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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. Shania at her peak was a GLOBAL star. Her 1997 album, Come On Over, isn't just classified as the best selling country album ever, it's the best selling album for a FEMALE ARTIST EVER, in both the US AND WORLDWIDE.

    Didn't Come on Over go double diamond in America?
  2. Speaking of which, I don't read the other reality gossip sites these days, but I take it Sheree's return isn't happening?

    I THINK it was posted in here that she wanted more money than Bravo was willing to give her. When you take in account that ratings went up after she left she didn't have much leverage.
  3. Ericcccccc! WTH you been? I was just thinking about you as I scrolled through the pages of SON.

    I'm still here! My posts have been contained to the Housewives thread and sporadic news/entertainment threads lately.
  4. Well I read the season sucks so bad they went back to film more scenes which is how Jacqueline will be returning. She's been teasing her return on Twitter so I am incled to believe it. Usually housewives will shut down all rumours of that nature.

    ETA: And Jacqueline was having dinner with Melissa and the twins a week or so ago so I guess she really is back.


  5. I'm guessing last night's New Jersey episode won't be receiving any spectacular ratings. Pretty uneventful. And the first half of the episode focused on the newbies. They're focusing too much on the twins' families. I feel like we know Nicole more than Ter-eh-suh but perhaps I just got them confused in the first episode. Dina was barely on, Melissa was dumb, Amber painted herself in prostitute makeup for the bakery shop, and Teresa's family was still worrying about tomorrow.

    It's funny that Rosie's girlfriend is named Ellen. The two biggest lesbian talk show hosts happily together.

    Hmmmm I missed it and by the sound of this description I will leave it that way.
  6. Its a long story why, but I went to the DNC in Boston in 2004! It was super fun. If you get to go to a convention, you'll have a great time.

    While I doubt it will happen I read earlier this week some are trying to get the DNC to take place in Birmingham,AL. If it does I plan on making the trip there.
  7. The one thing I don't like about the RHOA pictures is that it looks like they haven't brought back Marlo as I hoped. If they continue to pass on her then these new housewives better be AMAZING and nowhere near Mynique or Porsha levels of suck. I also think the lack of Nene with the ladies confirms what Tamara Tattles said from the beginning that she will just be a friend and not an actual housewife. Will be interesting to see how this season works out. Also curious that the return of Sheree hasn't panned out.

    Well didnt Carlos King say that Marlo chooses not to be a housewife?
  8. She's also the only rational one who understands the truth isn't coming from either side here it's a bunch of she said, she said manipulative and vindictive [!@#$%^&*] talking from all around.

    Shannon is a great addition, as is Lizzie.


    They had no reason to spill before.

    Lizzie came into this show and got to know people and when she saw tamras true colors she called it out.

    What happened in my opinion is LLizzie sh-t talked Shannon and when her and Tamra got into it ahe decided to spill all to Shannon and went ahead and confessed what she said trying to cover her bases for when they confronted Tamra making it seem as though Tamra had been on an anti-Shannon campaign behind her back when that wasn't the case.

    Tamra also apologized to Alexis in her blog for ganging up on her in Costa Rica and she said karma really is a bitch. :P

    ETA: I did love how Heather wouldn't feed into it. All this "oh she said you're anorexic and didn't want you in your wedding" was probably an exaggeration of the truth. If that were really said in the horrible way they claim it was they should have told Heather IMMEDIATELY.

  9. Cheap look at what Tamra had to say about Danielle and Lizzie :lol:

    Do you believe Lizzie and Danielle were planning to try and turn your cast mates against you in Bali? Tamra Judge: Absolutely. 100%. The reason why I know that is because when we were at the pool the first day, I had said to them off-camera, You know what? This is your last chance to voice your opinion. You have been really quiet and really boring this season. This is our last group filming other than the season finale, and at this point you both are pretty boring. The very next day is when they did this. I think Lizzie is the type of person that likes to be the center of attention. And as soon as she got on the show and realized she wasnt the center of attention she was going to try and claim her crown.

    I totally agree with her. The way Lizzie and Danielle started spilling all this tea as if they hadn't held in for months showed their desperation. Why did they wait 3-4 months to tell Vicki, Shannon, and Heather that Tamra was talking sh-t? They ALL do it and they blowed it out of proportion for airtime. All 3 of them can be let go though.


  10. Actually, from what I read.. the gang up didn't end so quickly. The majority of the fighting happened between Danielle and Tamra. You could see the start of their argument when Tamra turns to face Danielle.. calling her a liar then stating she know knew why no one liked her and then you could tell what happened after that was cut.

    Ugh. Hopefully they'll show it on Lost Footage episode or something.
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