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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. I loved that scene of Peter and Kenya kiki-ing on Secrets Revealed. I love Kenya when she's being lighthearted and throwing shade. They had good chemistry in that scene. Peter deserves his peach.

    I loved it too. Kenya is so funny and crazy twirling and acting a fool outside of Bar One! :lol:
  2. LOVED the preview for the rest of the OC season.

    Lizzie vs Vicki, Shannon vs Heather, David vs Terry, Tamara vs Lizzie. Here for it all!

    Vicki is so jealous of Lizzie it's sad.

    Heather tried to play up Shannon's reaction to the seat change to cover up how she overreacted to it.

    I love Lizzie. Her and Kristen have been some grade A additions to the housewives shows this year! I hope I love the new girls on Jersey as well since Teresa is headed to the slammer.

  3. Heavenly is a damn mess! I figured Lisa Nicole was too preoccupied with her breast cancer scare to pay that fool any attention! I liked her until I saw her trying to tell her daughter to be submissive and a servant to her man. Thats fine with you and your man but dont pass that on to yor child.

    Mariah is so boring this year. I just lol at her saying she needed to pull away from the girls when on reality nobody wants to film alone with her but Simone.

    Ready for her and Rico to get into it next week. Hopefully he spills tea.

  4. How, in 2014, do we still not have audio on elevator videos? Solange is lucky that party city wig didn't fall off! Beyonce did not give a single [!@#$%^&*]!


    I really wonder what it was Basement Baby was mad about that Beyonce did not try to stop Basement Baby from attacking her husband. She should have been arrested!

  5. I didn't set guidelines for [!@#$%^&*], booboo. All I said was that I see no evidence of how Kenya Moorewhore is winning at anything. And even if she does own that Bentley, she's still a damn lie. Okay, so you didn't rent it (which I still don't believe - if she has it as a part of a sponsorship deal with the dealership, it could absolutely be registered in her name for insurance purposes), didn't she say her man bought it and that it was his? Now she owns it? Which is it boo? She's a damn lie and any doctor that helps her mentally unstable self have a baby should lose their license yesterday.

    So your main gripe with Kenya seems to be that she lies but you love infamous liars like Phakedra and Wig.... LOL I know you hate Kenya but she's not the first housewife to lie about facets of her life and will certainly not be the last.
  6. I think the only reason Andy seemed Team Nene/Porsha was because of the social media outrage. He was Team Kenya in that situation from thw jump but when he saw public opinion was in favor of Porsha he slowly eased into being a neutral party. He is a celeb and a talk show host it's the name of the game. I honestly think everyone except Porsha will be holding a peach next year.

    I loved the Secrets Revealed. Nene and Kenya are much better as friends than enemies. I wish some of these scenes were on the actual show.

  7. She was never going to use a sperm bank but yet said repeatedly on the show she was going to and was on the verge of tears when Phaedra said that? So either she's lying now or, like I've always said, fakes and lies about absolutely everything about her life for the show. She has ruined this show. What a disgusting piece of [!@#$%^&*].

    She didn't say she was never going to use one just that it was an option in case the guy she wanted said no. The guy said yes and she begins in vitro fertilization in June.
  8. I really hope Lisa doesn't leave but I'll understand if she does....Carlton gone is official!? If so YESSS...now get rid of the Idiot Yolanda and I'll be so happy.

    Yeah she's friends with Allison DuBois and she did an interview bashing the show saying Carlton wasn't going to be on it next year. Carlton will not be missed by this viewer. :lol:

    Kenya's one on one with Andy was flawless. She read him, got her points across, and kept it cclassy. She also said she was never seriously considering a sperm bank and that she knows the father of her child. So Phaedra's read was not only inaccurate but a fail. :P

  9. Anyone read or heard anything about Beverly Hills? Aside from Carlton leaving I haven't seen anything and I know she cant the only not being asked back. Kristen from V Rules said Lisa had another spin off coming centered around her new P.U.M.P. Lounge so I've been waiting to for some type of announcement of her leaving the Housewives.

    I will be soooooooooo pissed if Kim's boring self is holding a diamond.

  10. I absolutely feel they're playing hardball with Nene. The show eventually will have to deal with life after Nene and she gave them so many reasons to want to get rid of her. Not just lack of story, but the way she's been attacking producers the entire season and most importantly--she's pulling a Jill Zarin. She's affecting the production of the show by manipulating things to get people not to film with others, it was revealed at the reunion her pre-planned attacks, she's not getting along with Andy and she's coming off poorly. They have tons of justification for not paying her an extremely large salary just for her to constantly bash the show, her salary and the producers.

    If this is true they still have a solid foursome with Kandi, Kenya, Cynthia and Phaedra (who I feel will stay). I'd say get Marlo and Sheree to make it six and cast one new wife and you're set. It would still be familiar, but refreshed and I have no doubt that Nene will accept the gig as a "Friend" and will still be there.


    I was thinking of Sheree and according to SFTA.com, she was making 400,000 when she left and she's asked for 200,000 to return. Considering her tenure and big personality I think that is fair. If it's true that Bravo is trying to negotiate that down then they are dogs. Especially when you have people like Phaedra making over 600,000, you can let Sheree build her funds up when you know she's going to give you everything you need.

    IF this is true which I really doubt in Nene's case that would make a good cast though I still dont like Phaedra there's no reason to drop 3 girls when the show has done so well.

    The real gag will be if Kenya gets the center peach. :lol:

  11. SVU passed on the proper ending 6 times over. There is no longer a proper ending for this show unless Stabler returns for Benson's funeral. She lived like a miserable wretch and that is the way she should die. No happy ending for someone who's determined to be miserable!

  12. Not sure what Wendell's problem is, but he will have Nene back on the couch if Nene decides to give him the time of day. Nene needs to check herself for sure, but Wendell has been ratchet more times than not, so he can have a seat!

    Nene said about a year ago that she'll never do Wendy's show again. :lol:
  13. I haven't re watched the episode but I've seen people saying Heather was the one who started splashing? Did anyone else see that? Why wasn't a glass thrown at Heather?

    Then after Ramona did it she started yelling at her saying "Get the !@#$%^&*] away!" That is her typical M.O. Do whatever she wants and then tries to prevent any retaliation or answer to her fuckery. She did it last season with Heather at Psycho's birthday party.

  14. Stevie was looking good when he went to confront Ratatoullie. He's been having me feeling some type of way this season.in-love.png

    Mimi cut the bullshit! This struggle storyline is the worst in reality tv history!

    Watching Kirk swab his child was disturbing.

    Not enough Joseline!

  15. I will say LuAnn's presence doesnt bother me this season. I've even decided to stop calling her LuMan. Her role is what id like Sheree's role to be on RHOA. She is still a broke b-tch and has a boring life but her interactions with the ladies would be hilarious. Make it happen Andrew!

  16. Josh laying it out there to Sonja was hilarious. This woman is whack. Period. I love that he told her she's [!@#$%^&*] bananas to her face.

    Carole's bev hills home is cute and simple.

    Poor Kristen. Stuck at that table with trashmona waiting for everyone else. Trashy is always going on about "since we are getting along" and hose type lines and it's so annoying.

    Wow so Aviva is gone from the opening and the bumpers? Bye! I wonder if it is for several episodes or if production is just being shady.

    I can't with trashmona being so jealous of Kristen. She was shitting on Sonja last week and this week she's offended. No. She's gone on the attack because Kristen is young and pretty and Maria is banging a girl that reminds her if her I'd bet. Josh is spot on - where are the products? They don't exist!

    I'm shocked Carole isn't going to the millionaire matchmaker! You know bravo loves forcing her onto everything. I loved her talking about wearing pants lol. Kristen/Carole are Adorbs.

    I've done his anti gravity yoga. It's bizarre. "I could do without Ramona today" lol Sonja, we all could - everyday! Can trashmona be any more dismissive and trash anything else not NYC or the hamptons? Don't go! "Is this a house or a garage? Do you have a handyman to carry my bags?" Let's order an AC, have it delivered and installed but not even mention it to the home owner... and you wonder why I call her trash? Poor heather trying to make everything perfect to please this trashy bitch.

    If trashmona doesn't want to get her hair wet stop going in and around water. Poor Carole! Can trashmona complain about anything else? Jesus. Here she is throwing people being single in their faces. Trashmona sure is trying to stir things up. Why isn't she telling Sonja about all the [!@#$%^&*] she's talked?

    DYING at heather and Kristen hearing everything. OMG I honestly didn't except her throwing a glass in her face to be that shocking. That was so far over the line and uncalled for. I thought she'd accidentally let it go not throw the wine glass on purpose. And now she's unapologetic and calling her a bitch? Splashing water in a lake vs throwing glass in someone's face... Yeah there's zero defense here.

    I feel so bad for all the other girls.

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