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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. An Open Letter to Jane Elliot:

    Dear Jane,

    Please stop pissing off the wardrobe people. You seem to be a nice person. Make friends with them. Bake them cookies. Tell them one of your funny stories. Can't you all just be friends, so they will give you something lovely to wear again?

    Really, how many times can we say, "I look like Gloria F**king Swanson," before somebody over there gets the message?

  2. Just mentioned this on the TQ Ficathon, but according to the transcript, Tracy and Luke's first anniversary will be on May 18. (Might be technically the 19th, if they got married after midnight, but we can't be sure...)

    Anyway, I was thinking of postponing the Tracy Gets Trapped challenge and replacing it with An Anniversary to Remember fanfic challenge. Anybody got any thoughts? It's the paper anniversary--maybe she could have a warrant issued for his arrest? :)

  3. Just watched the video. I really liked it. The music was great, the lead vocalist has an interesting voice. I really liked that you used a combo of stills and clips. Diversity always gets me. All and all, it was a really good first vid and vid in general

    You should make more so I can watch them in class when my teachers make me want to toss skittles at them. Think of it like this, you'd be keeping me out of detention. Yah! But seriously, I loved-loved this!

    So, what's good with everybody? I haven't checked LJ or FF.net yet, anybody got some fics for me to squee about?

    LOL. You guys keep me supplied with clips, and I'll do my best. My first exposure to Maya's voice was in a filk circle in California. I remember thinking, what does she think she is, a rock singer or something? Well, uh, yeah, she was a professional rock singer for a while.... I have one more song on that CD that I think would fit Tracy well, and a couple from the Wicked soundtrack... (Face it, dye her skin green and Tracy and Elphaba could be twins, right down to the disapproving father.)

  4. Be kind, boys and girls. Here it is--Never Mind, my first mvid. I focused mainly on the important male figures in her life--her father, her sons, and Luke. (Didn't have any Lila clips, so I stayed with her men.) I tried to give it some structure, not just throw clips in willy-nilly, but I'm not sure how successful I was. It was better once I had a handle on using Windows Movie Maker.

    The music is by Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff, two filkers extraordinaire who also do magnificent original music (hence, the song). Their website is Mystic Fig Productions, and the album is "Manhattan Sleeps." They are amazing artists and marvelous people. I had the pleasure of working with Jeff and Maya on Nancy Freeman's Blues for Dumuzi (click the link for the title song, and you can hear me sing--I do lead vocals on the second verse), and I am one of their biggest fans.

    Massive thanks to everybody who helped out with clips--I've wanted to try this for a long time, but I never could have done it without you. If you put clips up on here and I didn't mention you in the credits, please forgive me. I was going from memory as to who posted them to this board.

  5. MinervaFan, your story has been read and reviewed, and of course, LOVE the icons. That "Peel me a freakin' grape" had me laughing out loud for some reason. :lol:

    Yeah, I loved that one, too.

    Um, I'm really nervous here, folks, because I found a tutorial online and just made...*gulp*...my first music video. :) It's Tracy, of course, since that's all the clips I have. I'm still saving it, but I'll post a link here when it's done. Remember, this is the first time I've ever tried to do something like this, so be gentle. *quakes in boots*

  6. So,I'll try to come up with something.

    But if I don't *please* don't hate me. :)

    It's not that I don't want to,I just....*shrug*

    Why would anyone hate you? Fanfic is something you do for fun--if a story hits you, write it. If not, don't sweat it. :) I had a hard time finding spoilers I wanted to use. Maybe you'll be more inspired by the next challenge in May.

    Smirks, you asked for some icons? I made a few this morning. I wanted to go episode-specific and have a theme for each one, just to see what I could do. I did Edward Fakes a Heart Attack (very much an Elphaba and the Wizard thing happening there) and After the Fire (just lots of smoke). Hope you like them.

    After the Fire


    Edward Fakes a Heart Attack


  7. In the meantime, to hold you over, I present you with...

    Lunacy talk about sex (Just ignore Skye's faces and focus on the Lunacy goodness)

    and Damn you, Luke Spencer! in .wav format (ahhh...so bad and yet so funny. I love SD! *giggles* I think we should try to make that take off as a very popular catch phrase...)

    Oh, and MinervaFan, I can't believe I haven't told you already, at least about the first one you made, but I LOVE the icons. Very nice. Make more. Now. Please?

    Oh, you are my hero--I played that .wav file like ten times until Fey made me stop. I posted a new story on LJ. Since you posted the .wav file, what do you want--a fic or a graphic? I have tonnnnnsssss of new caps with which to make iconssss......

  8. I guess we can't complain about the current hair too much. At least JE doesn't have braids pinned to her head anymore, LOL. Thanks for bringing over the prettiness, MinervaFan.

    Some more goodies...

    Look what I found today: JE as Cleopatra and Cleopatra and The Pharaoh. The latter one amuses me because if you look really quickly, it almost looks like Ingo Rademacher is the Pharaoh (which he of course isn't...IR was what? 6 at the time? LOL), but if you forget that for a second, it's like Tracy and Jax are dressed in ridiculous costumes. Or maybe it's just me. :lol: There are several other photos at this site and 2 video clips as well. JE appeared in "The Pharaoh" and "Return of the Pharaoh" (that'll help when searching). Oh, and there used to be a lot of sounds clips at DH's Official Site, but I couldn't find them. :(

    You have amused me to the edge of hysteria--is there ANY way to download that clip? It is beyond hilarious. (And I used to watch that show religiously when I was a kid--what was I thinking?)

    Speaking of sound clips, a fanfic or custom TQ graphic to anybody who can get me a .wav of Alan saying Damn You, Luke Spencer! after Luke stole the Bentley. I want to use it as the sound file for my error message in Windows. (He sounds like Mayor Quimby!)

    Edit: Could not help myself. Made a couple of icons. Two LuNacy, one Princess Cleopatra!


  9. I thought Hypemuzak was 4XCrazy (who is also LaRed at FF.net), but I could be wrong. Oh, and that icon came from an episode in October. I don't have the clip, but smirks might. :) Ooh, smirks do you have Luke/Tracy's first kiss from June, I think? MinervaFan, you would probably love that. :D

    *nods head like excited puppy dog* I have organized all my clips and am using the player Smirks turned me on to to make screen caps. Oooooooooh, I love all you clip-suppliers. I'm going through the scene where Tracy has "dared" Kook, I mean Luke to have sex with her. Between that one and the one where she is TWISTING THE KNIFE in Skye's heart, our girl has never looked hawter. I will eventually set up a Tracy-specific cap site to share with you guys. But until then, feast your eyes on this.... (These are raw screen caps, no touch-ups--between you guys and Jane Elliot's marvelous face, I have such GREAT material to work with.)

    Edit: Decided to go ahead and create that TracyQ Photobucket account. The url is: http://s74.photobucket.com/albums/i243/TheDivineMsQ/ I only have a couple of images loaded right now, but eventually, I hope to have lots of TQ to share.




  10. MinervaFan... Thanks for telling me that those scenes in fact do come with audio...I guess I was having audio issues when I watched it after I downloaded it. I went to replay them and they have SOUND...and weird sci fi background music, but most importantly SOUND!!!

    Yeah, the cheesy music is far too much more than too much. :) But second viewing, it wasn't so bad. She was still OTT, but Part 2 was classic Tracy. And Part 3? OMG, Mitch Williams, you are SO lucky you weren't on the show when I started watching. I would do the voodoo-hoodoo on your butt so fast....But day-um, she looks gorgeous, doesn't she? Part 3 is one of the few "young Tracy" images that I've ever found attractive, and only when she was in full "look strong/save face" mode.

    About the Coleman scenes, there is a scene with Luke and Tracy discussing umm... sexual preferences (It's hysterical...I can upload it if you want...) before the scene where she chews up Skye, but she's wearing that weird black...I don't even know what to call it. And then the day before where she's wearing the white, there was no kissing. That was the day where she called a judge because she had photographic evidence of Luke and Skye kissing, but somehow the photo got switched with one Skye and Luke had photoshopped Lorenzo into. It makes absolutely no freakin' sense, but I can also upload that if you want.

    Hypemuzak, who I think is tracyluvr on this board, made this icon a while back.


    About the Days stuff...I only came upon Wally and Jane as son and mother on GH, so I can't even really imagine them any other way, but I know there are clips out there of the two of them way back on Days...somewhere. I think they were posted on a Jen/Jack messageboard, and I came a week too late and they had expired. Anyone have clips? I'd love to watch and grimace and hide my head.

    Do it, do it, do it! I would love to see them, too. But then, I'm sick that way. *ebil grin*

  11. Edit: Sorry for the super-long post. I'm downloading clips, updating tags at the TQ Ficathon, and surfing...I keep coming up with things to add.

    Ode to Tracy Q is what I came up with. Sorry if it's hard to read. It wouldn't let me space it correctly.

    FF.net translates all hard returns into html paragraph codes, which in essence gives you a double space every time you hit the enter key. If you're using Word, open up the file, highlight the poem, and do the following: Select Find/Replace; in Find: type "^p"; in Replace: Type "^l"

    This will change all your hard returns to line breaks, which will translate as single spacing on FF.net. (It'll look the same in Word.) Save the document, upload it to FF.net, and replace the file. NOTE: You can create line breaks by hitting Shift-Enter when creating your documents, but this way is a lot quicker for edits.

    ETA: Smirks: Downloaded the first of the Edward Heart Attack vids, and the volume is fuzzy, but definitely there. OMG--Jane Elliot used to be a soap actress! What a difference 26 years of experience will make! ROFLMAO. I mean, she still has it--the beauty, the expression, the poise--but wow....talk about overacting. (Maybe it's the cheesy 80s soap music...) Comparing it to the 2004 scene, when Edward has a real heart attack? It's amazing to watch the changes both in the character and the actress....can't wait to see parts 2 and 3... thank you SOOOO much for getting the clips posted.

    Oh, and question--is there another scene between the "Take Me I'm Yours" clip and the "Tracy and Coleman Get Jiggy" clip? I've seen caps of Tracy and Luke kissing when she's wearing that gorgeous ivory overjacket from the "Take Me I'm Yours" clip and thought I might have missed something....

    ETA: Just found this quote on the wallykurth.net press clippings page. The title was "Her Lover, Her Son," which just made me LMFAO. I want to see 1993 Tracy - Ned scenes just for the itty bitty squick factor.

    Soap Opera Digest

    March 12, 1992

    "My Lover, My Son"


    Jane Elliot is thrilled to be reunited with Kurth, even if it means playing mother to a guy not much younger than herself. "It took a minute to switch gears," she admits. "Because all of our scenes at DAYS had been flirtatious, my instinct was to bat my eyes, roll my shoulders and make him want me. And he had to get used to calling me 'Mom" instead of "Anjelica". But nothing could make me happier than to spend time with Wally. Our friendship is a great boon to my life. He's a kind, gentle, spiritual, perceptive human being, and you can never have too many of those in your life."


  12. No TQ today.


    *taps foot*

    Fan fic updates....anybody? *she asks,hopefully*

    I guess it's good, as I don't have to sit through the stupid episode. I will try to have a new story done this weekend. My last was a Gilmore Girls, so it's Tracy's turn. Trying to get one last Fake Spoiler in before we switch over to the Tracy Trapped with _____ challenge.

  13. Smirks, you are fabulous! I don't mind the lack of sound--what I wanted was to see Tracy's expressions. I read an article once about that scene, and the author waxed eloquent over the emotions JE expressed with just her face. I appreciate the upload.

    As for the video--sooner or later, I'm gonna beg one of you experienced people to teach me how to make vids (once my collection of clips is done). I have several songs I'd love to do--mainly original songs recorded by friends of mine--but my one attempt to fathom Windows Movie Makers was like Adventures in Do-It-Yourself Neurosurgery. Not fun, and not pretty. But I can learn--I know I can.






    The article does lead me to believe Tracy might end up on the island. We'll see. It says she tracks him down,so who knows.

    The Robert/Tracy trapped together thing...it might start today,not Monday. But either way,Robert is already on the island by Wednesday,so it'll be a very short plot point.

    That would be fun--I think Tracy would be great on an adventure storyline. Get her out of the mansion, and into a real storyline for a change.

    Oh, and for whoever made the comment about continuity ("My mom can't swim!"), that hit me too, because I remember the scene where Tracy talks about being young and on vacation, pushing Alan into the lake, and Lila pushing her in right afterwards. It bugged me until my inner fanfic writer figured it out. FACT: Tracy *can* swim. SPECULATION: Tracy did not want Dillon to know she can swim, especially when he was young. He grew up in hotels, remember? With pools? And if Mommy can't swim, then Mommy can have the nanny take Dillon swimming instead of going herself. Sound about right?

    Finally, Smirks, I watched your Quartermaine mvid! AWESOME STUFF, amazing and beautiful. I noticed that you had a couple of clips I would DIE for--Edward's fake heart attack and TQ fighting in the fountain with Monica (oh, the femslash potential). Any chance of my getting them? Especially the fake heart attack--I would LOVE to have that scene.... Pretty please?

  15. Luke/Tracy fighting over the mail must be the scenes with the rat poison. LOL that's the only one I can think of. LOL hated that "Luke wants Tracy to think he's out to kill her" story, but that scene was funny.

    Could also be thinking of Lulu and Tracy fighting over the package he sent Lulu from the Maarkam Islands. That was hilarious, and let's just say the pervy lesbo fangirl vote was captured by a landslide during that scene. Now, if we could just get Tracy to show off those "gams" of hers that Luke was talking about... You don't want to know. B)

  16. Squee squee squee squee squeeeeeee! The article, the article, the article. I'm liking this.

    And Ms. Q, you are my clip crack dealer. I'm just sooo loving all this stuff you're posting. It'll take me forever to download, but it's worth the efort.

    Oh, and more stormy weather. Don't be surprised if I come around beggggggging for clips from today's episode. (Some days I really miss Arizona's lack of interesting weather.)

  17. Downloading clips like crazy. LOVED the 2004 Xmas scenes--funny how the two hard-a$$ non-emotional types (Tracy, Edward) were the only ones who were openly emotional about Lila's absence. (I love that gal, I really do.) And the fire scene--omigosh, I just got all teary. Really, watched it three times.

    Also, nabbed several pics from GHH2 for the April 13 episode. I'm planning on making icons, but only got one done so far. If you're interested, check out my LJ default icon. I was sort of proud of how it came out. (I'd link it here, but LJ is wonky about using extensions on its pictures.) My LJ is http://www.livejournal.com/users/minerva_fan.

  18. Today's Episode: *shakes head* That blouse/short jacket thingambob was outrageous, LOL, but we haven't seen it before, so I guess that's good. Robert/Tracy? I'm not sure I appreciate him having fun at her expense, and I wish their final scene had been continued, but I can't complain much. At least she was on (albeit 10 seconds). It's something, right? :)

    *meep* I actually liked her outfit today. And thanks for all the clips.

    I was watching with my girlfriend tonight, and she wants to know what the heck has happened to Robert. From everything she tells me of the Robert Scorpio glory days, he was a hero and a gentleman (for the most part). The way he laughed at her in the last scene was actually cruel. Is it me, or are all these "heros" of the GH glory days really callous, immature louts?

    *looks around at what GH has to offer in straight men.*


    Still a lesbian.

  19. Today's epi-

    Tracy/Robert scenes, kinda cute! It seems everyone is gonna know that Tracy loves Luke by the time he gets back except for Luke!

    I would pay good money to have Luke "discover" he's in love with TQ while away, only to come back to find her having moved on. Yeah, seeing Luke actively having to woo her would be worth a paycheck or two...think we can come up with a fund to bribe the writers?

  20. I totally haven't been watching as long as many of you, so my list is short:

    >TQ brainstorming with Coleman to see how they can counter Luke's adultery charges. Coleman asks "what's in it for me," and when Tracy starts talking money, he pulls her down on the bed. :) Yeah, that was fun.

    >The Chapel Scenes. Just utterly beautiful and touching--perfectly played by JE and TG.

    >Luke and Tracy having breakfast, discussing Vinnie.

    >Tracy and Dillon outside Edward's hospital room, discussing the watch Tracy bought for Edward in Paris.

    >JE on Soaptalk, ratting out Deirdre Hall for frying her hair. (Not a TQ moment, but made me laugh.)

    >Tracy and Alan comforting each other after Lila's death. "We had the best mother in the world..." *SNIFF*

  21. I'm lovin' everyone's fics.

    Anybody got any scoops? *she asks,hopefully*

    I didn't even watch yesterday,should I?

    Oh yeah.....TQ rocks !

    No scoops, but TQ was on yesterday. Almost no lines at all, but some really good reaction shots during the Dillon/Georgie blowout.

  22. Hola, TracyFans. Well, I finally got to see the Tracy/Coleman scenes, and they were wonderful (except for the last with Skye and Coleman which OOPS accidentally on purpose got deleted....) I'm rebuilding my poor depleted collection, so anybody with links feel free to share. (I'm almost ashamed to ask for "Full of Grace" and "Won't U Please B Nice" again, as I've downloaded them both about four times and lost them....)

    Oh, and it's stormy today. Kentucky + April weather = 50% chance they're going to preempt GH with stupid weather reports. Cross your fingers, folks.

  23. JMHO, I think Tracy's scenes yesterday were some of the best she's had since the chapel scenes. I love when JE can play subtle, though TIIC seemed to want her OTT at all times these days.

    Yeah, about the hair. The Continuity Police were all in the donut shop, I guess. And Dillon, will you please make up your mind? Do you know she loves him, or do you not?

    My GF is really pissed at GH right now because she thinks showing Tracy in love with a man so clueless paints her as desparate and pathetic. (She adores Tracy, and hates when the writers treat her badly.) Any ocmments re: this idea?

  24. I responded to Ms.Q's post by saying that to me JE and by association Tracy,are beautiful and don't deserve those kind of remarks. Wonder if it did any good.

    Well, now, I'm really glad I don't go there. I really hate when people are like that. It's like, sure, you don't like the character. You don't like her personality. Keep her appearance (which, imho, is FINE) out of it, or you'll reveal yourself as the shallow, catty, brainless git you are.

    And in honor of our beautiful Tracy/JE, here are some icons--just examples of her loveliness--for your viewing pleasure. (No new ones.)



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