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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. Do anybody knows what state they are at? Because they went to Bunky funeral fast, & that suppose to be in PA.

    NYC.... Philly is only 2 hours away and considering that they're filthy rich it would be nothing for them to charter a private jet.
  2. So the truth comes out...the money Kenya "donated" to the Detroit public schools wasn't even hers, but rather money she received from Donald Trump after winning a challenge on Celeb Apprentice. Yet she expects Nene to donate out of pocket? That's NOT the deal they made. Nene said WRITE a check and I'll do the same. Nene was right to suspect something was off about all that.

    Kenya posted on Instagram that the Donald Trump money was in addition to what she already gave. Now she could just be saying that but there's no reason to believe she's lying. And Nene actually said pick a charity I'll write a check for $20,000 (?) and you MATCH me.
  3. ABC had the show starring Margaret Cho in the mid 90's but it flopped and they tried to reboot it by firing all the Asian actors except Cho and bringing on a bunch of white actors for her to play off of. Hope this show is a success.

  4. Yes it does bug me that when soap fans come to boards and are happy that soaps got cancelled. Sorry even if I didnt watch a particular soap I would never be happy that they were canceled. Thousands are out of work and thousands and maybe millions of upcoming actors dont get to experience acting on them. For me that is a major loss.

    It doesn't mean they hate soaps. They can look at the situation objectively and see the ratings for GL and ATWT sucked and The Talk and LMAD have been cheaper, adequate replacements. It is what it is.
  5. Jeana was popular as well. They are stupid to bring her back as a Friend. It was also stupid to bring Lauri back as just a friend. She worked well in that capacity, but with her home life she would've been so much more interesting than re-treading the mess with Alexis and Gretchen for another season.

    For something as epic as a season ten, my cast would be:

    Tamra, Vicki, Jeana, Lauri, Shannon, Heather with ONE new housewife or Lydia returning. Lizzie was just boring and didn't live up to her potential.

    We don't know who will be holding an orange yet. Hell Porsha thought she was a main housewife until Bravo released the Season 7 trailer. We don't know how filming will go.
  6. No they did not have to beg. BW is still an EP. And yes why do you come here and say a soap should be cancelled? If you want to say that [!@#$%^&*] go to CBS.com and post on The Talk board

    Is it that deep? ATWT did deserve to be canceled and CBS did make the correct economical decision and it has paid off for them. I enjoy The Talk minus Sheryl Underwood so I am happy for them.
  7. They'd hire Nene before those two. Rosie and Whoopi love Nene.

    Chile no. Nene is funny but she has nothing of substance to offer as far as commentary on political and social issues.
  8. I still think Jamal should have been playing music or writing songs for other artist in Empire.

    2nd, how old is Hakeem for him to be drinking like a fish? & isn't one of his friends a girl dress like a guy? Why did she follow the boys to see about Tiana. We don't know if Tiana dancers are into girls who dress like guys.

    Luscious said last week Hakeem wasn't even a year old when Cookie got locked up so I was thinking 18.
  9. Luscious new woman is a grade A bitch. Prancing around in her drawers like Cookie was going to be jealous.

    LMAO at Obama calling Luscious. Chile please if this were real Obama would be unbothered.

    I love Hakeem and Jamal's relationship and how is his sexuality is not an issue to him at all.

    Yes for the preview tonight so many things coming up!

  10. Yeah, I had a meal plan and maybe 100 or so a week to spend. I would've KILLED to have that much! I mean there were nights when we ate microwave popcorn and apples for dinner because we had spent our money and used our meal plan up for the week! :lol:

    Though, I was terrible at budgeting. Most of my money went to alcohol.

    Me too chile. At one point I was living off of crackers and Hawaiin punch.
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