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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. It didn't it was down a bit with a 5.6 from a 5.8 from last week.

    Viewers were up and so were HHs but demos down.have to wait for final numbers.

    The numbers are still massive but I'm spoiled so I am disappointed lol. What were the total viewers?
  2. I find it funny how they are using Empire to promote the other shows on their network when I doubt most of Empire's audience is checking for it. There's a reason the ratings are mammoth compared to the rest of the schedule. Empire is serving an audience that hasn't watched network television in years due to lack of representation.

    I was shocked to read an article that Empire was the most watched English speaking prime time show in Latino/Hispanic homes. Also shocked that one episode attained a 40.6/76 in AA female demos.

  3. They need it. Especially the 'violent three' [i.e. Nene/Phaedra/Porsha].

    I do believe a few of these women need some individual therapy but I know good and well Nene don't give a damn about repairing these "friendships" that aren't really friendships. The producers probably went up to her and told her to do this as a way to have screen time. Where's her storyline since she has been clowning Claudia, Cynthia, and Kenya for not having one? The show is turning into NY Season 4. Fortunately unlike NYC, ATL can survive losing a million viewers and still be the highest rated show on Bravo. Do it Andy Bravo fire Nene!!!!
  4. Empire was rounded up to a 5.8 in the finals!!!!

    Week 1- 3.8

    Week 2- 4.0

    Week 3- 4.4

    Week 4- 4.3

    Week 5- 4.6

    Week 6- 4.8

    Week 7- 5.2

    Week 8- 5.4

    Week 9- 5.8

    It has gained two full points since its premiere and is the highest rated broadcast drama in the demos since Greys Anatomy had a 6.1 on 10/01/09.

  5. How nice of Walmart to give her a Sunday off! I know that's a busy day for them. I wonder if Patti flew SheMan out to NYC, or if she somehow traded her EBT for frequent flyer miles? Also, did Patti put her up at a hotel, or did she set up shop with an air mattress in the Bravo offices?

    I knew you were going to drag her. :lol:
  6. Monique said she suppose to have played Cookie. I thought Lee approached Ms Henson. 2nd I know Monique lost some weight but not enough to hit her butt like Henson did in that episode.

    Now I see why Monique is blacklisted.

    & Diddy suppose to be suing because he said Lucious is about him.

    Bye Diddy!

    Danny Strong already said Lucious is partly based on Jay-Z


  7. Enjoy it while it lasts....lol

    I just did and it looked good! Im pumped for NY. I wasnt sure how I would feel about Bethenny bc I loved her on this show and grew to dislike her after she left, but I loved what I saw of her here. I also really like Annie from GL. She looks like she is going to be a spitfire.

    Kristen? Irrelevant. Why is she back?

    OMG I literally thought that was Cynthia Watros for a second I was like "Dorinda... WTF?"

    And ATL needs to have a hot, fresh new ad for Season 8 too. These NY chicks ratings are well below the other franchises. Hopefully there's a casting bloodbath over there so they'll be forced to give us something new.

  8. That is the most retarded statement I've read in years. Just how is being elected President of the United States TWICE, being "Not allowed to win"?

    Him and his family have been called all types of monkeys and other racial slurs for the past six years. He gets called a Muslim thug who hates America on the daily. Let's not be obtuse sir.
  9. I cringed watching Cynthia mumble and stutter her way through exposing Phaedra. She needs to stop trying to play that role if she can't own it.

    Nene saying Cynthia was messy as hell..., Um sis did you forget about how you put Kenya on blast about Christopher and Natalie's drug addicted asses last season.

    Bye Phaedra!

    I am shocked that it seems Kandi and Phaedra are falling off. I am disgusted at Porsha trying to instigate a feud. Bitch f-ck you! they've been friends since before they knew your ass.

    Chile Demetria really was flopping as a main housewife I forgot she was at the dinner.

  10. Most of the first half of HTGAWM before 2015 was filler, IMO. Trying to be episodic. I barely stuck with it for Viola Davis. It improved, but it's still mostly hanging off her incredible performances week after week.

    There will be a backlash at some point, I can guarantee it - every popular drama on TV has that now, usually in Season 2. Even if it maintains its quality, it will likely still take heat. The question is how they handle it.

    I think I accidentally stumbled on a massive spoiler for the end of the season, and it definitely is a big showstopper and was an obvious potential endpoint if they hadn't been renewed. But if that's true, woo, it's gonna get nuts.

    Post it please. (With spoiler tags of course) :)
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