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Posts posted by MissLlanviewPA

  1. I mean, I understand what they're saying. I'm mixed on her anyway. I DO think people get carried away about her sometimes (and yes, I include myself in that, mainly because I sometimes wished I looked like her, even though I look fine :D:P), but occasionally, I think they have a point.


    But I'm already risking getting the Swifties to have me executed, so I'll stop while I'm ahead. :lol:

  2. Okay, y'all are probably going to be kick my ass for this, but this is funny. It's based on how many very random high-profile guests Taylor has had on stage recently, and, I'm sorry, I think it's funny as hell. Some of the more hardcore Swifties would probably have me stoned for thinking so:



    I will say that it DOES seem to have gotten to a point where she seems to be parading random famous people on stage just because she can. It's one thing to have surprise guests who sing with her, but at some point, the guests during "Style", even though I know about the runway stuff she does, kind of took on a desperate STUNT QUEEN angle to me. 


    ...And now y'all are going to kill me for saying that. Oh well. :lol:


    Anyway, as a figure skating fan, the Tonya and Nancy part of this my favorite. 

  3. How exactly would a 15 year old be permitted into the Playboy mansion?

    Tatum O'Neal told a story in her first book, A Paper Life, about how her father took her to the Playboy Mansion when she was 12, and how bored she was there--she said she would "watch movies, eat candy, and play video games" while her dad interacted with everyone else. She did say she met Melanie Griffith--who was briefly involved with Ryan--for the first time there, though.

    She made it very clear though that her dad dragged her along (and of course, duh, she was a Hollywood kid--and he has proven many times that he is a HORRENDOUS father), and that the mansion, in her words, "wasn't exactly a place where teenagers hung out", so...I don't know.

  4. I watched TCS reruns very briefly when I was a kid, and while I was never a huge fan of it, I've always LOVED the opening credits, especially the one from seasons 6 and 7 (the one with the "best elevator music" quote). But I can't bring myself to watch any of them of YouTube now (I'm the kind of person who watches TV openings on YT because it's fun).

    And talk about making history look very different, considering just how essential TCS was/is to 80's TV, not to mention the fact that it was THE show that made NBC a successful network again after coming apart so badly in the late 70's/early 80's.

  5. I have to ask....what part of Jurassic World didn't work? It's already the most successful movie of the year. Hasn't it already made over a billion dollars?

    I don't have a dog in this race because I haven't seen it, but just because something is successful doesn't mean it's actually good. Just saying. ;)

  6. I just care about DJ and Stephanie.

    DJ's best boyfriend on paper was Nelson but I never ever want to see Jason Marsden act ever again. If we see any of DJ's old boyfriends it would probably be Steve which is fine with me and of course it's what EVERYONE else is going insane over... Lol

    I know I'm late to the party on this but YES to both of these. Well, I'd want to see Jason Marsden because I had a crush on him, LOL. But yes, I'm at my party of one with liking Nelson more than Steve, so seeing this made me happy. smile.png

  7. For some reason I can't see Lisa Bonet coming forward with anything she knows even if she was a victim herself. Isn't she a pretty private person nowadays? Has she done any recent interviews?

  8. I don't know why, but reading that I just had this haunting feeling that the friend he mentioned was Tempestt Bledsoe or Lisa Bonet…I hope I'm wrong.

    I was wondering that, too.

    That was a great read. I don't think he should just go out in the country, of course, but given that the statue of limitations has most likely run out for most of these women, I understand what he's saying and do agree that he needs to stay out of the spotlight. That's really his only option now.

  9. There's "for better or worse", but generally the "worse" part doesn't include anything like this.

    Talk about being in it for the long haul.

    If it's all about money, she'd be better off divorcing him now while he still has a lot of it. Now that he's lost his agent and a lot of the residuals from TCS she might as well leave him, blackmail a good settlement out of him, write a book then go on the interview circuit.

    IF ONLY!

  10. They also have these places called shelters. BTW animal cruelty is against the law. I'm guessing that's true even in bump [!@#$%^&*] Arkansas. The fact that no one really called you on this ridiculous comment should probably tell you that this board has given up on you. We now expect you to say low down disgusting things on the regular. It's actually more surprising when you don't.

    My last words to you ever, are that you are an !@#$%^&*] for blaming black people for their own inequality. Yes, if only they would stand by more rapists that would solve everything. Do you not even grasp how [!@#$%^&*] stupid you sound?

    If I get banned for this post, I'll miss most of you, but I had to say it.



  11. I know. I wasn't even looking for his. It just popped up when I searched for Whoopi's. Coincidence? Who knows.

    Now I want to find the Jimmy Smits poster. I had the BIGGEST crush on him during the NYPD Blue years, and I can't find his poster, either. :(

  12. All right, let's find that goddamn poster on the Internet. If Justin Bieber's (delicious) bare ass can make it, so can Whoopi the Librarian.


    But anyway, I think I remember that poster too. And I can't find it either. I did find this one, though. GAG.


  13. I used to love Whoopi Goldberg back when she actually did comedy. Her one-woman special on HBO was a bit of comedy genius. But she's never let herself recover from that mess with Ted Danson in blackface and it colors everything for her now. It's sad.

    It is sad. Actually, for the longest time, I thought Whoopi was very likable on The View (then again, when you're on a panel with someone like Elizabitch Hasselbeck...yeah, that's a low bar), and there are times when I think she can still likable and funny, but the fact that she can't let go of this? Nope, not cool. I can't with her anymore. I've never watched Sister Act before (I know, right? Don't judge me.), but I have a cheap DVD copy of it, and part of me still wants to watch it, but part of me can't bring myself to watch any of her stuff right now. I don't know. Her Oscar speech when she won for Ghost is one of my favorites, actually.

    Ben's Chili Bowl, the legendary restaurant in DC, is trying to distance themselves with Cosby, who has a long relationship with them:


  14. I will say her being on AI gave me one of my favorite gifs of all time:


    And I actually do like her song "#Beautiful" (minus the horrible hashtag in the title), and the *shallow note* GORGEOUS yellow dress she wears in the video. **shallow note**

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