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Everything posted by MichaelGL

  1. READER'S LIGHT: Celebrating Guiding Light's 70th Anniversary. Answer: Roger Thorpe Answer: Beth Raines Each question was worth 5 points. Congrats to Steve Frame and Tishy who recieve 10 points!
  2. READER'S LIGHT: Celebrating Guiding Light's 70th Anniversary. Answer: Hunt Block Answer: Rick Bauer Each question was worth 5 points. Congrats to SteveFrame, who gets 10 points for answering both questions correctly!
  3. READER'S LIGHT: Celebrating Guiding Light's 70th Anniversary. Answer: Billy shot the dastardly Roger Thorpe, father of Blake and Sebastian Thorpe. Answer: The Santoses Each question was worth 5 points. Congrats to Actor who gets 5 points for answering #2!
  4. READER'S LIGHT: Celebrating Guiding Light's 70th Anniversary. Answer: Olivia cheated on Josh with Alan. Answer: Roxie, Rusty, and Reva. Each question was worth 5 points. Congrats to Josh for answering correct on Question #2. The next round will be up after Episode 41 of GL:TB is posted.
  5. NEWS!!! Introducing a new portion of Guiding Light: The Brotherhood we bring to you, Reader's Light. A series of games, and other tools of reader participation ready to sweep the GL:TB blog. It will include a game where fans will be put to the test using their knowledge of GL history(Coinciding with GL having turned a monumental 70 years old this year.). The bonus will include a question about that day's episode of Guiding Light: The Brotherhood. Included will be points awarded to the readers who respond with the correct answer. The tallies will be posted between the credits and SONBC Ratings. You've might have seen a prime example of Reader's Light inside MichaelGL's signature which features a "Connect the Dots" game. Reader's Light has already been in place with a few of the past episodes, featuring a Q&A under many of the posted episodes. Expect more to come....
  6. TOM joins GL:TB as Shayne Lewis Y&R vet David Tom joins GL:TB as Josh Lewis's prodigal son, Shayne Lewis. However when Shayne returns, things will not be as they seem. "Since leaving for Bosnia, Shayne has changed into a dark and cynical man, one reminiscent of Robert Newman's Josh Lewis under Douglas Marland's tenure. Shayne will become quite the man in the board room at Lewis as he gets more involved there." states EP/HW Michael Allen. Tom debuts in episode 36. OLTL vet Erin Torpey will debut in episode 36 as Reva and Josh's daughter, Marah Lewis. "Torpey takes on the role of Marah in the midst of her character joining the big boys at Lewis. There will be quite a storm brewing between Shayne and Marah in the upcoming months. Marah will also serve as one of Olivia Spencer's few friends in Springfield." teases EP/HW Michael Allen. With news of Torpey's arrival, insiders are hinting that Sam Spencer's return isn't far behind. Joshua Casaubon joins the show as Ji-Min's shady assistant, Trent Spencer. "He's the kind of guy that gives you goose bumps whenever you see him. He will not be good news for Olivia, who wants nothing but out of her new marriage to his boss." states EP/HW Michael Allen. Casaubon debuts in episode 36. GL is looking to cast the role of Benjamin "Ben" Reade. Unlike what occured GL, on GL:TB, Ben left for Baltimore to oversee the Stoddard Foundation, a foundation honoring his mother Maeve Stoddard. Ben will arrive in Springfield in quite the shocking way.
  7. -AW Vet, Christine Jones who made the role of Janice Frame joins the show as Holly's assistant station manager, Miranda Webber. -Esai Morales from ABC's defunct primetime drama, NYPD Blue joins as a cop on the SFPD, Diego Rodriguez. Diego will be a part of GL's newest latino family, the Rodriguez's. -Some departures are ahead.
  8. Great job Josh. I'm very intrgued to see where taking the Alex/Gus story. Great casting choice with Jill Larson.
  9. Add me in as one of those who don't know much about SB history, nor was I able to watch it when it was on air(I wish I could). But damn, RTSB is addictive and pretty good. Great job.
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