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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. That was the rats first resort tho ...the police . Weak in my view but that's the world we live in now. I just think real men can settle disputes without involving the authorities 90% of the time.

    Joe admitted he's not always been a big fan of a Tre's husband or the best brother. call me naive but I really get the sense that this legal matter had changed things for all parties involved. All that stuff in the past seasons was so stupid and small compared to the magnitude of what Tre and Joe are facing right now. I don't think it's unbelievable to believe that Melissa has truly forgiven and forgotten bout it. And the same for the Joes...

    I find the twins funny. And I even liked the beast Rosie this episode. Her scene with Juicy was kinda touching. Again it's the family dynamics that make NJ so compelling for me.

    I also think real men can handle disputes without threatening to beat someone's ass.

    Joe Gorga is a phony in my opinion but I dont know him so you might be right but Melissa was talking sh-t about Juicy going to jail last season with the fraudulent driver's license case. She doesnt care about the Giudices just her image. She knew she would look petty as f-ck for holding on to the fued.

    ETA: I still cant stand Beast. Only reason she's still here is because she is a lesbian and Andy os fascinated with her. She is a revolting, angry woman.

    ETA2: I hope I dont come across as a Jim stan lol....he was acting like a b-tch when he wouldnt admit what he said to Tre but I do think they're over doing it with the Marchese hate!

    Loved when Tre said she wasnt going to isolate and write off Amber like the others because she knew how that felt. :wub:

  2. Ugh f-ck Melissa. Theyre doing the most and coming for Jim and Amber for no real reason. Joe and Teresa are not victims and I am tired of seeing them being treated as such by the group. Nobody made them falsify documents and steal millions. And I read that Joe was a slum lord. Jim should have owned what the f-ck he said. He didn't say anything wrong or defamatory about Juicy.

    Dina and Melissa should have fell the f-ck back when Tre was confronting him by the way. Most of them are relatively slow that have got by on medicority (including my fave Tre) I would have been flustered having to explain myself to their dumb asses too.

    F-ck Joe Gorga to. He drug Teresa and Juicy for three years and he is only defending them so he cam be in good favor with the viewing public.

    Calling Jim a rat because he would call police if Joe touched him. They are such violent street thugs! You touch me you are getting charges pressed! Just like when Kenya filed charges against Porsha it's sick how you're called weak for handling situations in the legal system.

    The twins are hella annoying....lol at Amber clocking that tea about Bobby being annoyed by Nicole. He tried to cover it up since they were on camera and say they were making it up.

    ETA: Rino's bald headed ass needs to shut up. This literally has NOTHING to do with him. I am going to start calling hin nuRichie if he keeps it up.

  3. I doubt NYC is getting cancelled now. Andy probably got a hard on when he saw Ramona say she was divorcing Mario.

    Should I keep watching? Which season is the best? I was bored tbh.

    Yes. The show is consistently entertaining. I would skip Season 5 though. 3 and 6 are the best seasons.

    Agreed. Although it bugs me that now when someone speaks ill will about Teresa/Joe, Melissa acts like she takes personal offence because "they're family." Bitch, please.

    So, isn't Jersey finished filming? One of the reports said they'd be filming the sentencing of Joe/Teresa in late September and Jacqueline will be appearing. Would that be tagged on to the end of THIS season?

    Melissa and Joe are fake as hell and only like/dislike the Guidices when it benefits them. I hope theyre dropped when Tre and Juicy go to prison.
  5. Ramona Singer

    23 minutes ago ·

    I have decided to move on with my life without Mario. I tried my best to make my marriage work. I am excited for the new chapter in my life.

    2,588 Likes · 670 Comments

    Mario is unbothered. Him and the mistress on Saturday.


  6. Oh my Lord. I'm not gonna read all that. I don't even like her much. What's the Cliff's Notes version?

    She never told Melissa that Nicole wrecked a family. She said one of Nicole's family members told her and when she told Melissa she said "heard through the grapevine" not that it was a fact.

    She basically said that if Melissa had such an issue with what she ssaid why didnt she say anything when they were in the car. The twins planned to ambush her and looked foolish coming to her house and that if they were such good friends they should have called to meet privately about it. Also said Nicole and Teresa are nearly 50 and have children and need to grow up.... lol :lol:

    She also says Bobby wasnt sh-t for telling everyone what Jim said and that he's trying to fit in.

    Amber doesnt like Me-Ho so :wub:

    ETA: She also called Joe Gorga out about his hypcorisy saying Jim doesnt need to be talking about his family. She was like but didn't you call your sis a scumbag and physically fight your bro in law? :lol: Queen Amber going to shut it down at the reunion!

  7. Amber writes, Can you believe that just happened? Its amazing that even though this episode was filmed months ago, I still have so much anger in me to this day. I feel betrayed by both Melissa and the twins. Lets begin with Melissa. I am going to clarify some points about the scene driving in the car to the dessert party. Melissa asked me about the reasons for Nicoles divorce. I have never had a discussion with Nicole about those reasons, I only told Melissa what was I told. A close member of the family shared the story about Nicole and how her affair hurt them, and I had no reason to doubt the veracity of the statement. However, I was still very evasive when telling Melissa. I clearly stated that I heard it through the grapevine. At this point, I NEVER accused Nicole of being a home wrecker, because I never heard Nicoles side of it. Last I checked that damn grapevine is not gospel, Nicole could have easily dispelled talks of this rumor. Sadly, we all now know that Nicole took the route of behaving like a barbarian instead. Melissas betrayal is so hard to stomach because she had a chance to be there for me now. We both decided that we were going to start anew on our relationship. Melissas contention that I put her in a bad spot, honestly, Melissa, I am calling your bullsh out! There was no good in that. You never said to me that you thought it was not right that I said that. If your conscience was bothering you so much, you could have come to me and we could have approached Nicole to give her the opportunity to confront who was actually saying this about her. Instead, you just took an opportunity to twist my words and stick it to me. Melissa knew how mad her little minions were at me, so much that they ran off in clothes they just tried on and came to my home. In fact, she had an entire week to give me the heads up. Tsk, tsk, Melissa. Well, Melissa, I am quick study to your games of manipulation. Game on, girl. Sad since we could have had one anothers back. We have a lot in common and share the same family values. Your loss. Before I go on to the ambush, I mean, first responders party, I just want to point out how unbelievably stupid the twins, AKA the evil minions, looked coming to my home and confronting me! Thats my home, my personal space. I should have put them in time out for that stunt. And the fact that they had second thoughts because of the kids is even more hysterical. I mean, come on! Where did they think my kids would be? I dont send them to the bars drinking on a school night. They look like complete jackasses. Moving on to the ambush. So lets cut this down to size, the twins thought it was better to ambush me at a party in front of people instead of calling me to sit down with me prior to ask me what I heard. They let it fester for a week and thought confronting me at a party was the way go. Ugh I just cant stand the stupidity! Nicole claims we were such close friends, yet this is how she handles it. Honestly, its like watching dumb and dumber. Furthermore, I calmly asked twice what the deal was and neither one of them could articulate an answer, they instead just kept on barking like little Chihuahuas. I had absolutely no clue what the deal was. Even Melissa was asking them why they were taking it to such negative place right off the bat, in addition to saying that I was calling her a ho! The little evil minions thought they were going to bully me in front of everyone. Well, I will not be bullied, I will always stand my ground, and as Jack says: You fed with wrong Marine! They escalated the situation and I defended myself. But violence is not the answer, EVER. Nicole may have been upset, but she could have handled that with dignity and class. I will remind everyone that shes over 45 years old and a mother! Simple math that is less than only 5 years from 50! She should know better and be a better example to her children. I understand it looked ridiculous, but I am saying to everyone out there, dont laugh at bullying. If you see someone getting bullied, it is never cool and there is nothing funny about it. Do something about it. Either go get help or stick up for whom is being attacked. I do thank Melissa for sticking up for me at the time, it makes me wonder if she truly she did not know how depraved the minions behave. Now lets go on to my husband and his best friend Bobby. I hope you all heard Bobby say, Weve been gone for ten seconds, this happened already? Bobby knew it was a set up for both me and my husband, and his pretending that he wanted to stay out of it is bullsh. He set us up so he could be a big shot in front of his new friends. As for my husbands reaction, he just broke up a fight, watched his wife get her REAL HAIR pulled out. Hair that she has been growing since she was bald from chemo! He goes upstairs to get out of there and Joe and Rino thought this was the best time to confront him about not going to bowling? They flanked him and started waiving their hands in his face. Jim kept his cool as much as possible, but once you get my husband to that point, watch out! My husband is more than capable of defending himself, and he is highly intelligent. As far as why my husband was even in that position, that was thanks to Bobby and Rino, who set him up. Furthermore, Joe Gorgas actions and behavior proved Jims concerns about him correct! Please remember, Jim never even met these people. He only knew what I told him, but at the end of the day, Jim has a right to hang out with whom he would like to. Its a free country, maybe Joe needs to stop being such an egomaniac and hot head. Is Joe serious, how does Jim sleep at night? Didnt he call his sister a scumbag and fight with his brother-in-law? It is no wonder Jim did not want to drink with this guy. I know this particular blog definitely has a lot of anger, and thats because I have a lot of anger when thinking of this episode. I drank plenty of Patron and had a lot of my friends around to get through it. I would like to thank my supporters, they mean the world to me. Raquelita (@lovinlifebliss), my new friends that quickly became a part of my family, Steven, Brian, and Michael, plus so many more. I promise you I let a lot of anger go and try to move on, I just wanted to bring you along on my journey and let you know how I felt at the time even though it happened a while ago. I also watched WWHL and the twins were, yet again, rewriting history and making me out to be the aggressor. There is no question Nicole started it and I defended myself, then Te-REESA took it further and threw a drink in my face. Did everyone catch Te-REESA smiling as she put the drink to her mouth watching her sister come at me? I did. Typical. I was planning on having a good night that night, they were planning on making a scene.

    Amber <3

  8. Andy should have gone easier on the trashpot? What even?!

    Her sham marriage fell apart and they made sure to wait til after filming to file for divorce, his mistress and both of them make it a big tabloid story, then she gets back to get her with him before the reunion so she doesn't have to talk about it. Andy should have gone in harder on her and I am so glad Luann's stepped in and called her out. The trash would be delighted if this were anyone else and giving her opinion, advice and rubbing her perfect marriage in their face. Karma is a bitch and the trash got what she deserved and her attempt to make it seem like her and Mario are happy and in love was absolutely pathetic and ridiculous.



  9. RHOC:

    So good tonight. I'm glad that both Vicki and Heather called Tamra out about her inconsistencies. And I don't believe that Lizzie said she could eff Eddie, like Tamra said at the end of the episode. Tamra has always been a notorious liar throughout the years, but tonight just solidified it. I am so glad that Lizzie and Shannon (the newbies) are on the same page and coming for Trashra next week. Oh next week is going to be so good! Bravo needs to do whatever they can to keep this cast and bring back Laurie and Gretchen. Those seven together would create an EPIC 10th season.

    I just watched. I believe Tamra. The alternative would be Eddie saying he would f-ck Heather and I dont see him saying that. Lizzie is not an innocent wall flower. She lied about texting Tamra and was clearly playinf this up for the cameras and air time. Now that she fell out with Tamra she's spilling to Shannon but said NOTHING before.

    When Lizzie told her husband to get a boner once in a while in the flashback is when I stopped buying what Lizzie is selling. She might be a nice girl overall but she isnt above being mean and nasty. I do think she told Trashy she waa mad because Eddie wants to f-ck.

    With that said next week looks good!

    Vicki is so uncouth and classless btw. Ol ignorant heifer!

    ETA: Tamra is insecure. Saggy, wrinkly, horrible personality. I cant wait until Eddie leaves her for a man.

  10. Claudia Jordan rumored to be joining Atlanta. She is good friends with Kenya and recently said on social media that she is hanging around Atlanta for the next year.


    She posted on Facebook about a guy begging her to go on a date with him because he heard she's shooting some scenes next week and wants to be on TV.

  11. LuAnn really didnt do anything bad. She just said it's hard when a spouse cheats and confirmed that what Mario did happened. Ramona was doing the most and made it a bigger deal than it was. LuAnn better than me because I would have spilled all the tea with no [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] given.

  12. YAAAASSSSSS Heather! From her blog:

    I am a woman and I am allowed in 2014 to be as strong as anyone without being labeled. And whats more, you wouldnt last a day in the ghetto, Drescher. Just a few words out of your snobby mouth and theyd likely take off that fancy leg of yours and beat your sorry, elitist, ignorant ass with it. Holla!

  13. Ugh this low key classism & racism from avuva next week. Can't wait to see her crazy stabs defend it.

    I dont f-cking like Aviva's crazy ass. I dont like the way she says "you werent raised in the ghetto girl". It's true but she's rolling her neck with it and trying to sound condescending. She also said in an interview she's scared of catching a beat down from the Atlanta cast.

    The New Jersey and Orange County cast has been more violent than Atlanta.


    You were spot on about everything else especially Kristen <3

  14. I just finished RHONJ and I don't understand the complaints. The show is the best it's been since season 3! To me this is better than the last season of ATL, BH and by the end I'm sure OC. I don't think the home-life scenes are boring for any of the wives (which is rare) and the confrontations are good. I LOVED the party fight! It had so many dynamics and I loved the husbands as well. I think this season is shaping up to be very good if this is only the 3rd or 4th episode.

    I agree. I dont miss the Manzo and Laurita family AT ALL.
  15. I like Amber and her husband *shrug*

    The Giudices stole millions of dollars from the government it's simply not a good look for a lawyer to be fraternizing with them.

    Amber didnt make that story about Nicole up she was just repeatng gossip. Not good either way but there is a difference.

    I do love how the Giudices aren't center of drama and attacks anymore. 💓

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