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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. Is anyone else surprised that SVU has been renewed for next season? So far, this season has been a mess. As much as I love her, MH has to share some of the blame because she's part of the crew now as a producer and occasionally a director. Olivia just isn't believable as the head of the squad - they should have gotten a new CO. Of course, I still miss Munch, Cragen and Huang. But as long as Barba is still around (who has given the prosecution part of the show a huge boost since the revolving doors of ADAs a few years back), I'll keep watching. Also, no matter how much of an annoyance Carisi often is - he still isn't the worst cop SVU ever had. That distinction still belongs to Chester Lake!!!

    I am not surprised at all. It's ratings are very steady and NBC doesn't have much room to be choosy. Not to mention it holds strong in the very competitive Wednesday at 9 timeslot. With the juggernaut Empire and still strong Modern Family there it's best that NBC leave a reliable utility player like SVU there and focus on improving their abysmal Tuesdays and Thursdays
  2. I loved Wes in this episode!

    When I saw that Frank killed Lila


    When I saw that the b-tch Rebecca was dead and Annalise knew


    I thought the ending was good. I'm so thrilled that Rebecca was killed. I hated that broad.

    But Sam did have something to do with Lila's death. He just didn't do it himself. I wonder why Frank owed Sam, and did Frank kill Rebecca too.

    If Sam really did call Frank. You never know with this show!
  3. I'm so confused I think I'm just gonna rewatch the episode because I can't follow this thread for ish regarding Rhonda and whether she did or didn't do anything with that nasty old guy. I pray she didn't but if she did then shame on her and shame on Andre. Much as I love my future husband that would be crossing the line for me.

    She was drinking a lot and then the old man said something about how he can still get hard and she threw up in her salad. She didn't sleep with him because his wife voted against Andre being the interim CEO in the boardroom.
  4. Among women under 35, #EmpireFOX averaged a stunning 6.0 rating last night, doubling the No. 2 b'cast show, Modern Family (2.9)

    If this is from Twitter who tweets this info? I want to follow them.

    Unbreakable #EmpireFOX: The Fox phenom rises, again. Last night's episode did a 5.3 A18-49 and 13.8 million viewers.

    Thats another gain of nearly a million. They've added 4 million viewers since they premiered and 2 million of those were in the last two weeks. :o
  5. I wanted Cookie to see Anika's face and look her dead in the eyes as Luscious beat thang up.

    I thought this the first time, but when I watched for the third time I thought it was better as it was. If Cookie would've opened her eyes it would have made the sex scene about her and Boo Boo Kitty and about point scoring. It was more powerful that they were so genuinely involved in one another and passionate which would piss Boo Boo Kitty off more.
  6. I don't understand how people can judge something before watching. & those ghetto names you name are Muslim name. the main family has Muslim back group.

    I also show two episode of Scandal & didn't like it. Nobody can say I didn't give the show a chance.

    Yeah a lot of names that are considered "ghetto" are actually names of Arabic origin. Even if they are "stereotypical" names nothing is wrong with them. Just because there are racists that want to make anything associated with black culture automatically inferior doesn't make it so. Naming the characters George or Edward doesn't make them better.
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