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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. :wub::wub::wub::wub: :wub: :wub:

    For my Tracy girl. :)

    anybody got any new scoops?

    From the Fake Spoilers Ur Us Site: Tracy decides to give Luke a very special pre-anniversary surprise. I won't give it away completely, but let's just say it involves champagne, a burning effigy of Helena Cassadine, the entire Qmaine clan in gold-tuxedoes singing repeated choruses of "One" (from A Chorus Line), and Tracy wearing something reeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy nice from Hedy Hofstedder's Hothouse of Exotic Lingerie.

    Actually, I made that up. I have no idea what's going on.

  2. Luke and the gun--he shot it straight up in the air. There was no doubt in my mind at all that he had no intention at all of hitting anyone, just shutting them up (and maybe scaring them).

    I tend to think this is ALL Luke's reaction to Skye's pregnancy. I think his feelings for Tracy are, to say the least, conflicted. He enjoys her, he hates her, he lusts after her, he loathes her.... Unlike Skye, who pretty much had one thing to offer Luke (pretty--face, body, personality--all pretty), Tracy is a much more complicated commodity. I don't think he knows what to do with her, and when he's hungover and worried, he tends to go with the basic plan--shoot, shout, and shut her out.





    I'd love to see more Ned on the show, and I hope the return of JI as Edward will facilitate that. I'd love to see a scene where he advises Dillon on surviving Mom's Matrimonial Assistance.

    Also, the birthday surprise--I don't think it will be a divorce. No way is Luke going to hand her $15 million for her birthday, even if she hands him the Haunted Star on a silver platter. Of course, I can see him getting her something nice from Hedy Hoffstedder's House of Exotic Lingerie..... :rolleyes:

  3. PS - Does it bother anyone else that Tracy's name is spelled wrong in the title of this thread? It drives me slightly bonkers (moreso than usual).

    Does the "e" in the name bother me? Only each and every time I see it. Not only here, but anywhere I see it.... But then, I'm hyper about that sort of thing, so I thought it was just me.

    Sooo annoyed with yesterday's episode. How can something that had that much Tracy/Luke tick me off so much? Oh, yeah, because Luke was being a total and complete BUTT-FACE, that's why. First of all, Tracy is not stupid. You've been living at the Haunted Star ever since (DUH) you found out about Skye's pregnancy. You get drunk and then pass out and don't even come home. Ya THINK she'd be happy about it? Of course she's going for your jugular. She's TRACY, you moron. She's Tracy and she deserves better than to be ignored while you moon over your knocked-up ex-girlfriend.


    There'd better be another kiss. Or a dance. Or Tracy in a pretty outfit smiling a lot and SOON, or I'm going to....I don't know....but I'm seriously thinking about pulling a Corky St. Clair.....

  4. Thanks tracyluvr and ILoveTracyQ for the kind words on "Her Little Gentleman."

    Can someone tell me what the heck happened today? I missed like the first twenty minutes--got sick at work and was being driven home at 3 o'clock. When I got home, the cable was messed up. I saw Luke holding his jaw like he'd been punched (did she hit him again??) and then saw him throw Tracy off the Haunted Star.

    C'mon. Just sleep together, already. Because the love/hate thing only works when you have love and hate....

  5. I give up too easily,and if I have the time in the future I may write that story yet.

    Don't feel bad. I've trashed zillions of story ideas over the years. There's always another in the pipeline.

    Oh, and does anybody know where I can get caps of yesterday's ep? I know somebody else said it (and called themselves shallow) but TRACY looked hawt! My girlfriend and I were watching that last scene and were like, "oooooooohhh!" I personally loved when she barked at him. But that little line, "And then you'll work for me!" was just....oh, my....weak knees and wobbly-stomach making..... :D

    Ms. Q, you are so sweet! I'm glad you liked "Her Little Gentleman." Now that my GF is addicted to Neverwinter Nights, my quick source for instant gratification (re: feedback) is gone. She actually teased me for writing more GH fic, when I swore I was going to write Gilmore Girls (now that I'm hopelessly hooked on the show). Huh!

  6. Maybe it's just my eternal optimism, but DUDES. Divorce? C'mon, not our LuNacy....

    Okay, so let's review the preview--We see Luke on the floor. (He looks hung-over, btw.)

    We cut to Tracy saying "get off my boat."

    Um, editing? There is no law that says she had to be talking to Luke. She could have been talking to anybody, as it was a was of Tracy with no one else in the frame. Here's my guess--Luke goes on a spree to celebrate his "victory" over Tracy. Skye (snarl) shows up under some pretext and finds him passed out on the floor of the Haunted Star. Tracy shows up, finds them together and tells Skye to get off her boat.

    It would surely follow the pattern of how they've been playing the couple.

    Just my two cents.

  7. About the fan fic....can I change my mind?

    I said I was going to do the adventure one,but no real plot is jumping out at me,and since I haven't written in a long while,(shame on me),and I've NEVER done a fan fic,I think I want to go with something simpler.

    There is one spoiler that said Luke overhears Tracy talking about her feelings for him(not the alcohol one),and I think I'm going to go with that.

    I'll try that one and make a decision over the weekend.

    Yes,I KNOW the deadline is fast approaching.

    Sweetheart, I run the easiest ficathons on the Internet. Write what you want, post what you want, just share the TQ Lurve! The deadline for this wave is April 30, 2006. After that, I think we should just decide on another challenge and start the whole thing over. BTW, I don't blame you for not wanting to do the adventure story. I spent more time researching my story than writing it--seriously. Of course, now if I get lost in the woods, I've got 10 hand-written pages of notes on how to survive.

  8. UberQuick hello--started a new job, computer is fixed again (after 48 hours of angst), Tracy is my GAWDESS, why couldn't they have put in her in something sexier yesterday, and OHMIGOD, they are totally going to put her and Luke together...probably right before TG goes on vacation so that they can screw the fans over again.

    Missed you all much, much, much and promise to post more as soon as possible. Go join the ficathon! People are totally posting fics, which makes the baby Cthulu SQUEEEEE!!!!!!

    EDIT to Ms. Q: You are THE WIND BENEATH MY WINGS for posting those caps from yesterday's episode!!!!! I so wanted those last two shots of T/L for icon making. I LOVED the look on her face when he touched her chin and said, "That's my girl." They are so Teh Lurve, are they not?

  9. Yay! Page 32!

    Loved seeing Tracy today, but 3 short scenes are not enough. <_<

    OT--Do I use the <LJ-cut> </LJ-cut> for each icon? And what goes in between the LJ-cut codes? I'm not sure if I should use the Tag or the IMG thingambob. Thanks in advance. :)

    Just put the LJ codes around all the icons--anything you want hidden.

    Oh, and can you tell me if Tracy had any scenes after she told Lulu she'd already won Luke? That's the last thing I saw before the tape ran out......Thanks.

  10. To whoever asked (there's so many posts-squee-I forgot who asked), you can post to LunacyIcons by going to their UserInfo page and clicking the little blue pencil icon at the top. OR you can go to your own info page and pick "Journal/Update" from the menu bar. Before you post, you should click the drop down box at the bottom of the page that says "Post To:" This will give you a list of all your communities. Choose the community you want to post to, and then click Update Journal. You also want to make sure that, if you are posting more than 3 icons, you put them behind an LJ-cut for those of us on dial-up. Just type the codes <lj-cut> </lj-cut> before and after the icons.

    RE: Any comments on "Ooh, eat your heart out, Mr. Spencer?" I actually squeed to my girlfriend in the other room when this happened. (Fey has a tendency of repeatedly saying, "What? What???" while I watch the show real-time.) I'm like, "She did a 'voice.' She did a 'voice!'" It's wierd at La Casa del Nutcase between three and four....

  11. Ugh. Sure, Trace. Make me watch GH, why don't you...love you, toots, really. But sometimes it's just too much!

    What was too much? Personally, I'm thinking Trace is the only reason to watch GH--especially after Luke's behavior today. I'm ready to shoot the TV over the whole Lexie i' ma mommy thing. I'd love to shove a grapefruit in Sam's face like whatsisface in that old black and white movie.

    OTOH, shock of shocks, I actually found the SOILY scenes somewhat not repulsive today. Perhaps it's because my GF is bipolar and I know Maurice whatsisface is also bipolar. If slogging through SOILY scenes inspires even one person to get tested for bipolar disorder, I suppose it's not too bad of a thing.....

    But what, oh, what is too much, Keith?

  12. Re: Skye. Don't hate her. Like her with Alcazar, hate her with Luke, really think she has no business getting all "tude" with my TracyQ.

    Re: Yahoo Groups. I have no idea why you're having trouble with it. I searched and found it immediately. Here is the URL I just went to: http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/Jane-Elliot-Fans/

    Re: TODAY'S Episode. Was there any Luke/Tracy before the opening credits? AGAIN with the lousy weather and the stupid weather man thinking a line of horrendous, flood-producing storms was more important than my TracyFix? Also, does his sudden change in attitude mean Luke was playing Tracy on Friday, or just that he's not going to drop the act with witnesses present? My darling Fey says it's proof he was trying to play her. I am still holding out hopes....






    Re: TOMORROW'S Episode. Oh, Smirksie-Wirksie...... May I please have an animated icon of A Certain Gorgeous Blue-Blood Popping Her Low-Class, Skirt-Chasing, Skye-Watching Husband in the Jaw? Puh-lease????? You make such GOOD animated icons (unlike my jerky, low-rent, half-assed animated icons....)

  13. ILoveTracyQ: Here are the links you requested, plus a couple more you might find interesting.

    Yahoo Groups:

    Jane-Elliot-Fans ([email protected]): This group has been a disappointment so far, as it seems to have very little activity. There are daily updates with GH news, but that is from a lady who cross-posts to about 50 different Yahoo groups.


    General Hospital: This is the general discussion group for General Hospital. Fairly Tracy friendly, but not exactly enthusiastic.

    Lunacy_Icons: A Tracy/Luke community. Mainly focused on graphics, fanfic, and LuNacy discussions. Much more activity since the Friday episode.

    Tracy Quartermaine Ficathon: This is the community for the TracyQ ficathon.

    NOTE: I've put up the FAQ for the Ficathon. I think it would be a good idea to open it up to any kind of Tracy fic, with the spoilers being a prompt for this first challenge. What I hope to do is keep the community running even when the ficathon is over, to have a place for TracyQ fic on LiveJournal. So the answer to your question is--if the story is about TracyQ, just post it there. I'm totally cool with that.

    Edit: Not sure how I did this, but I forgot the Port Charles Bulletin on LiveJournal. Very good resource.










    From the Jane-Elliot-Fans Yahoo Group:

    Monday: Sam struggles to accept the news that Alexis is her mother; Jason warns Sam about confronting Alexis; Alexis tells Nikolas about the child she gave up; Sonny tells Emily she is not to blame for his breakdown; Alcazar announces Skye's pregnancy.

    Tuesday: Jason tells Sam he will support whatever decision she makes; Sam is hurt when she sees how loving Alexis is with Kristina; Carly demands that Jason and Sonny stay out of her personal life; Jax defends Carly to Robin; Luke realizes he has lost Skye. (MinervaFan says YAY!)

    Wednesday: Sonny admits that he trusts Emily more than Jason ; Carly forces Max to admit that Sonny and Emily went away together; Ric is unnerved to see Manny with Kristina; Jason encourages Sam to go to law school (MinervaFan says HUH?); Dillon is angry to learn that Diego is free.

    Thursday: Sonny and Emily cannot stay away from each other; Carly hides the truth from Jason; Alexis fears Manny's anger; Jax refuses to allow Nikolas to see John; Nikolas tells Emily he feels as if his life is out of control; Jax is attracted to Carly.

    Friday: Sonny is shocked to learn the truth about Sam and Alexis ; Alexis comes face to face with Sam and Sonny; Max takes drastic action to cover for Sonny and Emily; Jason catches Emily in a lie; Nikolas accuses Jax and Carly of betraying Courtney.


    Here, here! I saw on the LiveJournal GH community that somebody actually got converted to Luke/Tracy because of yesterday's episode. Their mouths to TIIC's ears?

    Oh, and this came from the Jane-Elliot-Fans Yahoo Group:

    Source: TV Guide Online


    Days of our Lives and General Hospital are now officially confirming

    what TVGuide.com told you last week: Soap vet John Ingle has left

    his gig as Days' Mickey Horton to reprise his signature role as GH's

    crusty patriarch, Edward Quartermaine.

    "We were so fortunate that John Ingle was available to us at a time

    when we were desperate to fill story and were dealing with the

    departure of [Mickey's original portrayer] John Clarke," says Days

    chief Ken Corday. "We have loved having [ingle] here, both

    professionally and personally, but also know a big part of his heart

    and history is with General Hospital. Our loss is certainly GH's

    gain, and we wish John nothing but continued success. He will truly

    be missed!"

    A GH rep says Ingle will be seen on the ABC sudser again sometime

    this spring. As for Days, the NBC soap has no plans to recast Mickey

    at this time.

  16. What? No squeeing from the rooftops over Friday's episode? *knocks on computer screen* Huh?

    It was ugly here at LaCasa del LuNacy....

    I'm an idiot. I was looking at the wrong page. *blushes* SQUEE!

    MsQ, you're amazing! Thanks for the list of spoilers--I'm going to collect all of them and make a big post of spoilers to the LJ community, and you've saved me SOOO much time. Thank you.

    Edit: Smirks, I'm with you on everything you said, including the warnings to TIIC that they really ought not to abandon this.. :angry: Fey and I speculated (between rounds of uncontrollable squeeing) as to whether either Tracy or Luke was setting up the other during The Kiss (look at me--I capitalize it like a work of art). Fey thinks Luke was. I don't--I think Luke is still reeling from the Skye break-up and is starting to see Tracy in a new light. You can tell from the way TG played it that he was not scamming her. Tracy, OTOH, I think, started out setting him up, but kind of forgot what she was doing halfway through. I loved the guilty looks on their faces when D/G caught them in the act, as well as the look of complete shock on Dillon's face.

  17. I just created a community on LiveJournal. It's called The Tracy Quartermaine Fake Spoiler Ficathon. I've set it up that members and non-members can post, and will get the whole thing together asap. LJ accounts cost nothing to set up (although you can have a paid account with extra features if you want.) I'm going to try to set it up that you don't absolutely have to be on LJ to participate.

    What I'd like to do is gather together a list of all the Tracy spoilers we can find and post it to the community, so people can pick the ones they like. Personally, I think if more than one person wants to write about a specific spoiler, it should be allowed, because no two people can write the same story.

    Any suggestions?

  18. MinervaFan what is involved in setting up the results on a LJ community?

    I am clueless when it comes to that stuff...I guess that would be okay,I mean we have to post the results somewhere...unless ya'll just want to post them in here,it doesn't really matter I don't guess.

    LJ is pretty easy. I can set up a community in about ten minutes, and post the link here. If it's set up to allow "anonymous" posting, participants wouldn't even have to get an LJ account, although if I had my druthers, every TracyQ fan in the world would be on LiveJournal so we could take over the GeneralHospital community....I mean, participate more fully in the GH community.

    Ms.Q I think you should go with whatever you feel your strength is.

    Some people aren't good at,or naturals at,description.

    Some people should stay away from first person narratives,and so on....I don't think there's anything wrong with making dialogue the meat of your stories.

    Dialogue is what soaps are mostly comprised of,it's what tells the relationships more than anything IMO.

    I am completely in agreement with ILoveTracyQ here. Go with your strengths. I have to FORCE myself to write narrative and description; dialogue is my love. Eventually, you can develop your other skills, but don't hold back just because you think you are limited by your preference for dialogue.

    About the spoilers...I'm frustrated and sad,too. About the new ones...so many things get cut,I'm just not going to get too overjoyed about anything until it comes to pass.

    It was so sad--I squeed when I saw Georgie on the show today because she was merely connected to Tracy. (My GF is reading over my shoulder, laughing, agreeing with me that this is a sad, sad day when just a Sixth Degree connection with Tracy is having me squee like a blithering schoolgirl.)

  19. Good comments and ICAM.

    Hmm...I'll look at the fake spoilers and see if anything inspires me.

    If not,I may make up one of my own.

    It may take me a while to pick a spoiler,but hopefully not too long to write the story.

    Are we talking "one shot" fics,or just whatever we feel like?

    Just whatever you feel, I'm sure. I could set up a LJ community to collect the results, if people are interested.

  20. I have never posted any Tracy/Luke fics. I don't know if I can be objective about TRacy. I tend to see her in the most positive light,even when she's being horrible.

    But since it's fic,who says I have to be objective? :)

    I would have to find one that really inspires me,though.

    Or, we could just invent our own fake spoilers. Somebody's gotta come up with these things...why not us? As for showing Tracy in a positive light, heck yeah. She's a complex enough character that she can be shown in a positive light without ever having to break pure-form. She's a decent, damaged person who sometimes does horrible things. That's my take on her. I think the problem a lot of fans have is thinking that decent people never do horrible things....of course they do. The challenge for a fanfic writer (or soap writer, fwiw) is make the person's rationale strong enough that the reader/viewer understands, accepts and eventually forgives the character their flaws. People forgive Tracy a lot, partly due to JE's splendid acting, and partly because everybody has been there--even when they do the right thing, people ignore it and harp on every bad thing they've done. I don't blame Tracy for being bad.

  21. Couple of questions and comments:

    Re: Spoilers-GUZA needs to be hit with a stick. Period. This has got to be the person who thinks SOILY is heating up the screen. No, SOILY is scorching our retinas like sulphuric acid. Can you please give us more LuNacy?

    Re: my Mom. Yeah, she's like that, but she's mellowed. I think Tracy appeals to all of us; just some of us are more honest about it. My girlfriend's mom loathes Tracy; I really think it's because Tracy does "bad" things. Everybody does "bad" things; Tracy just doesn't cover them up or rationalize them or apologize (well, there was that time in the hospital...) for them. I think people who dislike her are afraid of her honesty, or jealous. JE has said that Tracy is someone who never grew up, who still has that child in her who wants her way now. Fact is, everybody still has that child in them who wants their way now, and I think a lot of them resent Tracy because, unlike them, she hasn't bothered to sublimate it in deference to the Gods of Polite Society.

    Re: fanfic. I got an idea last night thinking about all the cool spoilers I've read here that have never come to pass. I know there are a few fanfic writers out there--what if we did a Fake Spoilers Ficathon? Everybody who participates would take the spoiler they wish would have come to pass and write a short fic showing that/those scenes. It would help to while away the time while we wait for TIIC to get off their butts and give us some Tracy. Not trying to be pushy on my second day, but I'm just really excited to finally find other Tracy fans online....


  22. Welcome Debbie aka MinervaFan !

    So glad you could join us.

    Yes I think you meant to address me when talking about the abandoned story...but now you say you feel compelled to write it??

    Actually, I was totally inspired to finish it and will be posting it to LJ and FF.net tonight. I didn't like what I had, and decided just to scrap what I'd already written and start from scratch. Once I changed the focus, it flowed like wine and I finished in about an hour.

    Have you seriously only been watching since January? REALLY? You have such great insight into Tracy. Did you not watch back in the day at all? No Paul,no Lord Larry,no Marco,no Scott Baldwin,no Harlan Barrett,no Gino Soleito,no Tracy/Ned/Jenny angst? REALLY? You just write and sound like a long time viewer.

    Really. Honestly. My sister watched the show in the Luke/Laura days, so I have a vague familiarity with the names. (Straight girl that she is, I was overly aware of how hawt Luke, Robert Scorpio, Scotty Baldwin, Alan Quartermaine, and Frisco Jones were. I think she mentioned Tracy once or twice, but as a hormonal, straight teenaged girl, she wasn't too interested in snarky sexy !@#$%^&*]es.... ) And I've done a lot of research on Tracy's past, because I'm that kind of person--when I get obsessed, I get obsessed. And at the risk of scaring people, I know Tracy. I grew up with Tracy--my mom was the black sheep outcast of a very tight-knit wealthy family, and was very often used and abused by the men she dated after her divorce. So, fwiw, I have a lot of sympathy for Ned and Dillon, and a lot of compassion for Tracy. (No, my mom was not nearly as manipulative as Tracy, but boy, she was just as scary.)

    And yes, Marco would have been Tracy's almost perfect match... I think Luke is a better one,though.

    Marco was sexy for a balding,aging ex-boxer. Here's one for ya...you think Spanky Buns is a fun nickname?

    Marco had the best one: He called Tracy "Rocky"...after Sylvester Stallone's character.

    With good reason. :)

    That is priceless. Just freakin' priceless.

    Thanks for the kind words and the welcome.

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