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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. In 1982, the role of Felicia Gallant (on Another World) was created especially for Jane Elliot. (posted by ILoveTracyQ at SoapZone) It went to Linda Dano after JE turned it down.

    In 1984, Santa Barbara offered Jane Elliot the role of Augusta Lockridge, but she turned them down because she didn't want to leave New York for California. Louise Sorel got the role, and JE went to play Cynthia Preston on AMC. (posted by CesarFaison of SZ; it was in the "The Soap Opera Book of Lists")

    Oh. My. God! In the history of soap operas, after Tracy, these are my two favorite characters of all time. I swear, Felicia and Augusta were two of my girlcrushes AGES before I recognized them as girlcrushes! Oh, Linda Dano and Louise Sorel rocked my little adolescent world.

    I can't imagine JE in either role, but knowing they were originally intended for her? All is right with the world.

  2. Just a reminder to everyone that the TQ Ficathon Fake Spoilers Challenge will end on April 30. I'm thrilled by all the participation, and am hoping to start a new challenge on May 1. In light of that, I want to start brainstorming for challenge ideas. Themes, characters, situations are all welcome.

    Here are just a few thoughts I had:

    • Tracy gets trapped with _______. You could take any random character, preferably one she doesn't normally interact with, and force her and Tracy to intermingle. Sonny and Tracy are trapped in an elevator. Reginald and Tracy are stranded on the side of the road. Tracy and Robin are forced to work on a project toether for the hospital.
    • Life and Death Challenge. Tracy must deal with an issue of life and/or death. An accident, an impending birth, an impending death.
    • Holiday Challenge. How does Tracy celebrate various holidays? What was her most memorable holiday? How did she try (if she tried) to make the holidays special for her kids?
    • Letter Challenge. Someone writes a letter to Tracy. Or Tracy writes a letter to somebody. What is revealed? What is hidden? Is the letter delivered, or does it sit in a drawer forever, leaving something important unsaid?
    Obviously, these are just a few ideas, but I'm hoping to generate a choice of challenges so we can get started on the 1st of May. Please comment here with ideas, and I'll go ahead and compile them so we can poll which idea is the most popular. I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
  3. Re: the clips of Tracy and the FakeQs... I'm on dial-up, and am not sure if I can even watch it. (I don't have an iPod or anything remotely like it.) Is there anyway to get these clips where they would be Windows MediaPlayer-friendly? If not, would someone please post a transcript, so I can at least imagine it? *pouts pretty so people will feel sorry for me and help me out here...*

  4. Oooh, I'm reading Homelands and am totally hooked. Squee! Finally got the chance to save Beautiful Disaster, and am in the process of reading it. Took a GH fanfic vacation to work on some Gilmore Girls stories, but if they did not at least TOUCH on the ruination and aftermath of Tracy's 39th birthday party, then I think I'm gonna have to commit fiction.

    Oh, and Ms. Q? Love the new banner.

    Spoiler question:




    Luke needs to avoid being extradited?? Oh, lord. I'm beginning to fall into the Dump Luke and Bring Back Coleman camp.

  5. Re: the Solieto references. Yeah, I'm not quite surprised TIIC messed up the historical references. Granted, I doubt they did as much research into the character of Tracy as even I did...OTOH, and this is giving the writers a LOT of credit, mind you, perhaps this is why the story got mangled. Maybe Tracy lied and told the family that Gino left her in order to

    (1) cast suspicion for his death away from her (technically, she did not cause his death, but that wouldn't matter to the "let's blame Tracy for EVERYTHING" Quartermaines),

    (2) minimize her post-widowhood involvement with the Solieto crime family (if she's been dumped, they'd never think to ask about her dealings with the Family afterwards), and

    (3) protect Dillon, who was very young at the time and didn't need to know anything more than StepDaddy had gone to a nice warm place.

    OTOH, I am being too generous, because it was right on this board that someone referenced the scene where Dillon asked about Gino's death, which means he knew Gino died. Granted, Dillon could have still been snarky and rude by saying something like, "Well, he dumped her by dying, which I guess is pretty extreme even for one of Mom's boyfriends..."

    Yup. The writers are overworked, overstressed, and don't care about Tracy.

  6. I'm doing the download thing now, and wondered if anybody had these clips available.

    Vid Request:

    1. The Vegas Episodes (Tracy/Luke Wedding)
    2. The Coleman Scenes (Tracy demands sex, Luke dupes Tracy, Tracy makes Coleman-flavored lemonade.)
    3. Lila's death.
    Can anybody help me out?
  7. Okay, I know this is a Tracy love thread, but I'm going indulge in some non-love, the opposite of love, the absolute ANTI-LOVE......

    People I Don't Love Right Now:

    Sonny Corinthos and Emily Quartermaine: These are evil incarnate, the scum of the earth, and ickiness to the Nth degree. They ruined my girl's birthday party, the SWEETEST birthday party in the history of birthday parties, and they must die a horrible, drawn-out, gruesome soap opera death. Okay, a QUICK horrible gruesome soap opera death so we don't have to put up with it---two seconds, boom, BUH-BYE SOILY! No drawn out funerals, just sweep the ashes into the gutter and be done with it.

    Luke Spencer: You are a dog, Luke Spencer. You are a dog. I totally have lost my girlish crush on you. It's degenerated into a cynical midlife grudging affection that could easily turn bitter and resentful. Tracy asked you for help, and YOU LEFT! You LEFT, you mangy mongrel! How could you do that? How could you set up this sweet, heart-warming event for your Spanky Buns, and just sit around and let the soon-to-be BLOWN UP Sonny and Emily destroy it? And then, when Tracy confronts you, how could you TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER AND LEAVE? Just abandon the woman who is too good for you--yeah, the woman with the fancy Italian pumps you don't deserve to shine, you bum. You should be so lucky--you should WISH she'd let you shine her shoes, loser.

    Um, okay...can ya tell I'm annoyed with today's episode?

  8. The Astrology Geek Speaks.

    Tracy is an Aries (April 6). Tracy must have Leo in her chart, lots of it (look at her clothes and jewelry, plus the comment she made on that one episode). As well as Taurus, because I can just taste it every time she talks about the business.

    Lucas Lorenzo Spencer....do NOT piss off this woman too much. You have no idea, astrologically, what you're dealing with....

    Oh, and re the spoilers:




    Do NOT leave her at the altar. You think Helena Cassadine is dangerous? You don't have any idea. A humiliated, scorned, left-at-the-altar Tracy??? Dude, you are asking for damage.

    /end Spoilers

    SONNY YOU F-TARD! I thought I hated you before. I thought I hated you. BUT YOU RUINED TRACY'S BIRTHDAY SURPRISE??????

    I wish you dead, you icky SOILY crapfest loser of a bad acting gangsta jerk-face.

    Did you guys hear it? "Happy Birthday to ME!" I think I may cry.


  9. Tracy? OTT? LOL. No, not our Tracy...she's subtlety personified. *duck*

    Actually, Tracy's actions are OTT, that's true. But when she's expressing *real* emotions, JE usually seems to underplay it. Probably because it's IC for her to not *want* to express real emotions.

  10. MinervaFan...

    All references to 'A Chorus Line' soared far over my head since I haven't seen that movie in well over a decade...BUT, I certainly hope that you don't mean that JE far outshone the rest of the Q's in the pre-funeral huddle scene, because Stuart Damon totally knocked that scene out of the ballpark, and the rest of the Q's minus (not!Lois), did a good job as well.

    WTH was with the Q scenes yesterday!?!? What the hell was even the point of having a Q scene if the writers were going to give all the lines to Nik and Alice...is it the Nik and Alice mansion now?!?! Big Alice is starting to tick me off a bit with her insubordination. She's lucky she's not standing in the unemployment line. And she manhandled my Nedley (aside: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! NEDLEY!!!! And spot on with Emily too...still hasn't congratulated the brother on the marriage though....ahem...only for Emily...).

    To be perfectly honest, I thought Stuart Damon was okay in that scene. He, like most soap actors, doesn't know the meaning of the word "understated," which is probably why I love JE/TQ so much. I'm not comfortable with over-the-top emotions, so I like how she tends to underplay it. But, of course, YMMV.

    NEDDDDD!!!! Omigosh, I must see that tape! Hugs thoughts of Ned!

  11. Smirks, I snagged that clip of the Qs discussing AJ and watched it yesterday. Wow! JE reminds me of Cassie from A Chorus Line--heads and tails above the rest of the dancers, and still plugging away at her two-line scenes like a trooper.

    A request to all members--a few weeks back, I had to reformat my hard drive due to a virus, and I lost all my Tracy vids. I definitely want to replace Shazzer's Won't U Please B Nice? and Ms. Q's State of Grace (Full of Grace?) video, if anyone can help. But since I'm asking--does anybody have any recs of good Tracy vids, clips of important/funny/poignant scenes, etc. they can share? I want to put together a CD (for my personal use) of Tracy clips, and I figured this would be the place to ask.

    As for yesterday's Tracy appearance--my MIL was like, she's not on today's episode. Blink, ya miss her, huh? Cassie...the woman's totally a Cassie. (Tracy, otoh, is a definite Sheila.....LOL at my own joke...)

  12. Re: Tracy's astrological sign. I read somewhere that she said she was a Leo in an episode. However, with the timing of the spoiler, she'd have to be an Aries or a Taurus. That doesn't mean she can't have massive Leo influences in her chart. My girlfriend is a Taurus with Leo moon and Leo rising, and her personality is MUCH more Leo than Taurus.

    Actually, I see TQ as Aries/Leo/Leo as well as Taurus/Leo/Leo, but I lean more towards Taurus/Leo/Leo. She cares too much about family, about business, about material things, about loyalty (especially family loyalty) not to have a dominant Taurean influence. Granted, the other signs care about these things, but Taureans take them personally.

    I could mock up a chart for her with Taurus/Leo/Leo and see how it works, if anybody is interested.

  13. If this spoiler doesn't come to pass...I have no idea when it's supposed to happen...then it would make a great one for the fake spoiler fics.

    *please let Tracy be on today*

    I was thinking the same thing about the ficathon. And I always use the fast forward button watching TV. This is the first time I've gotten to the point where the entire episode is viewed on FF until my favorite character comes on.....

    And, yeah, *please let Tracy be on today* I really don't like any of those other people anymore.....

  14. Yeah boo hiss is what I say,too.

    spumor/spoiler/rumor: from SoapDish:

    There is supposed to be some kind of auction...





    Could be some kind of charity "slave" auction where you purchase the services of the person for the night. LOL. Actually, it's probably a charity bachelor auction, where the woman buys a date with the man for charity. I could see Tracy "buying" Lorenzo just to drive Luke and Skye insane, or to get revenge on Luke for ignoring her once he found out Skye was pregnant. With this current batch of writers, however, I can totally see this backfiring on Tracy. Because...grrrrrr....it just can't do to let Tracy get the upper hand or, *gasp* be happy for five minutes......

    /end SPOILER talk....

    Me want Tracy goodness. Now, dangit.

  15. Boo-hiss the lack of Tracy. Otoh, now I can rewind and tape over my tape without even watching through on fast-forward. (It's come to that--I truly watch the show on fast forward now, and only stop for Tracy and/or Luke...and not Luke if he's with Skye, because I don't play that no more.)

  16. How are people's fics going? I was gonna write something for the ficathon, but I need to figure out which spoiler I'm gonna do...Keep up the Tracy love folks.

    Hey, you still have a month to get in a ficathon story before we change the challenge (the deadline is April 30). If you can't find a decent spoiler, why not take a spoiler that actually came through -- but in a lousy way -- and rewrite it the way it should have happened?

    I've done two short ficathon stories so far. I am in the middle of a couple of Gilmore Girls fics right now, but I hope to get at least one more TQ story in before the deadline. Am loving how well this is going. :rolleyes:


  17. Yesterday on SZ people kept saying Ned should be de-Q'd so Skye could be RE-Q'd. Uh,NO. Never. They were wanting Skye to be Tracy's kid and Ned to be...well,NOT a Quartermaine.

    Leave my Ned alone,vultures.


    EYEW! Skye as Tracy's daughter? You are so kidding me. Not a chance. OTOH, Ned not being Tracy's actual son could be fun, especially since JE and Wally Kurth have already played lovers on another show. There's just that freaky undertone between them that amuses the hell out of me every time they're together on screen. But then, I'm a freak.....

    BTW someone out there needs to supply Coleman/Tracy clips for MinervaFan.

    Oh, not just me. My girlfriend thinks that Tracy and Coleman are the hawtest couple who ever lived. I mean seriously. She would love ya'll forever.

  18. MinervaFan if you've watched every day since January,you should have seen Helena briefly torture Courtney.

    Did you miss those few shows?

    Actually, I did see those episodes, but I really couldn't get a lot out of it. I think, from what I know of it, that the Helena-Tracy team-up did sound a bit ridiculous. OTOH, the pictures of them together were just more than purty and made my femslashy heart go pittypittypat! But finding a way to get them together legitimately for a fanfic? I haven't got there yet. The only way Tracy would stoop so low would be if Helena blackmailed her, and I don't want to write a Helena Has The Upper Hand story, you know?

  19. Speaking of A Storm in The Brain, MInervaFan, did you ever do the Tracy/Helena fic? I LOVE these two apart and i think they would be pheonomenal together. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea but i think it would be a riot and you could TOTALLY pull that fic off. Or have you abandoned that 'ship completely?

    You know, I actually requested Tracy/Helena femslash, but had no takers. I don't know the character of Helena well enough, I think, to tackle it yet. (Remember, I've only watched the show since this January--I've never seen Helena in action; I've just read the transcripts.) Personally, I'd love to have fun with those two...

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