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Everything posted by AllMyDaysatGH

  1. "Hayley Vaughan is off the wagon! And I am loving every damn minute of it!" OMG! That scene was near genius, I loved reading it! Bravo, SoapBoy. Great to have this FanFic back. Hayley is a cold blooded hot mess, she had the nerve to insult Erica Kane and then STEP OVER her sisters unconscious body. Unbelievable! That was an interesting way for James to be introduced into the show as Hayley's potential love interest (?). Better than him bumping into her & spilling coffee on her or something like that. LOL Jack loved Shane. LOLZ. Interesting, I though those scenes were pretty good - I agree with Carl about Blair's change in character over time.
  2. OMG - Jack Manning is gay and his BF is the guy who beat up Kristina Corinthos. LOL, JK. I like the twist. I didn't mind Jack, I'm looking forward to seeing how you deal with this! The Hayley scenes always get me. As Carl said, they were chilling! I hope it's a dream or someone saves her from jumping off the ledge! I wasn't a big fan of OLTL but I watched the last year & a half. I like how your integrating that shows characters as well. Glad Victor Jr's story is being addressed
  3. "Oh, don't roll your eyes at me, bitch." LMAO! I'm glad the scenes got serious after that cause wouldn't have been able to continue reading. I'd be laughing too much. LOL. Awesome Skye/Erica scenes. Great to see Erica back, I'm looking forward to seeing how she deals with Hayley! Great credits. Hey I'm in editing school & I know some cool stuff, maybe one day like for a new season of Heavens M, I could edit a new opening credits video for the fanfic!
  4. Just read this one. I love how there's always something shocking, surprising or even sad at the end of each "act." That's how it almost always should be! Even if it's just a fake out or something. Your stories leave us wondering and wanting more ;-). Highlight as usual for me was the stuff with Hayley. The Jacqueline/Lucas twist makes me a little sad but it's good!
  5. Wow. I had to read that twice. I'm glad Skye's a Chandler again! And the ending was simply chilling/fantastic This stuff needs to play out on screen!
  6. So the mystery woman is also Jacqueline's mom? Interesting scenes there. I'm glad Jacqueline actually cares about Brandon Hayley's missed 3 tapings?! Oh wow. Surprised she hasn't been fired yet but I don't want her to be, so she can have a drunken or hung over co-host session of some kind with Erica Kane. The Adam/Skye scene was on point ;-)
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