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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. ATL isn't bringing anyone back because they don't need to. 3 million+ viewers a week and the audience loves (or loves to hate) the newer additions like Kenya and Poorsha. I think Sheree would be good addition if Nene ever left and they wanted to soften the blow by bringing back a controversial and buzz worthy original.

  2. You can tell what Claudia said was a joke though. Black folks joke about skin tone all the time. Yall see me go hard in some threads about racism but I am guilty of saying a joke that can be seen as ignorant in hindisight. What Nene said came from a mean place and she was saying it to hurt Claudia. And no I am not just saying it because I'm not feeling Nene these days she said stuff about Mynique being mixed last year that was purely jokes and it was fine. Just like with "queen" last year she made that comment as if Claudia was less than because she was mixed.

  3. Oh hell no, Claudia's read WAS epic. When else has Nene been shut down? It's rare. The only people who've ever gotten Nene worked up are Kim, Sheree and Marlo. This was OVERDUE. But if Marlo was there Nene would've killed somebody. She couldn't handle that.

    I knew Nene was bothered when she turned in her seat and all she could say was "Girl bye" and "Girl gone". What's funny is she followed Claudia on social media for 5 years before she joined the show and there are several tweets of Nene mentioning Claudia sounding like a fan.


    She also met Claudia more than once and hung out with her. I don't know why Nene acts like they had a brief encounter once many moons ago. She knew exactly who the hell Claudia was.

  4. The people who are b*tching that they shouldn't of used "faggot" are idiots. We are supposed to move past by pretending the word doesn't exist? The show proved it wasn't homophobic by using that word.

    The context was clear when Cookie used it. She was saying it because that's what Luscious thinks of him as but she's know he's not that. Anyone that can't see that is being willfully obtuse.
  5. Back to the damn show, people!

    I never stated nor even implied the BS you guys are talking about. Are you bored? How in the sam hell do I speak on who's more homophopic when I only know first hand what goes on in the black community?

    Let's get back on topic. Cookie Lyons could very well be the best character on TV right now. This character had the potential to be very bad or exceptional. She's EXCEPTIONAL. TP puts her heart and soul into this woman and CBS' loss is certainly Fox's gain. I don't need her in every scene because the show is just that good, but I want her in every scene. She is a true bad ass without being OTT. I have a feeling TP/Cookie is going to take us on the emotional roller coaster ride of our lives. My body is ready!







    She is everything!!!! #TeamCookie #TeamJamal

  6. 9.8 Million Viewers - 3.7 Demos!

    OMG! yaaaasssss way above my expectations. Now let's hope this holds above a 3 all season. Taraji and Viola got me watching prime time network tv regularly for the first time in nearly a decade!
  7. I had rehearsal tonight and unfortunately missed the show, but I just watched a program called Inside Empire that FOX aired at 12:30am after Dish Nation. Granted, they've aired at 12:30am, but this is the second promo show I've seen of Empire, I don't think I've ever seen a show pushed particularly like this. The creative team mentioned Dallas and Dynasty and soap opera several times. Lee Daniels said that he's been dissatisfied with black television series (read: Tyler Perry) for quite some time.

    I think I read FOX poured $50 million into this show. The network sucks ass right now I see them trying to recapture the urban audience they had in the 90's.
  8. Damn!! I need to try to catch this WWHL episode online! I want to see this preview of the Claudia/Nene fight!!

    Got that from the RHOA forums on Previously.tv

    That was really all in the preview. It also showed Claudia saying "you're rich and that's the hair you chose to buy?" And Nene saying "yes this is the hair I chose to buy" and Claudia in here confessional says it looks like an uncooked pack of ramen noodles and then they show a close up of the back of Nene's neck.
  9. Okay I take back what I said about Demetria. Her points were valid and she clearly eviscerated Phae Phae. How can anybody deny Phaedra was shading her? Why would you bring her her age in regards to the popstar thing, unless you were hating? In R&B you CAN be a little older and succeed if the talent is there. Especially off the back of reality tv. Plus, how the hell you gonna ask somebody if they smoke crack and say you're NOT throwing shade? Phaedra is right when she says somebody got into somebody's ear, but it is Nene into hers and it's NOT a good look.

    I agree. Demetria is three years younger than Tamar who finally started having some form of success a couple years ago. Phaedra was being shady and trying to downplay it. The crack head thing was hella shady and I can't believe she tried to front like it wasn't.
  10. Yeah, it was Brandi. In the last segment, something weird happens and apparently Brandi gets upset with Jeff and throws her wine at him... and then totally starts trying to cry and turns her seat around and the guys are all surprised and acting like things got totally weird, and Brandi is supposedly bawling with her back to us... and then she turns around and her make up is all dry and they end the show, but it wasn't something they obviously were making fake, but it came across as super fake. It was weird.

    Andy asked Brandi to pull on Jeff's hair to see if it was a toupee and Jeff asked would he catch an STD from Brandi touching him and she got pissed. He said he apologized during the commercial break but she was still upset. They kissed and made up on the after show apparently.
  11. Listen, I f-cking hollered when Claudia said Nene's hair looked like uncooked ramen noodles and the producers put a close up on her crispy, crunchy, ate up nape. :lol:

    NeNe was doing the most when it came to Team Twirl running around talking "hold my hand Phaedra!" Bye Ramen Noodles!

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