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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. LOL I saw the Kristen/Ramona thing differently. Yall probably think I'm crazy :P

    I think what she did was smart. Ramona has been gunning for her from the start. By disregarding the risk that it might make her appear ungracious and refusing to accept Ramona's fake apology, Kristen showed Ramona she is not going to allow herself to be manipulated. One of Ramona standard games is to say or do something nasty then shrug it off with the "no filter" and "my bad childhood" and "I'm just being honest" garbage. She relies on people's fear of looking bad if they don't let her slide, and I can see why. It works. People let her get away with her behavior all the time out of fear they will look bad if they persist in challenging her. Kristen showed Ramona that game isn't going to work on her.

    And by hitting Ramona back fairly hard by asking about her drinking and anger issues on camera, Kristen sent her a message. She will call Ramona out on her [!@#$%^&*]. Onscreen. It might make Ramona think twice before she tangles with Kristen again.

  2. The transition is over. LHHATL is now officially a scripted series.

    It's come to the point where I assume everything happening is fake. Thats sad


    From Kirk to BBambi to Mimi to Stevie

    ...nothing is real. But I will stay tuned in. :lol:

  3. The reunion...you remember when big bad violent Porsha nearly murdered Kenya....at least that's what Kenya and her fans would have has us to believe.

    Really? I just think people said her doing what she did was uncalled for and impulsive. Kenya's not an innocent victim and she didn't get her ass beat. A hair pull is not an ass beating where I'm from but that's neither here nor there.

    ETA: And if Kenya did steal her phone she aint sh-t for doing it but I will wait for the episode to air to give an actual opinion.

  4. Kristen are Josh are so refreshing. Josh can be a bit of an ass but I understood where both he and Kristen were coming from. Nice to see her keeping it real about her marriage unlike so many women who come on here acting like they have the perfect marriage only to end up divorced.

    Ugh why am I enjoying LuAnn? :blink:

    ETA: Loved Carole on her date. I love her! :wub:

    LMFAO at Kristen's reaction when Ramona brought out the flowers. :lol:

    Ramona knows how to fake apologize. Just like she faked her sudden insight into her behavior at the "intervention." She said just enough to get the ladies off her back at that luncheon and she pulled the same act with Kristen with her "faux-pology," in my opinion.

    She barely made eye contact. And laughing when Kristen mentioned her injury? Seriously? And her "just because someone does something to you doesn't mean you should do something back" is nothing but blame shifting. To me, that does not an apology make.

    I can understand why Kristen felt the need to speak her (hopefully) final piece. She was entitled to let Ramona know what she thought and how she felt outside of a situation where she was ruining other people's vacation weekend and felt pressured to let it go. But I do hope this is essentially the last of it. Not because Ramona deserves a break, but because it would be a shame if this incident and her response to it were allowed to define Kristen any more than it already has.

  5. I hope I dont sound mean but I dont believe Bambi was pregnant at all.

    Joseline and Stevie are so entertaining fake marriage or not. LOL at Dawn spilling all their tea to thirsty ass MiMi.

    Karlie is doing the most for the least. LMFAO at that struggle red carpet at Stonecrest Mall. Girl bye! She could have at least had it at Lenox.

  6. lol..... I want to know who these people are telling Quad and Rico that Mariah made them relevant. Is that comment really that serious to be so angry about? Quad looked thirsty trying to piggy back on Rico's outburst to cone at Mariah. They are all a hot ass mess. Cant believe Quad amd Mariah are going to go at it AGAIN next week over the same damn thing. Further makes me believe this storyline was crafted because they needed something to be relevantm

  7. I actually know someone who knew Reco and Mariah in high school. They really were BFF and unseperable. Sad what reality tv and fame did to them.

    It was so f-cked up how she barely addressed him and had her sister and bodyguard get in front of her so she wouldn't have to answer for her lies.

  8. The tense situation of trashmona trashing Kristen.

    Splashing around in a lake is light and fun. It's fun. I don't know how else to explain it. Have you been in a lake or a pool? It's fun. You get wet. If you don't want to get wet don't go around water. It's that simple.

    I'm honestly shocked some of y'all are saying throwing glass at people is justified because Kristen splashed his butch while in a effing lake. You wanna talk justified, Kristen should have flipped that boat over and beat her ass.

    Trashmona is an old bitter bitch who's husband is cheating her annoying ass with a pretty young thing and she's threatened by Kristen who is younger, prettier, and a new girl on the show following new girls replacing old girls. She doesn't like her and it has nothing to do with Anything Kristen has done. Ramona didn't go insane on heather not because she didn't know she splashed her but because she knows heather ain't weak and she made the mistake of thinking Kristen was. When everyone told her how wrong she was she came up with a I'm sorry you made me do it and when Kristen told her to eff off she got crazy again. That's trashmona tho, an insane drunk who believes all her own lies.

    I agree...lol

    I actually watched it again on On Demand to see if I could understand the perspective of the other guys and girls in this thread and my opinion is the same. Kristen really didn't splash them all that long. As soon as Sonja said "we have blow dries" she stopped. Kristen really got that glass thrown at her when she told Ramona she hadn't done anything to help Sonja in 20 years. Then Ramona says "that's 2 for 2 Kristen you're a real bitch! " She then threw wine, cup, then tried to throw an oar at her. She had plenty of time to assess the situation and not react the way she did but her hate for Kristen is so strong all she could see was red.

    And I wouldn't have accepted the apology wrapped in an insult either. "Im sorry you provoked me and made me throw a glass at you."


    She then goes on trying to say Kristen reminded her of her father and she hadn't thrown anything at anyone in 30 years. Chile bye! Someone you barely know brought all that venom out in you? There was exaggeration on both sides as I do think Kristen's injury was minor I couldn't see the wound on my HD big screen television.

  9. The Housewives sure do have us all divided this year. What's hilarious is depending on the franchise some of us are in total agreement while at total odds on another one. Andy Cohen wins.

    I was just thinking this! :lol: Me ans JP can not disagree more when it comes to Jersey as he loathes Teresa and I loathe Melissa but I've been in complete agreement with him regarding Atlanta, OC, and New York!
  10. Right. Ramona is trying to make it seem like it was some red color cup she tossed. That [!@#$%^&*] if plastic was that hard plastic fancy [!@#$%^&*]. Regardless it busted her lip. Yes that's an attack. If I throw something at your face and make you bleed I've attacked you. It's not hard to understand.

    The excuses people will make for this trashpot are amazing.

    But yes big bad evil Kristen. She had the audacity to splash someone while in a lake. It's too bad Ramona didn't hurt her further, after all she deserved it.

    Ramona is simply a hypocrite. It's fine and dandy to throw wine on someone because they said you were jealous but when you icing a girl out and she hears you going in on her and her husband and she splashes you you're the victim and she reminds you of your abusive father I'm sorry but BYE FELICIA!
  11. Heather splashed water as well. In fact she was the one who began splashing Ramona. Why is Kristen being blamed for provoking her? She doesnt like Kristen that's why she threw the glass at her.

    Not being aggressive but didn't a few of you defend Ramona throwing wine on Kristen. Ramona said Kristen was already in the water she should have expected to get what. The same could be said for Ramona in the canoe.

  12. Ramona supposedly going to spy on Mario doesn't change the fact that she attacked someone then made up a long story about her childhood abuse for sympathy and to leave AFTER hiring a plane to come get her. Not to mention it was clear she was going to that party along as she sponsored it and that's the reason she was pressed about getting her hair wet... While in a lake.

    You read my mind.
  13. I'm glad there was no Giudice vs Gorga from that trailer at least

    MeHo knows the audience was tired of her victim act and plus she wants to play the supportive and sympathetic sister in law this year.

    Exactly. And guess what's coming up? And guess what I don't want to watch anymore? NJ. NJ feels like an exhausting, needy relationship that I just cannot go back to anymore.

    I feel that way about New Jersey except I cant leave it alone :lol: . I am watching for Teresa and the new girls. Dina is a welcome return and I'm not here for Melissa AT ALL. Hope the new girls are good because with Teresa heading to prison Melissa will be useless.
  14. Where did you see Kim? Because those two blonds are Shannon (RHOC) & Dina (RHONJ) in the pic.

    Sh-t Stain Pillow is in the link I posted.

    Chances are Nene was playing hard ball by refusing to film with certain girls and wanting a raise but as we are all well aware girlfriend has [!@#$%^&*] as far as other opportunities are concerned so of course she caved to Bravo's demands. Bloop!

    Ugh does this mean more Kim on RHOBH? Are Joyce or Carlton there?

    I hope Kim was just Kyle's tag along. Taylor was there last year and she filmed as a friend but a lot of her scenes were cut. Kim needs to be a friend of only filming scenes with Kyle. She is useless as a housewife with her boring, irrelevant, thirsty ass.
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