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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. I truly believe the gods do not want this video to be made. Or shared. I saved it at first, without knowing anything about file size and compression in Nero, and had about five minutes of joy watching my vid in full-screen, DVD-ready glory--at 183 megs! Then I deleted that file, compressed it down to 320x240 and 49 megs. Then I realized one of the clips was duplicated, edited, and got it down to 29 megs. Then I realized my new clip threw the timing off, fixed it, and corrupted the dayum file trying to export it.

    You guys are probably never going to see this video. I think I may have to start from scratch. And since the song is five minutes long, and that's probably why I'm having so much problems with it, I think...I fear...no one will ever see my glorious Tracy-Dillon video.

    Tracy better be on today, or gloom may swallow the world whole.

    Oh, and CHACHACHA to Ms.Q for an *excellent* chapter of Oh, Baby. And to think--our little Fake Spoiler Ficathon prompted this! *beams with joy*





    I've been going through old posts for days, and frankly, if I read that damned spoiler about Luke admitting he has feelings for Tracy one more time, I'm going to spit. OF COURSE, he has feelings for Tracy. He is amused by her, annoyed by her, lusts after her, toys with her, flirts with her, is cruel to her---SPOIL ME BY SAYING he tells her he LOVES her, and then I'll start squeeing again......

    Really, they've been tossing that one at us for six months now.

    I want to see smooching, dangit.


    In other news, I got my copy of Nero (early birthday present) today. Unfortunately, I could not salvage my vid. But I took it as a great way to learn the program as I recreated the vid from scratch. The new version is somewhat different from the original, as this new program has some features WMM didn't, and doesn't have features WMM did, but I still think it's pretty darned good. Will upload as soon as I can make it into a reasonable size....

    Ms.Q, THANK YOU!!!!! I did what you said, and found at least the beginnings of The City transcripts. Oh, I will be reading soon.......

  3. It's Fey's grandmother's birthday--I won't be home until late tonight. Any Tracy today, or should I just resigned myself to a total waste of a day? ;)

    Hey, ILoveTracyQ, you rock with the Alex Masters bio. Looking forward to reading it, when I have more than five minutes at a time to surf.

  4. Hmm...interesting if true:


    On SD, "Boss"(have we seen this "scoopster" before ?Anyone know?) wrote that something "delicate" is planned for Luke/Tracy,and that's all the poster knew.

    I normally am skeptical of anything I read there,but hasn't someone else spilled this about Luke/Tracy?

    It sounds familiar,but maybe I'm just confusing it with the Coleman/Tracy stuff from last year.


    I love my girl,but seriously Luke/Tracy don't need to get pregnant.

    It could be a good story if done well, I couldn't see it ending any other way besides a miscarriage,but it could still be interesting.

    I don't trust TIIC to do it right,though.

    Now if TG had a hand in it,I'd find it more watchable.


    spoilers over


    Hmm.... maybe something else besides a "delicate" condition.... I've had spoilers and bunnies and everything swirling around my head all morning--Once I've got Blue Door done, I'm going to do my anniversary to remember story--I want it done before Friday.....

  5. MinervaFan, I posted this before, but this site has detailed episode recaps of The City. Sometimes dialogue is included. It's the next best thing to transcripts and actual clips. ;)

    Actually, I've been there, and couldn't find anything at all mentioning Tracy. *shrugs* Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

    BTW, got Chapter 4 of "Live from The Blue Door" done. Monica and Tracy kick ass. Chapter 5 should have some vintage Tracy moments, if I do my job right. Not going to post the thing until it's complete--should be done in about seven chapters, eight at the very most. Happy Mothers' Day to all on the board who are moms.

  6. MinervaFan if you do a City fic can I make a small request,and you can yay or nay it,but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask...do you think you could find room for Jacob Foster in the story,too?

    Jacob was probably the only other person besides Zoey that Tracy could count as a friend.

    The character looked just like Jesse Hubbard from All My Children(of course played by the same actor, Darnell Williams). Jacob ran the bar on the ground floor of the building they all lived in.

    Jacob was Tracy's first "mark" when coming to town.

    I think I had read a synopsis of this before. Dayum, I wish I could find transcripts of the show, if not actual videos. (The site that had the last episode is supposed to post the first episode eventually....maybe when they do, I'll get to see that scene with Jacob. Anybody know if there are transcripts online anywhere? At least, then, I can get some background.

    I'm going to try to get another chapter done on the Tracy-Monica story tonight, if at all possible. This weekend was horrible...lots of angst and drama...but it's starting to look up. I still having seen Friday's episode. Maybe we'll be lucky and Tracy will be on tomorrow.

  7. happy dance! Tracy pics, Tracy pics, Tracy pics! (I'm not sure how I feel about the outfit, but she could be wearing sack-cloth and ashes, and I'd be thrilled to see her.)

    Hey, MsQ! I went into PhotoImpact the other day and tried to replicate your banner style. If I haven't said so before, let me say it now--I am SO impressed with your work. The Young LuNacy in Lust one is a perfect example of the lovely blends you do--they're flawless, and anybody who doesn't do graphics cannot truly comprehend how impressive they are. :) Would you be willing to share your banners on the TQ website? I plan on having a fan section, with links to fanart, graphics, and fanfiction.

    And if I haven't mentioned it recently, you guys just rock! MarlandRulez, I'm going to go to that site and see what I can see. And can you tell me any more about the character of Zoe? I've got a fanfic plot bunny in my head, but Zoe is just a name right now, which would make including her in a fiction very difficult. (Well, difficult if I wanted to make her true to character.) Any links, comments, or whatever you can send will be greatly appreciated.

    ETA: That's two in a row! Page 64!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Here is a clip of Jane as CARRIE MARLER on Guiding Light in the early 80s. The part was specifically written for her by Doug Marland and after the CBS bigwigs decided to chuck the split personality story and Jane, Doug Marland quit his HW position in protest.


    Jane's voice is so funny to listen to, so high pitched!

    Carrie's such a change from Tracy

    "My grandmother taught me to love ALL living things."


    I can't wait to get home and watch this. BTW, did you get my PM about The City?

  9. from the LiveJournal Generalhospital Community:

    Trouble (troublewalking) wrote in generalhospital,

    @ 2006-05-11 18:48:00

    I was just watching Soap Talk and saw that Jane Elliot (Tracy Quartermaine) will be on tomorrow's episode. They also hinted that part of what Ty and Lisa will be talking to Jane about is when she worked with Anna Lee (Lila Quartermaine). Thought some of you might be interested in seeing this.

    That would be tonight's episode....I have a friend with SoapNet. I'll ask her to tape it for me, but if anybody can get it digitally--oohh, post clips, please!

  10. Ladies and gents, LAST EPISODE of THE CITY featuring Tracy becoming the new GODMOTHER. Also featuring the fabulous Amy Van Horn who was Tracy's evil stepdaughter Carla Soleito and Morgan Fairchild murdered!!!

    SWEET SCENE between Tracy & her best friend, Dillon's nanny Zoey.




    Dont say i dont give you anything.


    Okay, I'm hooked now. Does anybody know where I can get copies of Loving/The City on tape or DVD? Tracy taking over the Solieto family practically had me drooling on my keyboard. I wasn't able to find the scene with her and Zoe (I think it was in the first scene with the bad link....) But the whole feel of the thing looks like something I would have adored. (So glad I didn't watch it when it was on--I would have been furious when it was cancelled.)

  11. I. May. Weep.

    I worked almost...a week on my video. It's beautiful. It's perfect. And WMM won't let me save it as a movie file!!! It gets to about 10%, and then gives me this message:


    Can somebody please help me? I can watch it in Movie Maker, but that's not going to do me any good. I'm really proud of it....I hate that I may have lost all that work.

    FWIW, I can see the thing--all the files are fine on the disk, and there's tons of space on my hard drive. I don't get what is wrong.... (And yes, I've already rebooted the computer.)

  12. Well, GH did remember their 2 month anniversary. ;)

    MinervaFan, I never thanked you for your comments my video, so thanks! I'd like to make more, but I have a hard time coming up with songs to use. Oh, and I'm addicted to your NaNa video. Some other things I haven't commented on...The "You never had this conversation" lyrics with Tracy talking to Dillon about the hit-and-run is perfect. I also love the addition of Tracy/Edward during the hotel fire when the music started to slow down. And the music works well with the "Tracy takes charge" scene with Lulu/Skye/the others (during the whole "let's make Tracy think we want her dead" SL) Finally, I noticed how you kept the audio on for the Alice/Tracy/shot-gun scene, and that too worked well. And wow, I am obsessed with this video, LOL. :lol:

    ETA: More on the video, of course, LOL. The 5 second instrumental break (may not be the right term for such a short break) when Tracy pushes Skye out of the way had me laughing out loud, and I even like Skye for the most part. (I know, I know. I go back and forth, but if I can't get Luke/Tracy on my screen or any of the other Q's, I'll gladly take SkyLo. Anyway...)

    SQUEE! for the detailed feedback. I'm so grateful for it. The thing with Alice and the gun? Total accident, and I loved it so I just cranked the volume. Thing with Skye? Total accident, but I loved it and nudged the video to make it work.

    As for music for videos? Are you on AIM? We should talk at some point--I have tons and tons and tons of music, a lot of which I have on CD and could upload to you. You got clips; I got music; we could make videos! (Feeling very Young Spielbergish right now...)

    Oh, BTW, did anybody catch Luke's 10%-er joke the other day? (A 10%-er is a joke that about 10% of the audience will get, and which will go over the other 90%'s heads.) When Lulu and Dillon were "making out," and he came out to pull them apart, Luke did not refer to Dillon as Young Spielberg. He called him "Young Polanski." Had me LMAO, especially since I don't think Polanski can even step foot in the country, decades after that incident with the minor......

    I find my joy where I can, folks.

    ETA: Just caught myself staring at the far right image of Luke/Tracy in your banner, Ms. Q. Wow, she is gorgeous, isn't she? Oh, I think I have a new scenario for how I want Tracy to show up on the island--I want her to collect the bounty on Luke-Robert-Holly!!!! And she makes a deal that she'll buy Luke's freedom, but she'll own him after that. Happy Anniversary, Lukey.

  13. Hey, I know this is an old post, but do you remember what you uploaded? I'm going through the board for any links I can add to the TQ/JE website.

    I didn't see the sad look.

    I haven't been watching.

    Nothing for me to watch for with WK not around,and none of the other Q's visible.

    That's right I said it.

    Emily and Jason AREN'T Q's,and neither is Skye IMO.

    And Dillon/Lulu....Ewww...I take back every bad thing I said about Georgie.

    Lulu(nothing against the actress) just strikes me as...gross.



    She just does.

    Maybe it's because of who her parents are.

    Yeah I went there too.


    I want Tracy to truly make him suffer,in every way...and realize what he is missing.

    Then I want her to make him grovel.

    I won't get it,though.

    I'll get Tracy making a fool of herself over him. :(

    Gee,something to look forward to.

    Hey,I dropped my optimism,and I can't find it under this mound of paperwork,okay? :rolleyes:

    *misses ILoveTracyQ's optimism. I'm still holding out for something good, but I haven't been watching long enough to have my optimism trully crushed.... In the mean time, I'm having fun downloading old clips, writing fanfiction, and planning out the website. I'm serious, if it kills me, TQ will have the recognition she deserves--at least online. So. Freakin' There.

  14. Yes MinervaFan I have calculated that same date but I don't give TIIC enough credit to remember it.

    If anything is said,it'll be TG/JE's doing,not TIIC.

    I think it's a coincidence.

    Ms.Q I know JE/NLG are friends IRL.

    But yeah if it were a Tracy/Alexis story?

    I'd be tempted to FFwd.

    I dislike Alexis that much,and NLG has NEVER impressed me acting wise.


    See, I love Nancy Lee Grahn! I was a huge fan of Julia on Santa Barbara, and I practically squeed myself into a coma when she showed up as a Minbari poet on Babylon 5. She's got this beautiful serenity to everything she does, and while I don't know if she has the acting chops JE's got, she's still heads and tails above most of the clowns on daytime today. Fey's been downloading the clips from when Alexis was banished from the Cassadines, and she was really excellent. Too bad the only real SL recently she's had was "Who My Baby?"

    I doubt seriously that the IIC will remember either. Maybe somebody on the set will notice, and JE-TG will manage to slip it in somewhere.

    Oh, and Luke? You're still in the doghouse. You'd better do something OVER THE TOP to get back into our girl's good graces after this insulting and undignified little escapade of yours. Did you *see* that sad look he gave Holly when it was mentioned that he'd be going home? Dude, you'll be lucky if TQ lets you in the city, much less her house. (Monica's house.)

  15. I thought of something. The FH and ES storylines end on May 19. Luke and Tracy will be reunited before then, right?

    Luke and Tracy got together on the 18th of May, 2005. If things went like I suspected, it was probably well after midnight when they went to the chapel to get married.

    That means, the last day of the FH & ES storylines...will be on Luke and Tracy's first anniversary.

    Speculation? Dare we hope? Oh, MsQ, you will either love or hate the Monica-Tracy story. I go there, although in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Fear me, and my mother wit. ;)

  16. Ohhmiigggawwwsh....

    This is fascinating. Not the article, because eyew. But the one paragraph, wwaaaaaayyyyy down at the end, which reveals a surprising (if potentially libelous) little comment from the movie's director about Jane's time on the set of Change of Habit. (Although, technically, it's only libel if it can be proven untrue--oh, my college Communication Law course is coming in handy.) I don't know if I'm horrified or secretly gleeful over the thought of scandal.....

    I was looking online to find out what kind of nuns were in CoH. Of course, when I was wading through talk of Elvis's hair to get to something about Jane Elliot, I didn't expect this.... (Oh, and Jane flat out denied the rumor in the online chat she did last year. My guess is that one of these people is either lying, exaggerating, or clearly senile.)

    BTW, does anybody know what Order the nuns in CoH were? It's driving me nuts, because I seem to remember them mentioning it, and my internal Catholic database has been purged for the most part..... Ya know, to outsiders, a nun is a nun is a nun. But when you're writing fanfic from a nun's point of view, a Dominican is not a Franciscan is not a Carmelite....

    ETA: Page 63!!!!!!!!

    Edit2: Chapter two of the Tracy-Monica story is done. Hint: Disco is involved.

    Edit3: Chapter three will probably get me put in a mental institution. Oh, Tracy. Oh, Monica..... You are *such* bad girls.

  17. ILoveTracyQ, per the spoilers I read today, FH and ES will end their limited run on the show 5/19. Since Tracy had scenes with Anna, she will have to be on before the 22nd.

    Working on vids and fanfic. And dishes, although that's besides the point.

  18. Hey, MsQ! Great facts....wonderful stuff...and WITH LINKS? I've gotten my girlfriend hooked on vids, which can mean doom for my online time now that the semester is over. But I'm thinking my project this summer is going to have to be the same type of project I did two summers ago when I created Ballyhoo and Beyond. Not only did I get to spend a summer working on a project about one of my favorite actresses (Dana Ivey), but I actually got to meet her (online) and correspond with her. Not that I'm wishing something like that would happen with Jane..... ;)

    Tracy/Jane needs a freaking website, and you guys are totally inspiring me. Between the fanfic, the trivia links, the mvids, etal--I really think I have enough content to do this. (And my girlfriend also happens to be a kicka$$ web designer, who adores TracyQ.....*NOTE: I did the design on Ballyhoo and Beyond. Fey can do much neater stuff.)

    So, what I need to do is start gathering this stuff, as well as links to the permanent homes of mvids, clip collections, articles, etc. I'm thinking I'm going to do this. Can we start a brainstorming list for a site name?

    Edit: Even the Spoiler Folk are mentioning Tracy's absense from the show. I'm liking this person, especially the SamIAm poem.

    Also, it's pouring down raining--thunderstorms, hail, lightening strikes and 45 mph winds. Um, guess who's probably going to have GH pre-empted today by weather bulletins? Be on the lookout for me, my lovelies, in case our girl is on. I have a coworker who is a fan and has SoapNet, so I may be able to get the show (i'm going to ask her to tape it tonight, JIC). I "outed" myself by showing her my Tracy icons and the vids. She thinks they're cute. *shivers at the thought of RL and FanLife merging on any level.*

    ACK! Ms. Q, I keep forgetting to tell you how much I enjoyed "Bad Day!" Your vids are so fluid and beautiful--very smooth transitions, wonderful clarity, and an excellent choice of music and clips. I wish you'd make more. Fey is creating a vid page on her domain for me, and I should have them FTP'd over soon. I'd like to do a rec page for the vids I like--do you have a permanent online link for them?

  19. Fey and I watched the episode in defiance. Loved the Alexis stuff--she's the only other person on the show I would have watched for had I not fallen madly in ... erm ... like* with Tracy.

    Agreeing with you 200% about the island storyline - sad, stupid, pathetic. Although I did love Lulu telling off Luke. Robert and Luke are totally sad--two old geezers trying to relive their glory days instead of growing up and becoming men.

    We need Tracy. Now.


  20. Thanks for the clips, MsQ. Fortunately, the song highlights the good and not-so-good aspects of being in a long-term relationship, so I'm covered.

    As for the whole JE contract thing--I'm staying positive. She's a long-time fan favorite who has been enjoying a heck of a lot more screen time than people like Bobbie and Monica. She's got a viable, globally-applauded storyline opposite this year's Best Actor Emmy winner. There are many, many reasons to keep her and almost no reason to get rid of her (unless she's bucking for more money....)

    So, let's just keep our chins up, buckaroos. I will look for an address where we can mail letters to ABC...just in case....

  21. ShoutOut to my TracyFan Friends! TA......

    Okay, now that that's out of the way, I have a request for my ClipMavens on this board.

    I'm in the middle of a Tracy-Dillon lovefest of a video, and I'm running out of clips. I'm mining GQ Daily for all it's worth, but I'm having trouble isolating good clips. What I need are images of Tracy and Dillon together, preferably in a favorable light, showing them either working as a team or showing affection for each other. What I have so far:

    • After the Port Charles Hotel fire
    • Tracy leaves Dillon behind
    • Dillon and Brooke run away
    • Dillon in the hospital (Monkey fever)
    What I would like, if anyone can point me in the right direction:
    • Dillon and Tracy discussing the watch she bought for Edward (after the heart attack/PC Hotel fire)
    • Dillon gets shot(?) and Tracy visits him in the hospital
    • (crosses fingers) Anything of young Dillon (pre-Scott Clifton) from The City....
    • Any of the numerous heart-warming scenes I know nothing about but the TracyQCrew is more than happy to enlighten me about....
    I'm not asking for the moon, folks, but I'm really kind of stuck on this video. The song is perfect for Tracy and Dillon, but my clips are not up to the task. Thank you in advance to anybody who can help me.
  22. So what do you think would happen if we all wrote letter to JE and TPTB asking them to renew her contract in November? I mean, we want her back, and they ought to know it.


    I'm not going there. I am not going to give up on our girl. She's a viable character, a fan favorite, and in my heart I know she will NOT go away.

    In light of my forceful attempt at positivity, I'm going to share some things I've found that you might like.

    From FF.net, Cold !@#$%^&*]. It's a Tracy poem you might have missed. Really well done, complex, and not so bad as far as poetry goes.

    Thanksgiving with the Quartermaines: Ms.Q proves that it's never a bad time to have a food fight.

    Diamond Beauty...for all your beauty needs.

    Texas Lurves TracyQ--from April 2003.

    Dear Tracy: Pantry speaks, I believe, for us all.

    Leslie Charleston In the Scope: Several mentions of Tracy (and one hilarious mention of Jane locking Leslie in a closet, although I'm 99.9% sure they were joking.) Puts for the notion that Jed Allen looked more like a hot stud wanting to sweep Tracy off her feet than her daddy. (Eeeeeyyyyeeewwwwww....she said "Daddy!")

    Tracy Bella: Meet the voice of Tracy Quartermaine in Italy! Why, she looks nothing LIKE Tracy. :)

    So, there POWERS OF DARKNESS! Shine a beautiful Tracy Light in THAT corner, you evil Powers that Be!

  23. So, I'm not watching, but I gather from recaps that Robin/Patrick and Lulu/Dillon were all on a plane on their way to the Markham Islands. We get to see them on the plane, but NOT Tracy? And guess what? It didn't take them 2 weeks to reach their destination either. *sigh* I hate this. :(

    She's eating grapes and languishing in luxurious captivity in evil Helena's clutches, plotting her escape and eventual revenge on Luke, Robert and Holly. Of course, she looks fabulous doing it....

    About the SD rumors, that bites. I mean, really, really bites if it's true.

    If it wouldn't kill me, I'd be all for JE just walking off the show and never coming back. But that would kill me, and you guys would be sad...for a little while, at least.

  24. Vid Update: I've uploaded the new, non-RAcy version of "NaNa." The URL is here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/72xk8n. This still has part of the Tracy and Robert in Bondage scenes, but I've cut much of it. I've also changed some of the other stuff later in the video. The orginal, RAcyVision version is here: http://download.yousendit.com/93721E6C19E7796D. Enjoy.

    Fic Update: Homelands has been updated! Fwee and w00t to La Red. URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2845070/19/

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