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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. I disagree and death threats are no joke but she was very OTT that season and those people represent such a small portion of the viewership so I don't know if that really impacted Bravo's decision or not.

    That Lisa article was just pure WIN. The thought the Idiot Yolanda sitting at home waiting for Andy's call while sniffing the fumes of lemons and the herbacleanse she kept harping at my girl Kim about in her debut season is just PRICELESS! Meanwhile Lisa stays winning and popular. And you know she'll eventually turn PUMP into a show which I'll watch religiously. Speaking of I need to do a run thru of Season 2 of VR and get caught up on all the juicy drama.

    Speaking of Vanderpump Rules I was pleased to see that Queen Stassi is returning! I knew her fame thirsty ass wasn't going anywhere but still nice to hAve it confirmed. :P
  2. That video is horrendous.



    The thirst for relevance just oozed out of the tv tonight.

    Why does Mimi give a damn if Stevie is married or not? Joseline has her so bothered it's sad.

    That dehydrated hoe Erica P was dead ass wrong to bring up the "miscarriage". If real I can see why Bambi went off. She has NEVER met this woman. I see thirsty will get revenge next week.

    Joseline does have a smart ass mouth and she cant seem to keep friends. I would have been feeling some type of way if I was Tammy especially since Jos aint even married!

    Stevie so sexy to me. IDGAF in-love.png

  3. Kim is the most played out housewife of all the time. If there is anyone that ever stayed long past her expiration date it's her. She needs to GO. I'd switch out her for Marissa and I'd try to get the black baroness on board

    Every time Kim came on with that half ass storyline revolving her dog I was like...


  4. I'll totally watch Hotwives of Orlando - that's hilarious!

    Btw, speaking of Beverly Hills - there's an article out confirming Carlton and Joyce are fired. Joyce even indicated that she may be moving away from BH anyway. Also, they are saying that Shiva Safai and Faye Resnick are joining, assuming they sign their contracts and are happy with the $$.


    They're regurgitating old articles from the past few months trying to pass it off as new info. Faye has already said she didn't want to come back. Joyce did say in an interview that her life was great before the show and she wouldn't lose sleep over being fired. Joyce is one of the rare ladies that is too nice for this type of show. I like her but dont see her coming back sadly. :( hope I am wrong.
  5. Mariah is a MESS! Talking about Quad and her are cut from different cloths and she had to lower herself to make Quad think they were equivalent. She acts as if Quad is some uncouth hoodrat but laat I checked MARIAH was the one engaging in a full out fist fight laat season. GIRL GONE!

    I think Toys is lying about why she and her husband haven't closed. That while diatribe about the bank being suspicious because why is a young black man making money was suspicious. Of they so rich why dont they send their children to private school? I bet that 50k they put up on the down payment was the last of their savings.

    Lucy is so annoying and I will love Heavenly forever if she gets in that ass next week!

    Simone and Quad were "doing shows" at that dinner. I am so over this feud. It's just not that serious to me.


  6. As long as Joanna and Joyce are on to battle with Brandi and company I am good. Not so sure how much I'd miss Lisa though. Through all the mess that happened last season I still came out of the season still liking both her and Yolanda. I guess if she leaves we'll see the fake friendships brought about by not liking Lisa will fall apart.


    The Real Housewives are about to be subjected to new contracts, that will guarantee the ladies bring the drama.

    Now ladies are being offered only 8 week contracts. If they dont deliver the drama in the first few weeks of taping they will be dropped, reveals one Bravo insider.

    In the past, cast members have promised the world, even getting married and having a baby. But once filming starts all those promises go away and instead the cast focuses on selling their dull products. But no more!

    Bravo has got super smart. They wont be followed by false promises anymore. If the ladies dont deliver the drama fast, they will be cut, adds one cast member.


  7. Chile yall saw Kenya pics on Instagram? She did say her man was younger than her and in his thirties. Guess it wasn't that married man after all..... lol



    thekenyamoore That moment when you think about closing your eyes or getting hot grits... #tobeinlove #tobesafe #toletyourguarddown #toforgive #toloveunconditional ly #topickyourbattles #tobeprotected #toletshitgo #tofightfair #tobecommitted Love is a choice, to trust is a choice. You choose your fate. You can't let other people and the past dictate how you treat others. #timetoheal 3h



    LOL I'm his motivation #obsessed have a blessed day #behappy #stophating #myfamily note to all the haters: I'm unbothered find someone else to hate stalk.

    She was tired of yall talking bout she dont have a man...lmao

  8. Barbara was the only reason the show lasted so long. She may have her haters (especially on this board) but she was good for the show and she's the only reason it survived 17 seasons. Lord knows it wasn't because of Star, Rosie or Whoopie(Although i do like Whoopie and her old movies).


    Star, Meredith, Lisa, Rosie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The others > Barbara> Elisabeth

    ETA: I finally watched the episodes with all the co hosts. So nice to see my faves again. I just love Meredith. Favorite View co host ever :wub:

  9. I do agree that Kristen needs to let it go (not absolve Ramona but not let it affect how she acts every time Ramona is in her presence) at this point and if she tries to continue this for the duration of the season she's going to look a fool and overdramatic. I cringed seeing it in the previews. I hope its just a recapping scene and it's put to bed.

    I'm so not here for Aviva's creepy ass father.

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