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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. Just like the coddling for poor Kenya who got her ass drug.

    It was way more to it than that.

    I certainly have not coddled Kenya. I said she was wrong for the bullhorn it does not excuse Porsha hitting her. Let me hit somebody on my job because they provoked me and see if I get to keep my job and avoid charges. :rolleyes:

    I just had no idea allll of these people loved Porsha. Honestly I don't recall reading anything close to support for her until the reunion actually..

    A lot of them (not here) are Kenya haters. Kenya hasn't done anything worse than these pther girls but violence is ok. Had Kenya snatched that toupee off of Nene head we would be seeing different responses.
  2. Kenya just never learns, she got all into Christopher William's and his wife (or whatever she is to him) business and got her friends ass beat and then butt her nose into Porsha's and got her own beat. Guess she'll never learn.

    How did she get all into Christopher Williams' business? He told Kenya ans as recently as last year in an interview that he was NOT married. Why wouldn't Kenya question that when Natalie sais they've been married for 20 years? This is tv not real life. All of these women are messy and stay in each other's business.

    When I grew up pulling somebody's hair was not an ass beating. Try harder.

  3. So Porsha is allowed to make gay jokes about Kordell alllll season, but it's rude for anyone else to say anything about it? Oh okay.

    Chile the coddling for this grown ass woman is astounding. :lol:

    Porsha didn't open the door and asked to have her marraige used as a weapon by Kenya to attack her repeatedly. Just because someone tells you something bad going on in their life doesn't give you the right to turn and around and use it to poke fun or put them down. Porsha was seeking comfort but Kenya used it to put her down because she is a petty messy and misereable person who has hated Porsha since she called her Miss USA/Miss America when she was the other one.

    Kenya better be glad all Phaedra did was call her out her name. Phaedra should have been drug Kenya for trying to come after her husband..but if all she did was call her names Kenya got off easy.

    Kenya never came after Phaedra's husband. It has since been confirmed by Apollo himself that he lied aboutv the entire proposition for sex thing and they have never seen each other outside of RHOA filming.

    And so people shouldn't get mad when it goes to far and someone gets their ass drug across the stage.

    And so people shouldn't get mad when it goes to far and someone gets their ass drug across the stage.

    If this is true..this just makes what Kenya did worse. I don't care if Kordell slept with every man in Atlanta..Kenya was wrong for using that to attack Porsha.

    Yes because Porsha grabbed Kenyas hands and made her shove those props in her face. She also forced her to talk about her and her marriage...Kenya got drug and brought it all on herself.

    Kenya asked her one time was she Kordell's beard. How is that attacking her? If she didn't want it to be a topic she shouldn't have insinuated he was gay for her storyline. Porsha's entire existence on this show has been a fail. She is a child and can not handle it. Next.
  4. Porsha was a beard for a man who got caught sucking dick down at the park. She implied all season he was gay, but you expect me to believe that was something sensitive to her? It was a paycheck and a storyline, that's it.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    The way you said this had me imagining Funky Dineva and got me spitting out my juice.

  5. Exactly. And let's not act like Kenya was the only one doing it. All the women were questioning Porsha's wedding at one point or another this season. Kenya didn't say anything until Mexico when (as you stated), Peter was grilling, and when Porsha's stupid a** inserted herself into Phaedra and Kenya's quarrel.

    Had Porsha stayed in her lane, Kenya would've never came for her this season.

    Was it bullying when Nene, Phaedra, and Kandi questioned Porsha's role in her marriage in the limo when they were in Vegas? :blink:
  6. A bully just doesn't name call. A bully takes the one thing that you are most sensitive about or that hurts you the most and constantly (not just once or twice) uses it against you or uses it to belittle you. Kenya has known from the beginning that her divorce was a difficult subject for Porsha yet she constantly used it agains Porsha and even when Porsha was pouring her heart out her comes Kenya ruining the moment with her snide comments and remarks when she should have been comforting her. What if next season the ladies nick name her Scambled Eggs or constantly bring up how her dog died and she has no more friends over and over again?

    If Porsha was bullied she was bullies by Nene as well. This is a reality show. Sh-t will be said to and about you. There has never been a housewife that was bullied. Not Teresa, not Lisa Vanderpump, and CERTAINLY not Porsha. If she can not handle the fact that her business will be put on blast and discussed by women whom she may not like then she needs to exit stage left because this isn't a show about empowering women at the end of the day. It is about the drama in lives of people of a certain "lifestyle".
  7. Kenya wasn't even worries about Porsha's marriage. Peter is the one who was talking to Kordell and brought it to Mexico and made it a Topic of discussion. Why wouldn't Kenya ask Porsha if she was really his beard when Porsha spent her first season acting like she was worth more as a woman than Kenya because she had the pitcher perfect marriage and life? :blink:

    Porsha has told two different narratives about herself and her marriage. One year she was happy and content, the next Kordell was gay and she didn't have any money. Which is it? If we are going to go in on Kenya anout Walter and her "African prince" then Porsha should be held to task about her lies.

  8. Kenya barely interacted with Porsha this entire season yet she is being said to have bullied her all year bc she said sh-t about her in her talking heads. Meanwhile Nene has been disrespecting Porsha all season, calling her out on being stupid, immature, selfish and self centered. Nene is the only one that made her cry during the season bc of her harsh words. Yet Kenya is evil and awful for bullying Porsha by going out of her way to pick on her all year. WTF?


    A lot of people hopping on this bandwagon just hate Kenya. I have never seen so many Porsha fans in her entire tenure on the show. She was dead wrong and I am ready for confirmation that she is fired.

    Por has basically said she was a beard all season and Peter then Kenya finally called it out and asked her to be straight up on it. That's bullying? Please.

    Yes Kenya needs the other ladies for story. That's why this is the real HOUSEWIVES. Not one. Many. Kandi is the only one that had some story without the other ones because it involved her mother and her finance. But even she needed the other ladies for more story.

    People get so bent out of shape when these women discuss others lives, marriages, etc but like - that's the point if the series. To interact. It's why we all accept that enemies invite each other to their parties and trips.

    What's Kenya did this season was call bullshit out and people couldn't handle it. She brought it and drove the majority of story this season and it was glorious.

    Por came for her at that reunion because she was desperate to save her job. Period. It was clear from the start por was in the attack and when Kenya came back at her once or twice she got physhcial - even if it was pathetic all she did was pull hair - because she's an immature, spoiled little brat as evident by her full on 4 year old tantrum on the floor literally kicking and screaming and then blaming others.


    I feel like these shows (and their fans) use the word BULLY too loosely. I feel like a grown ass person cannot be bullied. A child, yes. A grown woman in her early thirties? Hell no. If you allow someone to speak to you crazily when you're 18+, then you're the fool. I'm one who believes that someone is not feeding you, financing your lifestyle, for f*ckin' you, then their opinion does not matter.

    If Porsha wasn't such a dolt and signed up for this show, knowing doggone well these shows will exploit your past, present, and possibly future, then her situation wouldn't've been aired to the world or to Kenya. I'm over people on Twitter, Facebook, and forums pegging Kenya as a "bully." Because if she's a bully then everyone is. Nene. Phaedra. Whorsha too.

    LOL I am actually laughing at all this backlash because Kenya will be invited back and all the people complaining will be tuned in.
  9. Most of Kenya's storyline came from her sticking her nose into other peoples marriages. Phaedra/Apollo, Natalie/Chris, Porsha/Kordell. She is irrelevant on her own. I understand she's probably jealous that everyone but her is or has been married while nobody wants her and her scrambled eggs, but she's a bully, a [!@#$%^&*] stirrer, and as fake as the silicon in her ass.

    I am not feeling this comment at all. I am all for shading and reading these girls but the scrambled eggs thing is insensitive to me. Porsha is not able to carry a child to term but I wpuld never bring that up as an insult. There are just lines to this where the reality tv personas dont warrant such comments.
  10. Ramona has stuck her nose in places they dont belong before. She also has a really slick mouth and thinks nobody is supposed to check her on it. That's probably why she throws a drink in Kristen's face next week. Doesnt she also throw a glass in Kristen's face later? She is a damn mess.

    Why the [!@#$%^&*] was that Woman-child being babied and carried around in the first place?

    LOL.... I think because she didn't have any of her shoes.
  11. And DEAD at Mario saying the best cheaters never get caught lol :lol:

    The way trash talked to Kristen really annoyed me then when they decided to let it go Traah JUST HAD to get another dig in saying "just stay out of my business" BITCH what business is it of yours to dictate when and how Heather should be cordial with Psycho again?


    Isn't Ramona 60+ ? Her behavior is just deplorable as a member of the senior citizen community.

  12. YAAAASSSSSS Kristen! Trash is so vile and mean spirited. The nerve of her trying to go in on Kristen when she is doing the same thing trying to make Heather and Psycho's situation about her as well. The way she talked to Kristen at her home... just ugh I wanted Kristen to throw her drink on Trash as she walked away lol I'm glad Trash does it to Kristen next week so Kristen will be justified in splashing pool water on her old ass.


    The new wife Shannon is a FAIL! I cant stand her. Can we please get back Lydia. She's crazy and not in the fun kind of way. She's neurotic, a perfectionist and earthy and I hate the way she treats her husband. The only value she adds to the show is her wealth as she has a large and lovely home. She needs to be a one season wonder

    Vicki: "Oh don't call me Lauri; she's a bitch!" LOL, Best line of the night

    Her husband looks so unhappy. I just want to swoop in and take care of him. LOL
  13. She really let it go to her head. Queen Bee she is not. The fact that all the other ladies have stuff and stories flowing without her debunks her erroneous claims of being the nucleus of the group. I cant wait until we get to the part where the ladies leave Mariah out of the cast trip :lol:

  14. I saw the preview clip on Bravo website when Mama Joyce comes out. This woman tries to read Cynthia telling her she shouldn't have said she lives off of Kandi. Cynthia apologizes and Mama Joyce continues saying slick [!@#$%^&*] like "well you assumed wrong" and "you shouls be sorry" then Kandi drops the tea that Joyce took out credit cards in her name ans Kandi had to put her on a $700 a month allowance because her ass spent all her money gambling and on the Home Shopping Network.


  15. The props should not have been allowed. A supposed intelligent person would not need them. Why would Andy allow someone to used something so disrespectful?


    Because Kenya is his fave right now. The scepter was no issue but blowing a bullhorn in my face is doing the most. Cynthia only took it because she has switched to Team Kenya. I like Kenya but Kandi would hhave dragged that ass FOR REAL. Not the hair pulling that Cry Baby did.
  16. If Porsha were an adult she would have asked Andy to tell Kenya to put her props away or asked to be moved to the other couch. Andy is to blame also he was letting Kenya run the reunion doing whatever the hell she wanted. His faux outrage is kind of funny to me considering he was giggling at all the fuckery Kenya pulled.

  17. Kenya was rude but Porsha told her she had a rotten vagina among countless other things. Porsha is not innocent. Both of them chicks have been exchanging low blows for two seasons. Kenya did cross the line with the blow horn but it is not her fault that Porsha cant control her emotions. Kenya told that girl to hit her and get fired and Porsha did it anyway. She is so immature and I'm sick of seeing her getting coddled like a damn baby. She is 32 YEARS OLD.

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