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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. OH yeah and I officially really am starting to hate SOC.

    I'm proud of you for playing hall monitor Ms.Q and I put my two cents in as well.

    Some rude people there now.

    Talking about JE like that(indirectly by talking about Tracy but still)............

    Um, do I even want to know? Who's messing with my JE?

  2. Luke Spencer is obviously possessing my home computer.

    I am now on my THIRD attempt to download the clip of Tracy and Coleman "getting jiggy," because something keeps interrupting the download.

    Aw, wassamatter, Lukey? Afraid of a little manly competition?

  3. I would like to compile a comprehensive list of resources for caps, spoilers, etc., and link it on the TQ Ficathon. Since I don't want to clutter up this board, I'd like to ask you guys a favor. Would you email me your favorite links for the following items:






    My email address is minerva_fan AT livejournal DOT com. Once I've gotten a good list together, I'll post it to the TQ ficathon and post a link here. Thanks in advance for your help.

  4. I have some clips where JE talks about a hair disaster they had, I could post it. Really cute, and she's a hoot!

    Oh, please do. That would be wonderful. Oh, and guess what, folks? Remember all those clips I've been downloading? I decided to save them on a CD-W disk to free up space on my girlfriend's hard drive. A person on my flist sent me a program to convert wmv files to mpegs (and DVD) and it corrupted my disk! Argh! I lost ALL the stupid clips I downloaded, except for the first two Tracy in the Chapel scenes.

    I'm beginning to think that somebody doesn't want me downloading clips.

  5. Spoiler discussion:







    However, Dillon, Alice and Lulu stop Tracy from freeing Robert by tying her up. I wonder if we're going to see this, or if Tracy ends up cornered, and the next scene she's tied up. I'm tired of this happening to our girl. Can't SHE tie someone up for once? ;)

    You know, Ms Q, I could accommodate that request, but I think the resulting fanfic might shock the kiddies. ;) OTOH, at least we're getting some Tracy action this week. Now, if I can just get my video recorder not to mess up on me.....

  6. Smirks, you make a lot of good points. And you are not the only Lulu fan here--I like her a lot, and not only because she never fell for Skye's "sweet wannabe stepmother" act. I don't think I can remember a scene between her and Tracy that I didn't enjoy, and Friday's episode was no different. (I still think her visual aid breakdown of the Tracy/Luke/Skye/$15 million love quadrangle in the police station was one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen on GH.)

    You know, I saw those looks, both between Tracy and Luke and Tracy and Lulu, and I know she knew something was up. But the hopeless optimist in me still wishes that it was all planned, that she knew and was part of the scheme, and that her obvious outrage was all part of her plan... But then, I'm a hopeless optimist. And, while he does obviously care about Tracy and isn't shy about admitting it, Luke's unabashed immaturity and outright selfishness reminds me once again why I don't date men....

  7. First of all, ILoveTracyQ, if Ms.Q's superhero name is "YouSendIt Girl," then you are definitely "Indepth Insight Girl!" Your comments are, as always, proper, well-argued, and just darned fun to read. My responses below.

    As several people pointed out,Luke doesn't know yet that Tracy was taking the vows seriously,he thinks she just agreed to help stall Robert,and he doesn't know she loves him. Had he known both those things....well,who knows how it would have ended.

    Hey, I'm still harboring a good "mad" at him. Don't confuse it with logic.

    nex4evr as far as Tracy ever being "happy," I think she has small moments,and even though I'd love to see her have more than that,I think it adds to the poignancy and tragedy of the character that she doesn't have a constant source of happiness in her life.

    I think Tracy appreciates the happy moments like water in a desert,where others like Emily just take those moments for granted because they get to experience them much more often.

    I think she was nicest,and happiest,with Dillon's dad Paul before she realized he didn't really love her.

    But yeah for the most part she's always been kinda grumpy and mean,LOL.

    Right on about the comparison with Emily....

    BUT they are still writing the Q's as non-observant outsiders in their own home.

    The perfect description. Absolutely SPOT ON!

    Ned would've picked up on his mother's feelings by now. He knew when she loved Paul,and RealNed would know instinctively more than money is at stake in the Lacy marriage by now. RealTracy,if she didn't want to be married to Luke,would've found a way to get a pain free divorce a long time ago. Monica I can see being one of the last to figure it out,but the cavalier way she just wrote off that Tracy was only interested in the fifteen million kind of irked me,too. Alan,if the Q's were written true to form,would also by now have sensed something. I think the fact that the Q's really don't seem to like Luke or want him around,could be great angst for Lacy. In fact,I think Edward is about to take steps to make sure Luke doesn't come home,at least not to their home. Not a spoiler just my spec.

    I have never caught on to Alan completely. He seems to hate Tracy unless she's miserable, even though whenever he's really in trouble, she's the first on the scene to help him. Granted, I've only watched since January, but Alan has been shown in a very negative light, imho. Monica is just being portrayed as a callous !@#$%^&*]. Fey keeps telling me there's more to her and that the writers have gone over to the Dark Side, so I'm keeping my mind open. I wish I had seen RealNed. I bet I would have liked him. *pout*

    MinervaFan can't wait to read your new story,is it your version of the wedding? I know it will rock,either way. :)

    Nope. *evil grin* Thanks to Fey's defense, I've given Monica a second chance and put her back in the story. It's focused on Monica and Tracy and is *not* angst. I hope.

  8. Hey, nex4evr! I think Tracy gets to be "real" fairly often, if you know where to look. JE tends to throw in a lot of facial expressions, especially reaction shots, that tend to tell the truth even when Tracy is lying. (Like when she was telling Lulu she didn't have feelings for Luke. Her face told a very different story than her mouth did.) As for the writers, every once in a while, we'll get a scene like the chapel scene where she made the deal with God. These are the scenes Tracy fans live for, because they show her (overtly) as more than one-dimensional. Unfortunately, the current writers are more interested in the mob than in the Quartermaines, and Tracy has been reduced to comic relief for the most part. :( Maybe we'll luck out and one of her kids will get hospitalized, or a relative will drop dead. Those things are always great for showing Tracy's humanity. *evil grin*

    Oh, and MsQ? I made some icons from the pictures on that article you posted. Mostly JE, but with a couple DH thrown in for good measure. LJ-compatible. Credit "minerva_fan" if you use.


  9. Oops, coolkid. :o After re-watching the scenes, I guess the dress wasn't that bad, but Wardrobe could've done soooo much better. And thanks for the quote. I had read something similar before. Anyway, I decided to check out GQ Daily to see if that site had the SoapTalk clip, and it did! Click here. SC imitating JE? Hilarious.

    :( The link did not work. Could you post again?? Thanks.

  10. MsQ, thanks for scanning that interview with DH and JE. WOW, our girl is GORGEOUS beyond belief in those pictures. LeSigh.

    ILoveTracyQ, I give your essay on the relationship of Tracy and Luke an A-. It would be an A+, but I'm soooooo mad at Luke right now!!!! You're right, of course, on all counts. And I caught some of those looks during the ceremony between Lulu and Tracy, too. I suspected she knew something was up from the way Lulu was reacting to Robert's comments on Luke stalling. But I can only speculate as to whether it was nerves, comprehension, or suspicion in her eyes.

    As for Lulu figuring it out--I find it very interesting that "outsiders" directly connected to Luke seem to be the only ones connecting the dots with Tracy. Skye and Lulu both figured out Tracy's feelings for Luke, probably even before Tracy did. Ned (who's also on my s--t list right now) can't look up from his paper long enough to notice his mother's face--the pain, the fear, the hurt--during the snarkfest that preceded the aborted ceremony. Monica (who has been bumped from my current fanfic thanks to her her nastiness in this episode) never gets past her own foul temper, and Alan--well, Alan is clueless.

    But Dilon? Dillon, you'd better get yourself some Alpo, too, Dogboy, because you're sleeping in the backyard yourself. First, you've spent collectively more time with this woman and know her better than anyone else on the planet. You know her vulnerabilities better even than Lila did, and you've become so Ned-like in your wrath against her that you can't even look at her with anything but anger and contempt. Second, boy, check your facts. Ooooooh, I know it's Stupid Writer Syndrome, but OOOOOOHHHH....

    The Comment: "She's so busy trying to bust up my marriage. Why should I care about hers?"

    The RESPONSE from somebody who actually watches the show. Mr. Dillon. Your mother tried to talk you out of the marriage (didn't work). She sicked Felicia on Georgie (didn't work). She threw you out of the house and cut you off financially (didn't work).

    Dude? This is Tracy freakin' Quartermaine we're talking about. She practically wrapped you in terrycloth and eased you gently out the door. Ask your brother, or hell, your stepmother, what Tracy Q is capable of when she wants a marriage over. She did nothing to break up your marriage; she just didn't allow it under her roof.

    Oh, I'll be ranting on this one for days...I can see it coming.

  11. Deirdre Hall does Jane's hair color???


    That is so...surreal.

    Like they're normal chick friends, coloring each other's hair in the kitchen and !@#$%^&*]ing about men on a Thursday night after work...

    Oh, and Ms.Q, still doing that "Wind Beneath My Wings" thang with the clips! Much thanks to you.....

  12. MsQ, you are the Picture/Clip Gawdess. I'm thinking Tracy during the Jax engagement looked the yummiest. Perfect cut, perfect color, perfect clothes. They are playing her dowdier now, which I think is sad, because JE has aged beautifully and deserves to look as nice as she can.

    To whoever made the comment about RC's smirks and eyerolls--I like Skye in theory, but sometimes the execution makes me want to barf. Like yesterday. And Luke? Are you a frackin' psycho, suggesting her as maid of honor? *smacks Luke on the head*

    Major Request for Clips: Can somebody please post links to all the Tracy scenes from yesterday's ep (and the Luke-Lulu discussing Tracy scene)? As usual, great Tracy episode, and my tape gets fracked. I got to watch it on Fey's mom's tape, but I would love to be able to see it without the teaser cut off and without the fuzzy lines. I'd really appreciate it.

    Speculation on what COULD happen, if the writers have a brain:




    I have no faith that they will handle this correctly, but here's how I think they should play out the "leaving at the altar."

    Under the guise of having a private romantic moment (I see nuzzling and smooching for Robert's benefit), Luke informs Tracy that he's gotten a call from Holly and smells a rat. There's no way Holly should have had his cell number, and he suspects Robert is working with her to double-cross him.

    Tracy insists he NOT go with Robert, but they can't wait for the lawyer to block the extradition. They agree (still kissing and nuzzling for the fans' Robert's benefit) that right after the ceremony, Luke will "leave Tracy at the altar" and make a break for it. Luke asks if Tracy can stall Robert to give him lead time, and Tracy says something like, "You make a show of dumping me at the altar, I will throw a fit that will stall him for hours."

    In my fantasy scene, after they've made this plan and realize (1) they're working as a team and (2) they're going to be separated, they actually realize they're going to miss each other. All that fake kissing and nuzzling turns into a real, if poignant, kiss between the two before he leaves.

    But that's what would happen if I were writing GH. Oh, and that train hitting Sonny and Emily.

  13. MsQ--Wow the clips! I've wanted to see that breakfast scene for ages, and as soon as my sloooowww computer downloads it? Whee!

    Also, whoever said JE has ticked off the wardrobe people? You are so right. That wedding dress was atrocious. Seriously, guys? I know you were playing it for chuckles, but did you have to put her in Bjork's swan dress?????

  14. Wow that Tracy/Luke stuff yesterday?


    Tracy's not dumb,never has been. Okay I believed she fell for Paul because the circumstances and Paul's charm (and the PS/JE chemistry) made it believable.

    Please tell me there's more to the story,though,that Luke tells Tracy there's an ulterior motive,or Tracy is shown not trusting him,etc. PLEASE. Cause there's no way my girl would fall for that scene yesterday.

    NO WAY.

    I am so with you there. I was really offended by the scene. And the kiss? Oh, my. It was the erotic equivalent of a slap in the face, followed by a dousing with ice water. Luke really needs to clean up his act, or Tracy needs to move on. Give him the $15 million, Baby. Just find a way to tie it up in red tape so he can never use it. Or, you could just have Jason shoot him....

  15. And MinervaFan,awesome,awesome story.

    What prompted you to write it?

    You get Tracy and Alan,you seem to "get" all of her relationships.

    Jane E once had a quote a loonngg time ago,where one of the mags asked her if she thought Tracy and Alan would ever be close.

    Jane responded by saying that in a strange way,they already were,because no one would dare try to cut Alan's legs out from under him in front of her,she'd have their hide. And vice versa.

    LOL great quote and sooo true I think.

    Actually, somebody on this board prompted me to write it a long time ago. Someone mentioned I'd left Alan out of my Author's Notes for The Fourteenth and it's stuck with me ever since. About getting them, I have siblings who drive me ape and even now that we're in our forties, I know I'd travel thousands of miles to help them if they were truly in need. And there is something about two siblings surviving a hard childhood that makes them ultimately allies, regardless of their surface relationship.

  16. Haven't seen today's ep yet, but I think I may let Luke live. Maybe. I still hate how he's doing this to get to Skye. Stupid idiotic blind man, don't see what he's got right before him....

    Ms.Q, you are a goddess! I've been meaning to ask you for more clips, mainly the morning after scenes and the going home to the Q mausoleum scenes, but couldn't remember. It may take a year, but I'm gonna download those puppies as soon as I can.

    So...a kiss...?

    Um, I know somebody somewhere has caps. I feel an icon-making fit coming on....

    Edit: Oh, more shameless self-promotion! I posted a new story on LiveJournal. I couldn't upload it to FF.net because I'm on the library computer and it won't allow me to save to the desktop. Just a short (585 words) character piece about Tracy and Alan. Feedback would be gratefully accepted. :)

    Edit#2: Just watched my tape of today's episode. So....Lukey....wake up and smell the Alpo, bud, cuz you're spending the summer in the Dog House unless you really redeem yourself.

  17. My luck, it'll be a huge Tracy episode and the whole state of Kentucky will be under a tornado watch from 2:59 to 4:01 pm. JK.

    Luke has been parked, long-term, on my Probation List. The execution of this "wedding" will determine whether he stays there, moves up to the Main House, or spends the rest of the summer in the Dog House.

  18. Go for it, Psychofan. And if you need to brainstorm, just post an entry to TQ-Ficathon and ask for feedback.

    Sorry--forgot the spoiler space...





    And Ms. Q--what is with that second picture??? Tracy looks very much messed up, and yeah, I'm wondering about the hands....think Robert is shaking her down for info? Kinky. :D

    I'm so thinking that mabye Robert should give Luke a run for his money and maybe remind him what he has....and what he's taking for granted.

  19. Hey, ILoveTracyQ, I am totally with you when it comes to realizing Tracy is no saint. There are times when she says or does things and I'm like, whoa, did she just go there? But (1), she often seems to regret her actions and (2) she often TRIES to do right and still gets treated like a monster.

    I'm surprised she hasn't just turned into a brunette Helena Cassadine by now.

  20. 4XCrazy, I'm so sorry that someone left you a review like that. :( You're right. That's not even constructive criticism. Let us know how she responds. Oh, and something else that might be helpful for reasearch purposes, in addition to the SOC character bio., (and this isn't directed at you, just anyone who writes Tracy fanfiction in general): old transcripts. The hit-and-run one is included. We should send it to that lady. ;)

    You ROCK the Casbah for posting the link to those transcripts. I hate Jenny and Paul, btw, and can't wait to read through them all.

  21. 4XCrazy, first let me say that that was quite possibly one of the most hideous reviews I've ever seen, and I've been writing/publishing since 1987. The writer of that review was obviously biased, and obviously very emotinoally engaged with hating Tracy.

    Leaving that--the reviewer did not do his/her homework. Why do I know this? Because I've researched Tracy's backstory extensively--I only started watching the show in January 2005, so I'd better have done my research if I wanted to write Tracy competently. i read the source material you quoted, along with several other bios of Tracy. While the tone of the bios range from sympathetic to neutral to down-right anti-Tracy, the facts involving Jenny, the hit and run, Paul, and Tracy's subsequent flight to Europe with baby Dillon remain basically the same. According to every source I've seen, Tracy did call the police, she did try to cover it up, Jenny did use it to blackmail her, and Tracy did leave for Europe because she was kicked out of the family.

    Your extrapolation, that Jenny's warnings to Tracy might have included forcing her to leave Shannon with Paul, might be stretching it for the character of Tracy (although I can see her biding her time to regain her advantage, and trying to reclaim Shannon at a later time). However, it's perfectly acceptable for the story, which is HELLO? a work of fiction.

    That aside, my biggest complaint is the tone of the review. I think everybody here has read stories they've disliked or disagreed with. It's the nature of the beast. But this reviewer's words cannot in any fashion be construed as anything but a personal attack on you and your story. There was no attempt at constructive criticism--the reviewer was unnecessarily rude, cutting, and derogatory of you and your story.

    I'm proud of you for bringing this up here. If I had received a review like this at 17, I might have just curled into a ball and never written again. But you were brave enough and had the precense of mind to say, Hey, I did my *%#% research. Somebody back me up here....z

    Huzzah to you, young fanficcer. You show promise, so do NOT let this psycho get you down, okay?

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