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Posts posted by MissLlanviewPA

  1. 8 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I don't really understand why he is still using the "she won far more votes than were in the states she lost." Yes, she did...and that means absolutely nothing as that isn't how we elect Presidents. Not once does he suggest how we are supposed to win an election, unless he thinks California is the only state.

    I certainly agree that Democratic politicians need to talk like real people, but he spends the entire article basically telling Democrats to not listen to anyone but themselves and assures them that this is perfectly fine because Republicans are worse at not caring about poor people and that these people are worthless anyway.


    It's a good way to feel morally superior, and that's about it. He seems far more interested in making sure liberals don't feel guilty than in actually caring about anything else. He doesn't have to worry about that - a lot of the loudest liberals out there only really care about other people when it makes them feel better about themselves. The rest of the time, they just want everyone to burn.


    I agree. There are plenty of great Democrats who are living in red states, or red areas within blue states--maybe it's because I grew up in a rural area myself, and have family from more conservative states, but while I'll concede that there are people who we can't reach, and there are people we have to worry about holding onto, we are still in a minority on every level now--we're at point where we need races of every kind now, from the bottom up. And that includes in rural areas, too. You can still hold onto anger, while also acknowledging the pain of others. They're not necessarily mutually exclusive. 

  2. Why not Rita Cosby :lol: .


    While it's still March 25th, in "the universe loves a cruel cosmic joke" news, today is Gloria Steinem's birthday...and Anita Bryant's birthday, too (yes, she's still alive--she's actually six years younger than Gloria). I just find it hilarious and weird that these two iconic, diametrically opposite women actually share the same birthday.


    I could watch this clip forever. I wonder if Anita still enjoys eating pie. :lol: Even better? This wasn't in a so-called godless heathen city like New York or LA. This was in little, All-American Des Moines, Iowa (where I once lived, for the record). Pied by a gay protester in Middle America. I love it. 



    I will say this, though: When I went to the Women's March in DC in January, and got to hear Gloria speak up close, that was such an incredible moment. I wasn't anywhere near the stage, or one of the Jumbotrons, and at times it was hard to hear her over the crowd, but I don't care. I still got to hear her speak in person. 

  3. I love her so much. Sam Bee is almost single-handedly making this presidency bearable for me (well, almost). This is from last night's show--and it's important that Democrats like me listen to this, too. (Mainly the overall message about showing up and voting, but also that it's probably NOT a good idea to show white people rapping a song about a candidate in a special election in Montana. That's important, too. ;):lol: )



  4. 3 hours ago, Wales2004 said:

    This is pretty much why I am unlikely to ever join an American political party again. American politics relies heavily on keeping people separated in comfortable little boxes. While the GOP generally hate helping anyone who isn't rich, they find a way to keep a base of people voting against their own personal interests by stirring up their brand of patriotism and inspiring them to hate everyone who is not like them.


    Democrats are fine with everyone staying in place and placating them kind of like caring for a bunch of stray puppies. They may be compassionate but it's in this sort of patronizing we know what's good for you way. White people can be more than one thing. They can be working class, rich, women, men, children, etc. Everyone else is just whatever group they're lumped into: black, Latino, Asian, Muslim, etc. Contrary to the political narrative, every American citizen with a Spanish speaking background is not concerned about immigration.  Were people more amazed by the Hidden Figures being women or were they more amazed they were black? Me, I was amazed by neither. I was just surprised that it took so long to be told. None of this divisiveness should be remotely shocking. We pretty much continue to feed it while being appalled by it.




    I'm sorry. :( I wasn't trying to lump anyone together. I know that everyone has differences. I hope I didn't sound stupid. I wasn't trying to cause any trouble.

  5. 20 minutes ago, marceline said:


    This is why turning statehouses has got to become a priority. That's where I'm putting my attention.




    And that's why I'm hoping the Governor's races in Virginia and New Jersey this year will get more attention in the press once their primaries are over--it doesn't start in 2018, it starts this year.


    And while I understand the distaste by some about thinking the idea that Democrats have to redirect towards rural America/rural white voters, the fact of the matter is the Democrats are in such a minority now--on the presidential level, Senate/Congressional level, Gubernatorial level, and the Legislative level--we have no choice but to talk to and reach out to EVERYONE now. We're just trying to win the lowest ranked seats back, or at all, really. I'm not saying we should cater specifically to Trump voters--to the contrary, there are many people who voted for him that we will never reach--but we do need to show up, everywhere. Campaign everywhere, and talk to people, in part because the idea of a swing state still hypothetically exists. Obviously we need to hang on to the voters we already have, and continue to get younger voters who will voting for the first time these next few years registered to vote, but there are voters all over the country we need to reach, for every level of office imaginable. We're at a point as Democrats where we can't afford to pick and choose anymore. We need to win, and win as big as we possibly can, these next few years. I'm not saying we should waste money in areas we will never win, but we should at least visit/try to recruit people in those districts/areas before we give up entirely.


    And hell, there are even ways to marry the concerns between rural voters and women/minority voters into one strategy. While there may be a lot more POC living in city areas, there are rural areas--especially in the South--where they make up a significant percentage of that population as well. Obviously that will require work in fighting voter suppression, but it's another factor to consider, too. 

  6. 21 hours ago, Cheap21 said:



    I didnt realize KDP lost her hair. She is out with hubby and looking radiant




    It's great to see Kassie looking so well.


    And at the risk of sounding like both a broken record and a hopeless fan girl, it does my heart good to see a recent picture of JDP again. Have I mentioned how much I love him? I guess it's been awhile. ;) 

    On 3/3/2017 at 8:14 PM, DaytimeFan said:


    What's your ranking? Donna > DJC > Michele > JVA?


    DJC is 10 years older than JVA, 9 years older than Michele and 7 years older than Donna, but she has that energy and sparkle that makes her seem so much younger. 


    I wish there could be a TV movie where Donna Mills and Morgan Fairchild could play sisters. I always thought they be very convincing. 

  7. On 3/10/2017 at 0:19 PM, GMac said:


    That's true, but I can't pretend to understand how evangelicals reconcile their support of a man that is the antithesis of everything they claim to believe in.  The only logical conclusion is that they are all hypocrites.




    And then they dare to get upset at those few Evangelicals (or others of faith, for that matter, like the Mormons*) who actually stood up and said Trump was terrible. Hell no. 


    *Well, some Mormons, anyway. Many in Utah wound up voting for Trump after all, although the numbers, I think, and certainly their level of support, was not the same as GOPers have gotten from them in the past. 

  8. 13 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    To me I see him running for office. If he wasn't interested in running for political office, I think he would have made himself a contender for the DNC. I don't know what he can run for in MO. Claire McCaskill is running in 2018 for her senate seat(I don't see him running for senate again). He's only 35. Maybe a VP pick come 2020. If he continues to increase his profile, if his organization grows, I can see him moving toward that. And I think his status as a veteran would compensate for his alleged lack of national government experience. He was in the house in Missouri before he became Sec of State there.


    It's a shame there is no competition for Hogan. That is 2 years away though. Is there no one?


    Oh, there's definitely competition for 2018 against Hogan (it's next year). We have several County Executives who would be good. (For the record, that's as lame as it sounds--it's actually a big position here in MD for our counties. I will say that I'd like to see Congressman John Sarbanes--son of our former Senator Paul Sarbanes--run for higher office here someday.)

  9. 4 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    For once I can say I am jealous of Missourians. You have Jason Kander we have Mike Madigan.


    I'm just curious what he's going to do until he decides (if he decides) to run for office again (and what he WILL run for). 


    Then again, he did start an organization called Let America Vote, which seeks to end voter suppression, so he does have that.


    Maryland could use a few rising stars nowadays--we used to have Martin O'Malley, and I still love him, but that hasn't turned out so well as of now. And Chris Van Hollen--and he's great, I've met him a few times before--but he's going to be in the Senate for a long, long time more likely than not (that's certainly not a complaint!).


    Like I've said before, beating Larry Hogan will be harder than it should be here, but we CAN make it competitive. 



  10. A short but interesting interview with Teen Vogue's Lauren Duca on how they are reaching teenage girls (and beyond) with politics now. And it definitely drives me crazy when people act like teenage girls can't possibly be interested in politics. I sure as hell was when I was a teenager--I was 15 during the 2004 presidential election. It IS possible to be both a typical teenage girl, interested in typical teenage girl things, while also expressing an interest in learning about politics.




  11. 16 hours ago, marceline said:

    @Khan I can't even imagine what it's like to have relatives who voted for Trump.


    At least of portion of my dad's family did. And my parents are from Arkansas--they were in Fayetteville in college when Bill & Hillary taught at the law school there. I love my grandfather, but I know better than to talk about this, especially since I'm so active in Democratic politics. It makes me more sad than angry, honestly. :( 

    16 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Worse than voting is people in your family trying to make sure you know how great he will be and you can't say anything. TV and movies love to have these scenes of families fighting merrily and happily about politics. I've never seen that happen in real life.


    One of my dear friends from college is a Republican who voted for Trump. She's always been upfront about it, and we still talk, but I sometimes wonder if I'm being a hypocrite because of that. 

  12. Just now, DRW50 said:


    I go back to it because I have seen too many people in the press embarrass themselves over Republican daddy issues. If you think I'm wrong, you're welcome to it. I will never stop expecting the worst of GOP enabling by the press, especially when it comes to middle-aged white men.


    I'm always afraid of coming across as an [!@#$%^&*] when I disagree with someone. I know for all your bluster, though, you have the heart of a pussycat. :):lol: 

  13. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    If the media thinks Pence is their forever friend (which they likely will)  


    With all due respect Carl--and you know I love you--I just don't see why you keep going back to this narrative. At all. 

    3 hours ago, Wendy said:


    I know she leans right, but Ana Navarro is giving me life a lot lately.


    I know some of it may have started out as her being upset with how he insulted her old boss Jeb Bush, but she's certainly kept at it longer than she could have.


    Amanda Carpenter too, for that matter, although I think she's slowly reversing herself a bit. 

    2 hours ago, marceline said:

    My Republican (former) friend in Indiana despised Pence. She voted for Trump but she hated Pence with the heat of a thousand suns.


    Yep. Republicans there HATE him. He no doubt would have lost to John Gregg for Governor of Indiana had Trump not chosen him as his running mate. Escaping his ever shrinking poll numbers there was about the greatest thing to ever happen to him...even if it was at the expense of our country as a whole. 

  14. 16 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    I'm sorry, but I am NOT here for CNN (mainly Van Jones), selling this falsehood that Trump sounded the least bit presidential tonight b/c he didn't. He sounded like his usual self--lying and twisting facts. This speech won't mean sh-t in 24hrs anyways b/c he'll do something stupid much like he did after his inaugural speech. 


    Angela Rye is certainly not having it.



  15. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    It's the defensiveness + trying to be tough in an awkward way that reminds me of Kerry. That tweet reeked of it to me. But then I hate Twitter anyway. If you loved it that's what matters, not my opinion.


    Loved it might be going too far, but I didn't hate it. 

  16. 42 minutes ago, DRW50 said:




    It seemed like try-hard posturing to me, especially "Call Me Tom." I got John Kerry vibes. I gladly voted for John Kerry but I don't need to see that in a DNC chair. But I'm not the target voter anyway, so what do I know.


    He IS called Tom, though, so that didn't bother me much. And I don't see him being like John Kerry, but YMMV. 



  17. 3 hours ago, Wales2004 said:

    Someone told me about this Thursday but I did not read about it until yesterday.  This is about a baseball player (Dexter Fowler) saying one word "unfortunate" and the ignorance that followed.


    Fowler’s crime?

    His wife, Darya, is from Iran. An ESPN reporter asked him about President Donald Trump’s travel ban—Iran is one of seven countries included—and Fowler said it is “unfortunate.” Unfortunate because he and Darya would like to take their young daughter to Iran one day so she can meet her cousins and other relatives for the first time. Unfortunate because Darya’s sister, according to Fowler, recently delayed her trip home to the United States from a business trip to Qatar because she didn’t want to be detained.

    Fowler was not disrespectful to Trump. He did not rant and rave. He simply said the travel ban was “unfortunate.” That’s it.

    Nevertheless, so-called “fans” took to the Facebook page St. Louis Cardinals True Fans and immediately began the public flogging with comments such as:

    “Trump won mo. By 19 points keep mouth shut and play baseball.”

    “I knew he was going to shame the cardinals uniform.”

    “Trade his black ass”

    “Just cry me a river Fowler trade him Cardinals is too good for his BS”

    “He should just move out of the country! He has plenty of money. So sick of hearing this especially from people like him.”




    I love Dexter Fowler. As a Cubs fan I wish he hadn't gone to the Cardinals (they're our main rivals :lol:), but good for him for standing up to the idiots out there. 

    2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    Congrats to Tom Perez. I'm glad he realizes that this party needs to go back to reaching out to everyone, and it was nice that he suggested Keith Ellison for Deputy Chair. 


    However, I see the Bernie or bust folks are coming out again talking about straying from the party once again (via Twitter). :rolleyes: These dumba**es are the primary reason why Trump is in office now. 


    I hate that people can't compromise and learn to accept a lesser evil. 


    All of this. Congrats to Tom, and I'm looking to seeing him and Keith work together. 

  18. 13 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    The implosion of the Kansas economy continues, but I doubt the Republicans will take the warning.



    Didn't some Democrats actually win a few seats in the state legislature there last year, in large part as a response to the damage Brownback has done? That should at least be somewhat promising, especially if people are getting elected at that level. 

  19. 10 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Was there a point to them? They lost and I find it foolish for CNN to continue carrying these meaningless debates. I didn't see it though so I have no idea who appeared.


    I don't think they're pointless AT ALL. The Democratic Party is at a true crosswords right now, and with a Hillary/Bernie debate basically going on by proxy between Perez and Ellison, we need to see what they want to do with the party, while also taking steps to unite it at the same time. 

    1 minute ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    I like Perez but I feel like he is too much involved in the establishment. Pete was doing too many talking points, and I grew tired of him bringing up Indiana. I feel like Jehmu, Sam, Keith, and Jaime were the stars. Overall, I am glad that everyone is on the same and willing to work together regardless who wins it all. 


    Well, I have roots in Indiana so it didn't bother me. :lol: (Of course, Perez is from Maryland like I am, but that's not my reason for supporting him in the first place--that said, I'll admit he could've been stronger tonight.)


    But I understand where you're coming from. 


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