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Posts posted by MinervaFan

  1. Hello, all! No TQ yesterday! Well, i can't say i'm surprised. i hope she's on today, it gets me thru the day at school hoping she's on when i get home.

    Okay, I know I've asked for this like eight-billion times already, but i just figured out, Ms.Q, what you meant when you said go to edit avatar settings ( i thought you meant on my computer, not on my control thingy) and I was wondering if you could please post the directions for putting up an icon one more time please????!!! :):):):):) That would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    Go to My Controls

    In the left-hand menu bar, select edit Avatar Settings

    Enter the URL for the Avatar you want to use and click update Avatar.

    If you'd like to browse some Tracy-related Avatars I've made, you can go here. Anyone here is free to use any of these icons. They're all formatted to fit both LiveJournal and BB standards.

    *toddling off to change my avatar...just cuz I can*

  2. ILoveTracyQ, those are wonderful! (I especially loved the one about Lord Larry; don't know why.....) Am going through old LuNacy scripts, trying to cull the best of the best.

    BTW, Ms.Q, it's been about ten seconds since I told you how incredible you are. Sorry I've been slacking. Am downloading like a madwoman, trying to get all that stuff you uploaded before the Sendspace and YouSendIts expire. AM TOTALLY DROOLING over this stuff--just amazing. I tell you, you're going to have your own little corner of the Tracy site, Content Pusher that you are.

    Oh, and I can see why Dillon is so gorgeous--Tracy and Paul were a stunning couple. I mean, just physically beautiful together. Almost makes me wish he hadn't been evil incarnate, so that they could have made more babies together.....

    Oh, and that young B&W headshot--oh, my gawd. Fey was halfway across the room, reading her CSS book, and she stopped to stare at that photo. Dayum. Dayum, dayum, dayum. Her parents must have rigged the genetics lottery, because she is freaking gorgeous. Put that picture against any woman on soaps today, and there's nobody who can say she didn't have it totally going on. (Personally, I think she still has it going on, but hey--what can I say? I'm a fan of older women.....)

    Okay, so I've been blathering too long. Just saying thanks again for uploading all that wonderful stuff. It'll take me a few days to get it all, but it'll be sooooo worth it.

  3. Hey, folks. :( No TQ today, but who's counting right? Grrrr.....

    Actually, as a little side quest (and big favor for my girlfriend), would you guys mind giving me some of your all-time favorite quotes? Her new GH site has a random quote generator, and it's woefully short on Tracyisms. She was hoping maybe a bunch of rabid Tracyphiles like us could help her fill in the blanks.

    Any takers???





    I don't like the idea of Robert & Tracy romantically, since it goes against Tracy's character. She's not hard-wired for infidelity, although gawd knows she has the right with pretty much all her husbands. I can see Robert "turning the tables" on Edward by teaming up with Tracy to get back at him--enlisting her help towards an even bigger score. I like the friendship chemistry between the three, but I hope the triangle doesn't get toooo real. Robert belongs with Holly or Anna; not a married Tracy. JMHO.

  5. Who was that masked, smirking poster who vanished in a puff of smoke?? *sigh* I never got to say "Thank You...."

    BTW, can someone answer a question--was "Boots" the same guy who came back and stole the jewels at the end of Friday's episode? (I wasn't sure I could recognize him with his shirt on.) Say it isn't so! I refuse to believe that Boots would do such a thing. Oh, Boots, Boots, we only knew you such a short time......

    ETA: Ohmigod! This was my 200th post, and I've only been on since March. I spend waaaaayyyy too much time here, folks. :) Oh, updating the screencap section on TheDivineMsQ Photobucket account. I'll go back to add video credits, because I'm becoming obsessive about citing sources.....

    Edward Fakes a Heart Attack

    Edward's Real Heart Attack

    Making Deals with God

    Tracy's 39th Birthday Party

    Tracy Lurves Coleman

    Tracy Takes the Stand

    Tracy's Maarkam Island Adventure (I don't have Friday's episode yet, but I'll get that capped as soon as I can.)

    Non-Tracy Roles (I've only got Change of Habit now, but I plan on correcting that when I can.

    Working on: Vow Renewal Storyline clips and Tracy-Monica Get Trapped story.

    After staring at Tracy images for a couple of hours, I think I need to say this again--gawd, I love that woman's face....

  6. They are fabulous, but im actually ideally wanting something very fierce looking, with a kind of mesmerising quality, if you catch my drift? I'd gladly use one of those though.

    Ooooohhhhh!!! You said "Jane Elliot," not "Tracy." Gimme a sec....how are these? If you need more, I've got tons--somewhere.

    th_9-21-713.jpg th_9-21-750.jpg th_General20Hospital20Jan2025101.jpg th_General20Hospital20Jan2025227.jpg th_Image347.jpg

  7. Ugh! These message boards will be the death of me. Can anybody invent one that is easy to navigate? :)

    Re: yesterday's episode. Somebody (MsQ?) mentioned Tracy almost breaking down when she was yelling at Luke. I noticed that, too. In fact, I really adored that scene on so many levels. One, Tracy showed true emotion--this was nothing like the scene with Coleman. Back then, it was all about anger and power. This time, it felt more like a wife whose husband had pissed her off. I don't know if I'm explaining it right, but there was more emotion there, or maybe just more levels of emotion. Luke, who in my opinion is just getting worse and worse (but we'll come back to him later), just stood there looking clueless. Holly laughed, which was totally appropriate for her character (because, if you don't absolutely love Tracy and empathize with her on an abnormal level like most of us do), it was funny. Of course, my favorite reaction had to be Robert's. Was his comeback something like, damn you tried to steal the girl, or damn you tried to run off with the jewels, or damn you betrayed your partner? No, it was "the old Luke Spencer never would have repeated himself." I don't know why, but that just had me LMAO.

    As for Mr. Luke. I'm just sitting here wondering when he's going to figure out that he's clutching at straws here. It's obvious (to me, at least) that this whole thing was part adventure and more fear of getting old. The writers were none too subtle about this--every one of the "young" adventurers made a comment or twelve about how old the Three Muscatels were, and how they should be slowing down.

    Here's Luke, in his bedroom in a tux, waiting to say his imaginary vows to Tracy. He's finding that he's actually liking being married to Tracy; in his own wierd way, he loves her. He's getting off on the Dad thing a little, too--Lulu is his female MiniMe, and that just tickles him. He lives a luxurious life, and can still chase skirts with aplomb. And then he looks in a mirror, and sees an old man looking back.

    Enter Holly, and her phone call asking for help. We all know Luke and Holly were very much in love at one point. We also know that Holly represents Luke's youthful adventures. He's out the window and out chasing his glory days.

    The problem is, Luke is never going to be 30 again. He's a man in his 50s (?), and he needs to grow up. He has a wife who could give him the greatest adventure of his life, if he'd just let her; instead, he's chasing adolescent fantasies and trying to be 25 again.

    If it weren't so painful to my Tracy, I'd just laugh at him. Just my thoughts.

    ETA: Page 69!!!!!

  8. Don't have time to catch up on all the posts, but I have three quick requests.

    1. Can someone (*coughMs.Qcough*) post clips of Tracy's Maarkam Island adventures if they have them? I have The Grand Entrance, but I'd like to have all the scenes if possible. That would make me squee.

    2. Can you guys let me know if you'd be interested in having a place to send GH E-Cards? Fey is thinking of adding that option to the fansite she's building, but wants to know if there's an interest before she goes to the trouble of doing it.

    3. Guys, can we please stop the snarling and fighting? I know everybody here is entitled to their opinions, but this is such a nice, friendly place to visit, and I hate seeing the fussing going on. Just a request--if it's going to get personal or mean-spirited, could you please take it to PM? Just a request from somebody who deals with too much drama in her life as it is. Thank you very much.

    Remember--TRACY = LURVE! *humming Kumbaya as she heads off to find lunch*

    Edit: Since I have more time than I thought, here's my 2 sheckels on the subject of Holly. Holly is victim to the same writers who are turning Luke and Robert into bumbling fools and Tracy into a man-hungry, desperate fool.

    Holly is a viable character in her own right, and from everything I've read, has much more depth and character than the Mata Hari they've reduced her to. She's beautiful, smart, clever, and self-sufficient. Guza pitting her as Tracy's competition put her in a bad place for me, because well--I love Tracy.

    But I'm trying to look at the character in a different context, and frankly, if she wasn't the person Luke was hurting Tracy with, I wouldn't have a problem with her at all. So I've decided to focus my annoyance on the character (Luke) who deserves it and the people (the writers) who are actually causing the problem. It's not Holly who's the problem, it's Luke. It's not Holly fans who are the problem, it's the writers.

    Nuff said?

  9. I am going to be the lone defense for Luke here. (*I know you're surprised. I'm surprised, too.) But I saw the look in Tracy's eyes when she was talking about taking him to bed. The main emotion Luke was showing during those scenes leading up to the drugging were...FEAR. He wasn't disgusted; he was terrified. And rightly so. Any sane man would be terrified by Tracy in that moment, especially after she just came out and said she didn't know whether to kill him or f**k him. In the mood she was in, Luke wisely knew that Tracy was more dangerous than she'd ever been, and being that he's really attached to that part of his anatomy most vulnerable in those situations, he wisely chose not to go there.

    Of course, the aftermath is gonna be much worse, methinks. I mean, really, son. You can get away with a sexual bait and switch maybe once in a lifetime. Twice in one year? Not cool, Lucas Lorenzo. Not cool at all.

    Still, my heart beats to that trippy LuNacy beat, and hopefully we are seeing the start of something wonderful. And I agree with tracyluvr--our girl's no victim. She is a queen, a goddess, a Divine Ms. Q who is not afraid of her own power. She's not perfect, but at least she's not a whiny little snark who blames everybody else for her problems.

    Happy Anniversary, LuNacy! Virtual Dom Perignon Champagne to all!

    *looking for a woman's shoe to drink the champagne out of....*

    Edit: Oh, and Luke/Holly so did not make love. I'm willing to bet Robert and Tracy drag themselves downstairs to find him stripped naked and tied to a chair, the jewels gone and Holly halfway to Denmark with all his money.




    I still don't know how I feel about a Robert/Tracy/Luke triangle. First of all, I don't trust the writers not to play it solely for laughs, which would be a disservice to all three characters. Coleman--well, he's a different story. He doesn't really have this history to live up to--live down, maybe--so a comic storyline was fine. But Robert and Luke--they're really being shown as buffoons who only care about their pocektbooks and their um, man-parts. As for Tracy, this is the woman who strikes fear in the hearts of grown men, and she's being reduced to a pawn, a cuckolded wife, and a very desparately lonely woman. Granted, Tracy has been all those things and more, but it's the "And MORE" part the writers seem to be avoiding.

    I know that whatever they're given, Elliot, Geary and Rogers will transform it into something 10x better than what's on the page, so I'm not too worried there. I just wish the writers would give us all some credit and, well, let the three of them be grown-ups for a while.

  11. After much begging, Fey spoiled me on today's episode. Much Tracy, oh, she has the upper hand, Luke pulls a fast one. (Note: Luke will be thrashed soundly at a later date, be assured. The Goddess of Embittered Wives has him at the top of her hit list. Notice I dropped the initial "s" on that word.....)

    As has been uttered more than once on LJ, The !@#$%^&*] is Back--long may she rave.

  12. The only thing I don't like about Tracy having new leverage against Luke,is that it brings us back to square one,doesn't it?

    I mean,it'll now no longer be "you owe me the money" it'll be "I did this for you. I ...did that for you,"blah blah blah.

    In other words, there will be just one more excuse for them NOT to admit there's something more.

    And while I don't mind waiting for that to happen, just a LITTLE bit longer,it is starting to look like it might not,at least not for a long long time,and when and if it does,something will happen and they'll go back to "the way they were."

    Sorry if I'm babbling.

    I AM happy to see her,and them,together.

    I should probably shut up now.


    Only, TG seems to think that they will never be a "traditional" couple, and I think leverage will always play a major part in their relationship. That's something we're going to have to live with. On the other hand, it does lend a piquant zing to their love that is oh-so-fun to watch! ;)

    I think whatever it is, it may eventually mellow into one of those "Alan gave Monica the house" running jokes that doesn't mean anything, but always gets a smile out of them. (Or a grimace, depending on when and why it's used.)

    I can see it: "Oh, Lukey, if I would have known you were going to deny me even the minimum help I need to regain control of ELQ...." (This is after she asks him to risk life, limb and soul on a fool's errand.) "I might have thought twice about saving your pathetic hide on the Maarkam Islands...."

    Or, he's trying to get under her skin and says flirtatiously, "Aw, Spanky Buns, we all know you can't live without me. I mean, look at what you did on the Maarkam Islands. Now, come over here and sit on Papa Bear's lap!" (This, of course, would be said in front of Edward.....)

    Or maybe I'm totally on the wrong track. I"m just glad to have something current to write about, rather than grasping-at-straws speculation.

    Oh, and Fey will be working on her website tonight, so I might be able to get the Tracy-Monica story completed. (I work better when I have no access to the Internet; the distractions are too tempting.)

  13. Yesterday was funny.


    I :wub: TracyQ. :)

    spoiler talk

    SON previews for next week:

    Tracy has Luke right where she wants him.

    Maybe that just means he's back home?


    Again about the other spoiler,no I think the BIG is going to be her saving his life or keeping him from going to jail.

    Remember how TG has said that Tracy is just as capable of saving him but that she would never let him forget it and that she would remind him of it every chance she got?

    The spoiler says something similiar.

    I could be wrong,I hope it's not something stupid. LOL

    spoiler talk over

    I'm with you--I think she's going to wind up either saving his life or keeping him out of jail. Or paying for Lulu and Dillon's transportation. (!!! How did a high school student and financially-strapped college kid manage to pay for round-trip airline tickets to a tropical island? I'm employed full-time and can't afford airfare from Louisville to New Orleans to see my family!)

    Either way, it looks like (crosses fingers) Tracy is going to be back on top of the leverage heap--at least for a while. I love when she's on top. *ebil grin*

  14. MinervaFan, Emma Samms Online has several photos. And *drum roll please* Tracy's grand entrance... Credit to the ladies at HellaGood (the new NeverQuiet).

    You are sooooo awesome. :) Fey said thanks for the Emma Samms link, btw. Also, we were watching the episode a few minutes back and when TQ came on, Fey started cracking up. She said, "You predicted that weeks ago!" I don't remember, but she said we were discussing Tracy's return to the island and she said I'd made a snarky comment about her showing up with a bevy of muscled hunks carrying her on a sedan chair.

    I frighten myself sometimes, because I swear I don't remember it (but it totally sounds like something I'd say--throw in a pair of expensive Italian pumps, and it's like Rich Little is in the room......)

  15. Hey, Fey would like to know if anybody knows where she can get good pictures of Emma Samms/Holly Sutton. She's making banners for her new website (she already has a LuNacy one) and is looking for some good images to use. Thanks in advance.

    Chapter Five of Live from the Blue Door is done. We're nearing the final stretch. Oh, please gawd, let it end. I don't know how much more disco I can listen to. *hates multi-chaptered stories*

    Oh, and just to avoid the car fare, Ms.Q can you please post the clip of Tracy's entrance today? I must have it. LOLOLOL -- I still haven't seen the episode, and it doesn't even matter. I saw Tracy. I saw Tracy in RARE form. Life is good.

  16. Tracy is definitely on tomorrow. Haven't seen today's episode, but watched the teaser for tomorrow.

    Nighttime: Luke and Holly stand facing Tracy.

    Luke: What brings you to this side of the world?

    Tracy: Just reclaiming what's mine.


    And my muse thrives on MAD, although it does lead to somewhat angsty fic....

    ETA: WATCHING ON RE_RUN! TRACYQ is IN THE HOUSE. And her arrival will be everything you expected...and more. ROFLMFAO!!!!!

    I love that woman.

  17. Hey, I just realized I do not have Tracy's surprise birthday party. Does anybody have clips of this?

    Oh, and tracyluver, thanks for the f/b on the story. Yeah, it's much easier to write sex scenes when you've got Madonna's Bedtime Stories blasting on the Walkman. Every story has a soundtrack. To give you a preview of the Tracy-Monica Funfest? I'm listening to my Time-Life Greatest Discos Tunes of All Time CD. *blink* You have been warned.

    Any TQ sightings? Do I have to start working up a good mad? I only have $6 to last till payday, so hating TIIC is my only form of recreation....

  18. Wizard posted at SD:


    Luke owes Tracy BIG(their caps,not mine) and she reminds him every chance she gets.

    So much for romance,right?

    What's BIG?

    She must save his life.

    That's the only thing I can think of. Please don't let it be refering to the silly 15 million again

    Also something about Luke "fit to be tied" when he finds out where Robert will be staying.

    Robert will be in the Q mansion.

    Why on earth would Luke care,you'd think he'd be happy about it/it'd be his idea.


    spoiler talk over.

    I'm sitting here trying to understand what exactly Robert is going to be doing in the Q Mansion. I, too, hope it's not about the freakin' $15 million.

    Please, somebody, if TQ is on today--could you just post a little note here so I can check on my break? I'm sad, I know, but it helps me get through the last hour of work....

    Oh, I haven't read it yet, but it looks like LaRed has updated Homelands. Fwee!

  19. ILoveTracyQ, how funny it is you should ask for Luke/Tracy heat... I just finished my "Anniversary to Remember" challenge story, and it happened to go the "R-rated" route. :) Yeah, those two just couldn't help themselves. When you're reading it, I know what you're going to think--I'm painting Tracy as pathetic and desparate. DON"T FRET, because in the end, her motives are revealed. Besides, it has CRAZY MONKEY SEX in the JUNGLE!

    Here is the FF.NET link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2943325/1/. I've also posted it to my LJ and the ficathon. Happy early anniversary, Luke and Tracy.

  20. Ya'll are killing me. DED. I'm checking on my break at work, and it's 4 o'clock, and still no definite yes or no regarding TQ on today's episode.

    Let me guess--she's on in the final scene...standing in the doorway. No lines. Frowning.

    *Kicks GH repeatedly.* BRING BACK TRACY--NOW.

  21. ILoveTracyQ, what about the picture that's been floating around of all of them on the island, including Anna?

    Edit: I love how "TA" has become the new catch-phrase. :) Missing Tracy muchly. Many plot bunnies, Little free time. Wish I could write at work. Wish writing was my work...... WISH TRACY WAS ON THE SHOW.

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