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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. Lawd! This looks scary, but Paula Jai White might be interesting. She cracks me up in whatever role she plays.

    I am sad Golden Brooks cant get legitimate work and has to resort to this. :(

    That makes me sad that Bravo didn't find a spot for her on their network.

    Are her and Nene friends still? It would have been nice to re introduce her on RHOA but then again the show has changed ALOT since she was last on.
  2. LMAO at Ramona saying LuMann can take the canoes with her broad shoulders

    Josh was very rude to and about Sonja. He was right with what he said but he could have been a bit softer with it

    Wow, now that the episode has aired, Kristen is a bitch and the splashing of water was totally OUT of line. It wasn't like one splash. She did it repeatedly and was kicking water onto Ramona's clothes and hair when she said she had just got it done and couldn't get it wet. Kristen then proceeded to talk about her friendship with Sonja, saying she hasn't helped her in 20 years. Who does she think she is. At this point, she deserved to get that drink thrown in her face. Ramona told her to get away from her, yet Kristen kept trying to go in. Ramona was totally wrong for hurling a glass at her, but honestly her emotions were high and she was defenseless in that canoe in the middle of the lake with Kristen provoking her with the splashing of the water and rocking the canoe. I was Team Ramona here. What Kristen had done was childish and while Ramona shouldn't have thrown the glass, Kristen shouldn't have gone after her

    I am Team Kristen on this one! Josh and Kirsten were out of line to go in on Sonja at the dinner party. But as an adult Ramona should have called Sonja and Kristen and told them she didn't appreciate Kristen and her husband going in on her BFF. Moving onto the trip Ramona was just WAITING to go in on Kristen. Criticizing her every move saying all Kristen does is stand there and look pretty. Those are the words of a jealous woman. Once they got in the water she just blurts to Sonja what happened and started going in n Kristen. I see why she splashed the water I mean Ramona DID Throw a drink on her last week. Ramona was doing too much she threw a wine glass at someone's face and then tried to throw an oar at her and proceeded to call her a bitch and every name but the Child of God.she committed assault and should have been told to take her ass home and that her services were no longer needed.

    A lot of Ramona fans are saying shes doing it for the show because the ratings suck and because Mario is cheating. F that! Kristen has nothing to do with it she needs to deal with her husband.

    That's not what most sources say.

    Marlo was on the radio here in Atlanta and when asked why does she do the show she said didn't have a husband or kids to worry about embarrassing and she gets paid so why not do it.
  3. Wait, Aviva was taken out of the credits? Whaat? Does anybody think that perhaps she's pretty much done for the season? I believe all the footage with her in the supertrailer has aired and she didn't go on their out of town trips, to my knowledge. It's weird that they would take her out of she's returning. Also weird that they didn't just add LuAnn to fill the gap.

    They haven't aired the episode with her leg on the floor or when her father appears and calls Ramona a bitch (which is spot on).
  4. You better WATCH what you say about Ramona. She might get Ramotional and cut your ass. Then what?

    What she did tonight and what she does next week is just trifling. I cant stand her. She is so bothered by the fact that Kristen is tall and pretty. Then she talks [!@#$%^&*] about her and when she gets splashed with water she throws a GLASS at her face and then tried to throw a boat paddle in ger face. This woman is just too old to be so impulsive. Kristen better than me cause I would have had that ass arrested. If Kristen splashing water was provoking then BOTH our asses going to jail. The nerve of her to proceed to call Kristen a bitch.

    She is also an ungrateful guest criticizing everything about Heather trip. Then next week she lies and sneaks off to a party in the Hamptons. TRIFLING.

  5. Id rather have her gone but part of me likes the thought of seeing her clowned on tv watching her world crumble around her

    I want her off the show too but seeing how Andy was salivating at the chance to exploit Teresa's legal drama I know he'll do the same with Fraudra
  6. Mimi was unbelievable in the first 20 minutes doing the most to justify her relationship with ugly obviously attention desperate fame whore Niko.

    She got exactly what she deserved and she gets no sympathy from me. I think those tears were real but either way she's just dumb and lost all her credibility with me. I knew happy Stevie J and Joseline wasn't gonna last long....

    Niko so dumb with his Ratatouille looking ass. He told Mimi "I love the way your nipples insinuate this dress" I think he meant accentuate. :lol:
  7. So, Kenya was at Harvard last week attending some lectures/seminars, and was spotted throughout the entire day *very* close to/walking with a Nigerian man. So of course all of Kenya's fans blew up the internet talking about "HERE SHE IS WITH HER MAN!!!!!!!!!!" "THE MOOSE WAS WRONG HE EXISTS!!!!!!!@#!@!#@!!"But then, of course, within a few days the man's identity was revealed and, JUST LIKE I TOLD Y'ALL.He is married and has three kids. Of course, now all of the same people who were claiming he was her man, are now claiming that he isn't her man but just a "friend of her man" that she was staying with.


    LMAO. Well I guess her African prince is real and married. She aint the only mistress that's been on the show so I cant condemn her but she need to be ashamed of herself.
  8. I don't believe Kenya has had ANY sexual or inappropriate contact with Apollo besides the time he threw her over his shoulder and grabbed her booty and jumped in the pool with her in Anguilla.

    I am so over this storyline tho. Kenya didn't f-ck him. Apollo and Phakedra created lies to make Kenya look like a whore and that's it. If Phaedra or Kenya plan on making this a thing next season then Bravo need to drop both of their asses or not air that sh-t. It is such a non event.

  9. Phaedra didn't shade thousands of women..she shaded Kenya. People are using Phaedra's comments to try to draw up sympathy for Kenya...well she gets none from me. If she can't handle someone talking about her flaws and the things she has going on in her life..then she butt out of other folks marriages and businesses. When you ALWAYS have something to say about someone else...don't get upset when someone says something about you and then try to say that's a low blow ( as if flirting with someone's husband isn't)

    That is how I took and it is not about drumming up sympathy for Kenya. I can't change the way I view what was aired. :lol:
  10. I also meant to ask did yall catch Nene saying that Kenya's life should end???? :blink:


    I had to turn it off when Brooks' misogynistic, bloated, country bumpkin ass popped up

    Eddie's body was looking right in that tight sweater.

    Lizzie is cute.

    Danielle's husband is obviously gay.

  11. I hate when people do that. They want to attack someone, so they go after someone close to them instead to go about doing it. Nene should have came for Kandi directly with her shade instead of speaking on her elderly mother that doesn't have anything to do with her. I really wish Joyce had gone after her ass when she was on the couch since she made a point for addressing Cynthia's comments

    Whats funny is what Kandi wasn't even shade it was the truth. She had never seen Nene walk away from a fight. This woman has went head to head with Dwight, Sheree, Kim, Kandi, Phaedra but when it is Marlo all of a sudden she is above it and too fabulous? The real tea is she knew Marlo would drag that ass if need be and would spill tea if Nene wanted to take it there. It is what it is. Nene has stated she would whoop Kim's ass many times why is she running from Marlo for?
  12. Puerto Rico Princess did not disappoint tonight..... man I missed these ratchet fools.

    Love Steebie and Joseline as a married couple.

    They were laying it on thick with Mimi tonight. Who tells their woman their camera which contains a sex tape was stolen in the middle of a crowded restaurant? Mimi tears were SOOOOOOO fake. LMAO.

    Rasheeda and Kirk....ugh I cant with Kirk milk dud looking ass. He is going to be pissing me off yet again.

    I like Tammy so far and Waka Flocka is fine to me....lol

    Why the hell were Arianne and Erica at Joseline's party? Who goes to a party being thrown by your best friend's ex and his new wife :blink: then again this show is scripted lol

    Scrappy's new boo is ugly. This girl rolls up at Scrappy house on a f-cking bike? LMFAOOOOOO

    This season looks good and I will be tuned in every Monday.

  13. "I said what I said!".... Chile I really want to like Nene but girl you dragged Sheree to hell and back for speaking on your son shoplifting from Wal Mart. I agreed with Nene then and I agree with Kandi now. Do not come for family! Mama Joyce did act an ass and I cant stand her but unless she spoke ill of Nene, Nene had no right to use Joyce to shade her.

  14. Ok since you can make a legit rational argument....

    That all being said Kenya still wanted Apollo....and even right now if an angel descended from Heaven and offered Kenya a husband (Apollo lets say) she'd take him in a heartbeat.

    The bottom line is that Phaedra situation isn't perfect. But with all that mess going on she's still miles ahead of Kenya in terms of being successful and happy....

    I am not a woman but if I was there are plenty of men I would like to have sex with or find hot but it doesnt mean I want to have their babies. Yes Kenya wanted Apollo at one time but she has shown no sexual interest in this man since they fell out over Donkey Booty? The texts were not sexual and she got Apollo to admit that she did not offer him oral sex in L.A. Phaedra trying to shade sperm donors as of that is indicative pf the child's futures but she had babies with a man who steals cars and retirement checks. He has no moral compass or any type of compassion for other humans. I like Teresa and Joe on New Jersey but they are JUST LIKE Apollo that doesnt mean their four daughters will grow up to be thieves.
  15. At the end of the day, I would rather take a chance that my child via sperm donor might have the possibility of having a convict father rather then just popping out kids with a known convict that's on a one way trip back to prison. This is why Phaedra is so turned up. She's lost no matter what. Her and Apollo both know it. Which is why they were fighting tooth and nail against Kenya throwing out any dig they could in desperation to get the negative attention off them. Call Kenya every name in the book boo's but at the end of the day it's your family that's breaking up because ya'll knowingly broke the law and got caught. Have fun keeping them toes clean while fighting off big Bubba Apollo! Kisses!

  16. Phaedra's losing because she tries to throw her marriage in Kenya's face but this man told her to walk home and called her an assh-le. I'd rather be single. :lol:

    As far as the sperm donor thing. We will have to agree to disagree. It might be the truth but that doesnt make it any less ignorant or disrespectful. Plenty of people who are pieces of sh-t are the product of a married couple and a lot of good people come from sperm donors. Phaedra was saying Kenya's potential child was equal to a medium sized pizza. Thats heinous and disgusting and I would've been disgusted no matter who it was directed at.

    Children with a criminal? What's your point? Apollo did he time. He didn't kill anyone. He didn't rape anybody

    Kenya's now resorting to lying bout hearing nene curse producers outside the door of Pillow Talk...GIRL BYE!

    "Kenya girl you're delusional!" Lol nene is just running this girl thru the dirt. It's quite funny. And I guess this is where you say everyone on stage BUT Kenya is lying?

    Stealing people's social security numbers and stealing retirement checks is pretty bad. It is not murder or rape but let's not act like this man is a reformed upstanding citizen.

    My point is what does it matter what the man does matter when it comes to the sperm if Fakedra is gonna go have a baby with a criminal? Why is she throwing stones when her house of glass has already been shattered. Her baby daddy is a criminal and a cheater who makes her look pathetic.

    She does a lot of deflecting. Phaedra is one of those women who put so much into these Victorian ideals of what a woman's worth is. It's disgusting.

    Kenya is better than me. Apollo and Phaedra's asses could NOT tell me NOTHING about myself whwn they've got the shot going on that's going on in their household.

  17. I disagree but that's not surprising at this point. She destroyed Kenya.

    Then Phaedra completely gutted Kenya with the sperm bank speech. And I completely supported Phaedra during that whole exchange....when you sit back and think about it's absolutely true. With Apollo and Phaedra where the heck would Kenya Moore be right now?

    The $10 comment was the bitter truth and even worse is that unless you have money you really don't have a clue or say in who sperm they're giving you from what I understand.

    Last but not least it's true that from day one Kenya Moore has been flirting with Apollo. She's made that clear on more than one occasion and even said "he's FIONE" during one her talking heads.

    While I don't like Phaedras use of "slut" all the time in some ways I understand why she's so frustrated with this woman cuz it's clear as daylight how sneaky and shady Kenya really is.

    Again I hope nene laid out her challenge to Kenya on twitter and Facebook. Kenya won't accept. She's broke. She has no genuine feelings to donate to an org she cares about. All she wants is attention. And she should be utterly ashamed of herself for not donating to the Save Our Girls charity after all the grief she gave nene.

    Ok but in the process of trying to shade Kenya she also shaded thousands of women who use sperm donors every year. Phaedra can go in on Kenya all day about her being a slur or being broke but to try and play Kenya as if she and her child will be less than because iit was conceived in an unconventional way is extremely heartless to me. Kenya has never came for Phaedra's children which is essentially what Phaedra did to Kenya but she won't check Nene's ass fpr saying Dylan and Aiden are future criminals. :lol: A lot of people laughing and saying Kenya deserved it were butt hurt because she called Porsha a hoe and a beard.

    And Kenya did donate to Saving Our Daughters she showed her check and text messages to prove it as well as Saving Our Daughters took down theor statement against Kenya. They are not a tax deductible charity and wanted to say Kenya didn't give them anything so they wouldn't get in trouble with the IRS

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