have to say about what the Democrats need to do in these next few years, and at some point when I can sit down and at least somewhat articulately express it, I will, but part of what they need to do is study what James Carville, Paul Begala, and George Stephanopoulos did for Bill's race in 1992 and go from there. (Have them watch the documentary The War Room again, for one! It's all about their work on that race!)


    There's plenty that they did back then that could work today (with some necessary adjustments and updates, of course).


    One thing I WILL say right now is this:


    2018 and 2020 aren't the only years the Dems need to consider. There are races going on RIGHT NOW, THIS YEAR. Virginia and New Jersey have their Governor's races this year (and lord knows that they both matter--Virginia is a firm swing state now--not to mention that Governors there are not allowed to run for consecutive terms--and New Jersey will finally be rid of Chris Christie), and in 2019, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi will be having theirs (and while I realize the latter 3 are in no way close to being considered viable for 2020, their Governors races SHOULD NOT be ignored--we need to start somewhere down ticket to become competitive again). And that's not mentioning all of the State House/State Senate races that will be going on both this year and in 2019 as well. A lot of these states--certainly Virginia--have no off year when it comes to elections, and more need to remember or realize that.


    I just had to bring this up, because it seems like nobody is mentioning this in the media and/or the Democratic Party so far this year. That may change as the year goes on, but we can't just focus on 2018 and 2020 without remembering the races in between them, too.

  13. 1 minute ago, John said:

    Wait Kale dated JFP?


    For a little while, yes. But I guess they stayed friends and/or JFP couldn't let go, because he wound up doing GH voiceovers ("the part of so and so" etc.) later on.

  14. 4 hours ago, DRW50 said:




    I think HBS had the same haircut at the time but it sort of suited her more. 




    It might have been a little shorter under JFP, but that was more or less the haircut HBS had for a long time, unless she grew it long.


    I always find it funny that Kale Browne divorced Karen Allen (Marion from Raiders of the Lost Ark) and dated JFP right after. That's a BIG downgrade, IMO.

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