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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. kenna, I have no idea, but MinervaFan knows how to make screencaps, so maybe she can tell you how to do that. I'm pretty sure it requires some technology I don't know the name of, LOL. Did JE give a speech? Could you summarize that for us? And I don't have that song. Sorry. :( Have you tried different sites for free mp3 downloads?


    And for those who visit SoapDish, some interesting discussion about Jane Elliot/Tracy today regarding the Markham Islands. Makes you wonder what's really going on...if anything is going on at all.

    ETA: I'm also wondering where 4XCrazy is. And kenna, I'm glad you're enjoying "Oh, Baby."

    Um, I'm not sure what it takes--you need special software to transfer video to computers. I'm getting Nero for my birthday--I can see what their tutorial says.

    Ms. Q, can you summarize the conversation on SD? I wouldn't even know where to start looking for that thread. Also, downloading the vid and LOVING Oh, Baby.

    Oh, and I made a second version of "Na Na." Now, there is a NaNa in RAcyVision and a Standard NaNa. :) Oh, and those who use WMM? Did you know that you can zoom in on the timeline and get more precision in trimming clips??? I did not know this until Shazzer told me, and now I know and clap gleefully with the knowlege. As with all things, the link for the Standard NaNa will be posted once I can get SendSpace to let me upload.

    Fic Update: I've got two short chapters on my Tracy Gets Trapped story. Her fellow trappee? Monica. I've actually got a bunny for a Tracy and Ned get trapped story, that will not be funny like the Monica one. Hopefully, I'll get them done this week and posted.

  2. MsQ, I asked Shazzer about your screen size problem, and she had this to say. I hope it helps.

    ...on the second screen on WMM's "Save Movie Wizard" (after you've been prompted to give your file a name), are your movie settings which allow you to set your file size.

    The default setting on WMM is "Best quality for playback on my computer", but there is an option for "Show more choices"

    If you click "show more choices", you can select "Best to fit file size", which gives you ticker menus where you can select the exact file size (to the mb) you want your file to be.

    Below this is a little box that says "setting details", which tells you your display size, bit rate, frames per second, etc. So you can monitor your display size as you manipulate your file size.

  3. MsQ, blame the plethora of Robert/Tracy in "Na Na" on a combination of factors: 1, I really like those scenes, 2, I was working on the vid late at night, 3, I don't have a whole lot of scenes to choose from (that will change sooooon....) As for going back to edit--I treat these vids like my fanfics--if something can be improved, I do so (until a point where it gets ridiculous, and then I delete the working file. So there.) I have been downloading some clips off GH-Daily that I think are wonderful, and will allow me to put some Ned stuff in there. So I probably will go back and edit out some of the Robert/Tracy.




    ILoveTracyQ, just a few comments on your post...

    • There's no reason to think they couldn't go from zero to divorce in the time FH is on the show. But divorce doesn't have to mean the end of LuNacy. In fact, my lunatic brain weaves, divorce could be the best thing for them. Let's face it, neither Tracy nor Luke, nobody in fact, sees this as a real marriage because of the way it started. They will always be living under the shadow of that Vegas wedding and the first few months' shenanigans. So, let's say they get divorced for some reason--wow, a soap couple who divorces and remarries? That has never happened (cough, Alan&Monica, cough). If they divorced and remarried in a way that nobody could deny, they would have a stronger foundation in society, without so many people mocking and disregarding them. Well, them as a couple. Laughing and mocking Tracy as an individual, I have learned from the clips, is a Quartermaine pasttime that will not go away.
    • As to Tracy walking in on Luke and Holly--well, I can see her exploding, but she's more of a Hera personality. She'd take it out on Holly in public, then turn the screws on Luke in private. But I can't imagine that Tracy would give either Luke or Holly the satisfaction of seeing that she views Holly as a serious threat. (The goddess worshipper in me needs to clarify that I'm talking about the bastardized, misogynistic corruption of Hera, not the true spiritual essences of Hera, although Tracy does fit that archetype well--dayum, where's my copy of Goddesses in Everywoman when I need it. But I digress...)
    • I'm beginning to like the Tracy being held hostage scenario more and more. Maybe it's just the wannabe writer/editor in me, but I could see this working (and I'll tellya why). Let's say Tracy does get kidnapped, and nobody finds out till later. And let's say, that somewhere in all the confusion, somebody spills the beans to Luke about Tracy loving him. Remember when Vinnie kidnapped Tracy, how Luke reacted? I mean, it's not like he even tried. But he and Tracy were not in love, Vinnie was a small-time hood, imho, and Tracy was totally in her element.

      So, what if the person who kidnapped Tracy this time was a greater threat, a bigger bad, and well, someone (played by Constance Towers who has already been taping scenes) who has a personal grudge against both Luke and Tracy?? Armed with the knowlege that Tracy loves him, confused by his own feelings for Tracy, and burdened by the fact that this is not the first time her life has been in danger because of him (hey, let's face it--being kidnapped by Vinnie is not the same as being kidnapped by Helena Cassadine), how far do you think our boy will go to get Tracy back? It makes sense--everybody has been speculating that the Cassadines were behind the monkey fever. Tracy still has the Cassadine $15 million, and Helena has spies everywhere... I can very much see some Tracy-Helena-Luke scenes in the near future. Now, my little feminist heart loathes the idea of Tracy having to be rescued for any reason, but my shipper heart likes the idea of Luke sweating with worry for Tracy.

    Now, am I being too optimistic?

    **End Spoiler/Speculation

  4. coolkid, good to see you posting. :)

    *waits not-so-patiently for MinervaFan's video* ;)

    Ask and you shall receive! It only took me FIVE attempts to upload it (Compuserve's server kept logging me off, usually at the 92% mark...) This link will be available for 7 days. Fey has promised to give me some room on her domain to store my vids, so eventually I'll post some permanent links.

    Till then, for your chuckling pleasure, Na Na, by Superchic[k], starring Tracy, the Qs, the Spencers, and Robert "SupuhSpy" Scorpio. Enjoy, Tracyphiles.

  5. Well, good news and bad news. Good news is my tape finally worked. Bad news is, I live in Kentucky, and tomorrow's the Kentucky Derby. The show has been postponed to tomorrow at 5 pm. The badder news? No Tracy, so I don't even have to worry about it.

    OTOH, I am working on another Tracy vid. Get used to it, folks. I have no imagination--I'm doing Tracy vids until people make me stop. (or until I get Nero for my birthday and can make my own clips. Then I might branch out.)

    ETA: My newest vid is done. It's Tracy, mostly for laughs, to "Na Na" by Superchic[k]. Yeah, I guess now's the time when I have to admit I own the soundtrack to Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, isn't it? Setting the upload for while I sleep, and should have a URL in the morning.

    ETA2: Will someone please just shoot me? PLEASE? Because I'm on my third attempt to upload this stupid vid, and the connection just lets me get to 90% and then disconnects on me! Ugh. I'm half-tempted to go against my strict anti-YouStendIt policy, just because they store partially uploaded files. (I just hate how quickly the links expire.)

    BTW, wanna know the depth of my obssession? I'm redoing my entire LiveJournal layout to match the sparkly Tracy icon C_A_T_T_Y made for me. (Okay, it was long overdue anyway, but that's my excuse--I can't have my default icon clashing with my layout.)


  6. hey, all!

    MsQ, w00t on the new chapter of "Oh, Baby." I'm so anticipating it. The Tracy-Monica story already has about two pages on it, but I'm probably going to rewrite it,as the POV is problematic.

    What I really want to do is a Change of Habit fic. As it would probably be the only CoH fanfic in history, it would have to be the only fanfic ever needed in history, so that might take a while.

    OTOH, if I never get home before 11:30 (that was the earliest I got home this week after work with all the errands I had to run), I won't have time to do nuthin'.

    Oh, today is Cinco de Mayo. We're having tequilla shots and chips and salsa over at the Ficathon. Tracy has stopped counting and is now doing a Coyote Ugly dance on the bar. Luke is passed out in a corner, Coleman is charging spectators who are ogling Tracy, and Skye is sulking because she's sober.

    Edit: DEAR ME! Tracy just grabbed Lorenzo and yelled, "Free Body Shots!" into the crowd. I think Skye's gonna explode now.

    But don't worry about our girl--tomorrow is Kentucky Derby, so she can work off that hangover with some mint juleps! (All this ruckus, and I don't even drink. I'm just the chronicler of this madness.)

    Oh, and Alan--who's had at least six shots and a couple of margaritas--is our designated driver. But don't worry--Tracy knows where to stash the evidence. (Gawd, let's hope they never drain that lake....)

  7. Been lurking at SoapDish...They want a ladies night out with Holly/Anna/Tracy/Monica. Holly is on my "You are so evil" list, but eh...JE is so much fun when she gets to play drunk. I'd go for it.

    I just love how Tracy periodically offers Skye a drink. The decent human in me is scandalized, but the other part of me? LMFAO--it's so mean and !@#$%^&*]y and perfect, considering how awful Skye treats her. (Yeah, I know it's deserved, but I prefer Tracy.)

    Hmmmmmm....you may get the Tracy and Monica, if I ever get back to my story. Maybe I could throw in a couple of other people--any requests?

  8. JE looks so much better now IMO.

    Maybe the hair was just TOO short,maybe she was too skinny then,I don't know,I just think she looks worlds better now. I reiterate....the shoulder length bob is her best look. The almost but not quite honeyblond during the time she first teamed up with Helena,is also her best color.

    The harsh red just doesn't flatter her anymore.

    JMHO. The color and the cut soften her face.

    We always end up discussing her hair, don't we? I love the blondish shoulder-length bob, too. I think the current cut could work well for her, if she'd just soften the color a bit. (Knock, knock! Dierdre? Ash Brown, medium, is a great color. Trust me.)

    I've reconsidered Tracy/Dr. John Carpenter. He's meant for Barbara Bennett, and nobody can convince me otherwise. (Take that, MTM fans!) Maybe a quick flirtation with Tracy would wake him up to how much he loves Barbara, and Tracy would be like, "OH, thank god. If I had to stay another five minutes with that do-gooder rockabilly doctor, I would have slit his wrists." Um, not her wrists, mind you....

    Hoping to get something creative done this weekend. I've been sooooooo busy with RL; all I've had the chance to do was set things to download.

    Oh, there's a new Fanfiction board up: http://boards.heavens-angel.net/fics/index.php I asked the person who made it, and she's agreed to add a Luke/Tracy folder on the board. So if you're looking for another place to pimp your stuff....

  9. Luke has conned Tracy into falling in love.

    Or, maybe she has conned him into connecting to something bigger than his only boyish whims.

    Oh, downloading the Trax eps. My kingdom for a Tracy pairing that does NOT include Skye. I mean, really, folks--how long have they been sticking her with Skye's hand-me-downs? We need a real man, with nothing to prove or no axe to grind, to come in and challenge Tracy into love. (Hey, I wonder if we could get Dr. John Carpenter from CoH? ;) I know, it's time for work.)

  10. MsQ, I love the Teen LuNacy banner! (Sounds like a 1970s Saturday morning cartoon, doesn't it? Tracy and the Teens in Teen LuNacy. <i>Tracy and her best buddy Luke travel cross country in the Magical LuNacy Van, jamming with their rock band "The Teens" and solving mysteries as they go!</i>)

    I'm hoping whatever gremlin has messed up my timer on the VCR for the last three days clears itself up before Our Lady of Snark returns to cast judgment on the Three Crabilleros....

    ETA: A little side note to Natalia Livingston re: today's episode. Hon, stick to the two emotions you seem capable of playing, and leave the comedy to the professionals. Oh, for a good Tracy-Luke snarkfest about now.....





    Re: Holly and Luke discussing how he can't be a slutpuppy rutting jerk of a dog with the British tartlet because he has a wife "at home." Does this mean I have to watch the fracking Luke-Holly scenes now? I've just been ff-ing through them.

    As for Luke thinking our girl is at home waiting on him--man, he doesn't really know his wife at all, does he?

    Places Tracy Could Be While Luke's On Adventure:

    • On a private plane (rented with part of that $15 million, since Edward wouldn't let her use the ELQ jet), heading off to the South Pacific to track his sad butt down? CHECK
    • In Europe, mocking Eurotrash and spending that $15 million? CHECK
    • In New York, catching the latest Broadway blockbusters and spending that $15 million? CHECK
    • In California, luxuriating at a big expensive spa and spending that $15 million? CHECK
    • Waiting at home for his sorry ass to decide to return? WRONG!
    /end spoiler talk
  12. I know where Tracy is.....

    Spoiler space

    just in case

    She went to get Anna. Here's my rationale--If you wanted to stage a hostile corporate takeover, you'd call Tracy. But if you wanted somebody who could reign in the Three Stooges (Robert, Luke, and Holly), who better to call than Anna? Now, I know that TPTB are going to have Robin contact her. But in my little fantasy world. Tracy was the one smart enough to go to the Maarkams armed for bear (i.e., with Anna). That way, she looks smart (come prepared), she doesn't get lost, and she gets the joy of seeing the horrified look on Huey, Louie, and Floozie's faces when she presents them with the SuperSpyGirl who's gonna help her whip them all into shape.

    /end spoiler speculation

    Oh, and MsQ--I sent you a PM with detailed f/b on your fanart. I loved most of them, and I totally crave whatever source you have for pics.

  13. And hey I've been caught or almost caught at work on a soap board,more times than I can count.

    I blush like mad when I'm caught so I can't hide it,LOL.

    We can surf on breaks and at lunch, so I don't get in trouble. Just mocked ferociously. Like I care. I just think, "What would Tracy do?" and move on with life. Speaking of which, my break is almost over.

    *crossing fingers for TQ Goodness on today's episodes.*

    And totally OT, re: the Gilmore Girls eppy I missed last night? HAHAHAHAHA! I was right, the world was wrong! (I read the TWP recap.) HAHAHAHA! *HappyDanceofBrilliance*

    Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, Tracy and Luke were dragging Holly behind them on a bungie while they speed off in their power boat to a remote island on the outskirts of the Maarkams for a little romantic tete-a-tete.....the British tartlet is howling...Tracy is driving while Luke drinks champagne out of her Feragamo pumps......

  14. Minerva, ur hilarious. I'm in the computer lab and i read that and burst out laughing when it's dead-a** silent and....yeah. teacher+non-school related internet topics= detention tomorrow, but, ya know, you guys are so worth it!

    Sorry about the detention. :( I should be encouraging you to pay attention in class, but.....

    Hey, Ms.Q, thank you SO much. My next mvid is going to be Tracy-Dillon, and I was dreading going through that GQ archive. You've saved me hours!

    Please let there be TQ on today's show, and please let my tape work. Now I have to get back to work, or I'll get old-people detention.....

  15. LOL MinervaFan you kill me.

    Have you watched the HS clip with Luke/Tracy/Skye/Sam/Scott?

    What'd you think?

    I'm averaging one clip a night download (the latest one's MsQ has posted average 20 megs each, which takes a couple of hours on dial-up). I'm downloading the one you're talking about right now.

    You should also see the clip just after this one I think,where Luke and Skye are standing outside Kelly's and Luke is peering in at Tracy with mucho interest.

    Ah,who are we kidding? Even TG said Luke has always felt an attraction for Tracy. He wanted her even then. B)

    You said it. I'm still thinking they had a torrid one-night stand back in the day that neither of them wants to remember...

    nex thanks for that Dillon/Tracy vid,I've seen it before but it's one of the best,IMO. I think I first saw it on NQ.Net.

    You know,Tracy/Dillon haven't had a lot of time together in quantity,but almost each and every scene has been memorable,and that vid captures most of them,even the virus/hospital stuff.

    Very well done vid,IMO.

    It was an awesome video.

    Re: Tracy/Luke fantasies? That's what fanfic is for....ponders Rescue Scenarios for a moment before toddling off to work.

  16. She landed on the wrong island--I can just hear it.

    Boss! Ze Plane! Ze Plane!

    Yes, Tatoo, our first guest is Tracy Quartermaine Spencer.

    And what is her fantasy, Boss?

    She wants to see her husband crawl like the dog he is.

    Oh, Boss, I like that fantasy!

  17. Okay.


    That kiss between Jax and Tracy--even without dialogue, it was...

    Um, wow. That was disturbing and hot and intense.

    Yeah, I could see Trax being a big part of my life, if they had gone that way. OTOH, Racy and LuNacy are also good. Tralice, though--oohlala! *wink*

    Am downloading more stuff. My tape screwed up again today and I missed the first half of the show. I'm assuming no Tracy, right? Personally, my Sleeping Inner Catholic was pretty stunned that no bolts of lightning came down and smacked that skanky Holly upside her head. But, that's just me....

  18. MsQ, you are awesome! I especially look forward to the clip on the Haunted Star. I'm thinking it might be fun to explore an alternative universe fanfic where Luke/Tracy had a torrid affair years ago they kept hidden, and now they are struggling not to reinstigate it. Either way, I have to start getting my head back into fanfic mode, because the May challenge is getting older by the minute....

    nex4evr, adding it to my list of things to view. BTW, does anybody know how to download vids from YouTube? It's really frustrating, because dial-up makes it almost impossible to watch in their viewer.

    MsQ, I agree with you--I'm Not That Girl is my favorite yet, although I think my skill level is getting better with each vid. (I went back and watched "Never Mind" again, and just cringed my butt off.)

    tracyluvr, from what I know, Tracy blackmailed Jax into getting engageed to her, probably to piss off Skye or Carly--I can't remember which. Either way, they apparently kissed once (vid anybody?), but it never got passed that.

    ILoveTracyQ, don't you dare spread that rumor, young lady! Ms. Elliot is a lady and a professional. And Tony Geary is gay. :lol: *grinning. ducking. running like hell.*

    Edit: Oh, LAWD. I have way too much honor to leave that last joke un-modified. Dudes, it's a joke. I have no information one way or another on Tony Geary's sexual orientation. *rolls eyes at own self*

  19. I don't have time to respond to everything right now, but I had to pop because...Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (I am such a fangirl, sometimes, LOL)






    From Finola Hughes's Blog:

    Anyway, I had SO much fun at GH this week, there was one morning I literally laughed for three hours (very professional), but I was working with Tony and Jane (Luke and Tracy) and they are ridiculous, in a very good way!

    I don't care if we have to wait until the week of May 15th to see Tracy; we still get to see her! ILoveTracyQ, your optimism paid off! :D

    You just made my day. And go look at the GORGEOUS icons C_a_tty made for me! *hugs the Internet*

  20. TG/JE even then,had that spark,and there was that moment when Luke was talking about the reason he wanted to re-open the Star wasn't about money,it was about passion.

    JE's look was priceless,and IMO she would've jumped Luke's bones right then if they'd been alone and she thought for a moment he'd go for it.

    It was THAT kind of moment.

    Another wasted opportunity,because TG/JE have ALWAYS had ten times the chemistry of TG/RC.

    Any chance we could get a clip of that scene? (Actually, I believe I read the transcript somewhere and thought--whoa, foreshadowing?)

    I think Ned/Tracy/Dillon is the most complex,interesting parent/children relationship on that show,and it's my all time fave,too.

    I agree wholeheartedly. I've got to see more Ned & Tracy interaction (besides his snarky one-liners from the last few episodes) before I can get a handle on their relationship, but I do see the evoloution of Dillon's feelings for his mom pretty well. Not sure how 'd document that in a vid, but I see it.

    ABout Tony not thanking Jane.

    I heard a rumor that all TG's talk about how he'd love for Luke/Tracy to have a love scene,is that TG has been after JE to date him.

    She refused,and this last time,right before the Emmys.

    He got mad and dissed her.

    Okay,so that entire thing I just made up.

    But it was fun making it up,anyway. :)

    Yeah I'm really bored.

    You know, this is how ugly rumors get started. You totally had me going there for a moment, which just horrified me no end. I'd like to think they're both much more professional than that.

    About sweeps.

    Our girl WILL pop up,and I'm crossing my fingers it's going to be GOOD. :)

    That's the ticket, Miss Teenage America! (Note the sneaky Change of Habit reference....) Keep up that plucky optimism we love so much.....

  21. *waves back to nex4evr*

    I was under the impression Tracy came back because Dillon was in jail during the whole Diego stalking situation.

    Just finished downloading and watching the Tracy Leaves Dillon (all 32 megs of it, on dial-up....), and whoa. Just freakin' whoa. Why don't we get more of these scenes, she asks? OTOH, Ms.Q, you've given me the basis for the next vid I want to do.

    BTW, (note the subtle transition) does anybody have an decent clips of Tracy and Ned? I've got the hug after the fire, but just anything where they're interacting in a more or less positive manner? A fight between them would also be useful.

    Just curious. (I have much with the Dillon and Tracy; not so much with the Ned and Tracy.)

    And dudes, what's this about Ned being raised by the Qmaines? I thought he went to expensive boarding schools in Europe.... Did I totally get that wrong?

    Oh, and nex4evr, thanks for the kudos on the banner and vid. Vids are my new crack, but I still love playing in PhotoImpact. Oh, and that fanfic thing. That's fun, too.

  22. Ms. Q, thank you for the link and the recap of today's episode. Somebody turned off my timer AGAIN, so they're reallllly lucky there was no Tracy on today's episode. Oh, my kingdom for my own place.

    Am uploading "Army of Me" again. And yeah, I know SendSpace gives you the URL in the link, but that doesn't help in my situation. I set it to upload at home, go to work, and nab the URL on my break. And since my pookie-ookie accidentally closed down the window containing the URL, I'm forced to do it again. :)

    I love the technological age.

    Edit: Army of Me URL: http://www.sendspace.com/file/degc1s

    Edit2: Okay, ya'll can just shoot me DED. Got this image from www.facesgh.com of the LuNacy Nuptuals. I'm telling you, there's no way they could have shown this circus on the air. But I would have paid GOOD money to be a fly on the wall when Jane and Tony were taking these photos. (I love the minister with the cowboy hat in the background.)


  23. Luke is on my LIST.

    These days, Luke is always on my list. ;)

    The May challenge is up on the TQ Ficathon. It's going to run the whole month of May, so we have lots of time for people to post lots of stories. *waggles eyebrows* Ms.Q, this does not give you carte blanche to abandon "Oh, Baby," because I so want to see how this turns out. (Of course, if Skye pushes her down a flight of stairs, I'm suing.)

    Re: Lack of Tracy in spoilers--I don't know what to think. I will just...bide my time...think fanficcy thoughts, and hope for the best.

    Re: the ever-elusive Bjork Meets Tracy vid. I learned something important today. Even though SendSpace lists the "Mail To:" field as optional, it really isn't. Not if you actually want to know what the URL is.....

    Re: this group. It's my crack. I check it more than LiveJournal, and I didn't think ANYTHING would drag me away from LiveJournal. You people make me happy.

    Oh, and I just filled my first CD (520 megs) full of Tracy vids, and had to start on a second. Still looking for anything you guys want to share. Oh, Ms.Q....I managed to not download the Robert comes to town/Tracy & Luke renew their vows episodes before the link expired. Would you consider reposting the links? Also, there was that...um...(feeling pushy) 2003 clip where Tracy dumps Dillon at the Quartermaine mansion you mentioned...... *bats eyes plaintively*

    Spoiler Talk:




    From Anonymous at SD: (after Sweeps) Robert is going to be drawn to Tracy and the best triangle yet to come will probably be Robert/Tracy/Luke.

    Dudes, I still don't see any sexual chemistry there. Yeah, they play well off each other, but there's about as much spark between them as there is between her and Alan. (Oh, don't go there, you pervs...) The teasing I see as a big brother tormenting his bratty kid sister, not a potential lover trying to throw his prey off balance with jealousy.

    But maybe I'm wrong. And if they played a triangle correctly, it could be really fun. I loved the Luke/Tracy/Coleman triangle, until Coleman ruined it all by coming on to Skye. (C'mon, she's pretty, but she's no Tracy Quartermaine. I mean, dudes--the painting on the wall says it all.)


  24. Keith--I have no idea how old the photo is. I got it from Soaps in Pictures. Here's the original:


    Also--I made another video, this time to Bjork's Army of Me. (Edit: As usual, I thought of a change during the night. Will upload with correct URL when available.) Yeah, it's Tracy, but unlike the others I've made...this doesn't exactly highlight the "Softer" side of Tracy's personality. (Yeah, I have an eclectic taste in music...)

    And for those of you who have trouble understanding Bjork's accent, here are the lyrics.

    Stand up

    You've got to manage

    I won't sympathize anymore.

    And if you complain once more

    You'll meet an army of me

    You're alright

    There's nothing wrong

    Self-sufficience please! And get to work.

    And if you complain once more

    You'll meet an army of me

    And if you complain once more

    You're on your own now

    We won't save you

    Your rescue-squad is too exhausted

    And if you complain once more

    You'll meet an army of me

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