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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. Rosie is a goddess and got The View their highest ratings ever! She is needed back and I love her.

    What's Stacy Dash up to? I saw her on FOX News as I was flipping the channel. A black conservative would be different and interesting and Whoopi would be dragging that ass on the daily.

    I also read that they REALLY want a Latina so if they add one and then go for a young unknown woman I would love that!

  2. Oh yeah forgot to mention that crazy lady Dr. Zelda was supposed to join the show but pulled out last minute. She seems certifiable. Convince her to sign on Bravo!

  3. Tea was spilled on another board via a friend of Simone's sister that Toya, Heavenly, and Lisa Nicole are on the chopping block.

    Apparently Toya laid hands on Simone backstage but I am sure we'll see that next week.

    ETA: Mariah ain't going nowhere she posted a cryptic tweet about how new season brings new friends. The gag is even if she did leave she would still be lining her pockets with money from the show. :lol:

  4. Simone is a flip flopper and a snake in my opinion. Smiling talking about how this is the group going forward. Girl gone! Mariah don't owe any of yall asses an explanation as to why she and Quad are no longer friends nor does she have to plead her case for your friendship. They are ridiculous.

  5. I agree with that to a point. OC took too long to get rid of Gretchen/Slade and the show is all the more better with them gone and Shannon/David in their place... wonder if Tamra will be cut? ATL should cut Porsha but I doubt they will.

    On paper, Joyce and Carleton were great choices. Joyce being married to a producer, being an actress and her beauty queen connections. While Carleton was married to a well known investment guy while she was a designer. However, I do think having Brandi on the show and demanding all the attention hijacked any potential for the show to evolve. The fact that Andy Cohen and co. awards bullying/racist behavior like Brandi's makes me sad. TBH, I think when Taylor's husband Russell killed himself before season 2 premiered is what started the unraveling of the show.

    This should be Tamra's last season. When you resort to the "I want a baby at age 50" storyline it's time to go. Especially considering she's in the middle of a heated custody battle. She needs to focus on the children she already has.

    ETA: And before Kenya is brought up :P she has never had children so I believe she genuinely wants to conceive a child and she has begun IVF treatment. LuAnn and Tamra are clearly doing it because they have nothing of note to offer.

  6. Deb must be friends with Mona because I can't imagine Mona's opportunistic ass believing there is value in this particular SL.

    I saw Deb's name in the closing credits so she's definitely affiliated with the behind the scenes aspect in some way.
  7. I think Yoyawnda might finally be realizing that no matter what she does she will never diminish Lisa's shine. It must eat her up to know how much her ex and the father of her kids loves and adores Lisa way more than he ever could her. On the bright side at least I don't have to see her hideous extensions anymore.

    You be going for the jugular that hurt me a little bit :lol:


  8. Ugh having a man on would defeat the entire premise of the show. No thanks!

    ETA: And I am NOT trying to hear Ross Matthews' voice everyday. Sorry!

  9. Yall are bringing it with these suggestions!

    I like:

    Whoopi, Star, Bethenny, Kathy Griffin, Ana Quincoces from RHOM.

    I know Ana probably wouldn't have a chance, but I thought she did good in her stints guest hosting. She asked good questions and as a lawyer AND a chef she has multiple ways to be useful.

    B ethenny is horrible as a talk show personality.

    ETA: I am tired of Kathy Griffin as well. I want some fresh faces that aren't always in the spotlight.

  10. Im not trying to be funny but this is not the show for Nene Leakes. She is good to talk gossip with but I dont see her discussing social issues well.

    ETA: I knew you were going to be campaigning for Ana's irrelevant ass NBA. :lol:

  11. tumblr_n7sbn4Tebs1qgmtmvo1_500.jpg

    The Carter's started their tour last night in Miami and I heard it was amazing! I cant wait until she comes to Atlanta on July 15.

    They showed the audience footage of their wedding


    Ima be in that b-tch like


  12. Oh boy the promos are pimping out Barbara being on the show tomorrow. Promoting as her first appearance as guest. I thought she was gone? She was barely appearing on The View anyway. She retired, just so she could continue to appear on it infrequently like before? I wish she'd just go away

    Didn't she leave like 5 minutes ago? Geez.
  13. That article is BS. They posted something else yesterday about George and Dana getting a spin-off and Andy linked the article and said it was false. I'm sure both stories came from the same source (obviously someone close to Aviva) and aren't true. Radar last year posted details of the Beverly Hills reunion BEFORE the season had aired. Their housewives stories are only good for fun reads.

    *barf* to George and Cody having a spin off. They are right sometimes but I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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