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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. Has anyone found that video of that preacher introducing Santorum anywhere? I saw a bit of it on The Today Show, but I'm at work right now and can't find it.

    Rapper Cee Lo Green sings "F*ck You" at an Obama fundraiser:


    I am a little surprised that such vulgar language would come from a wealthy and prominent supporter of a candidate who has pledged to return civility to politics. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney apparently did not condemn Cee Lo, but did say that the president was a fan of his.

    You've got to be kidding me. You are willing to criticize anything Obama does but you want to brush off those racist bumper stickers. And I am late to the party but how do you feel on the comments Gingrich and Santorum made about blacks? Would love to hear your response on that.

  2. Tami pissed me off this week. So disgusting, vile, and disrespectful towards Kesha when Kesha didn't even talk [!@#$%^&*] about her. Why did Evelyn need to run back and tell Tami? Kesha said shewas going to discuss it with Tami. Then after Tami and Evelyn leave Kenya tells Kesha she needs to play along to get in the group? Is this middle school?

    These women :rolleyes:

    I do hope Tami really gives it to Suzie next week, only to see what she does to get back in her good graces. Pathetic

  3. Marlo wrote about why she denied saying the f-word. She said when confronted by Lawrence and Sheree she could see how giddy Sheree was to get drama started and that she only told Lawrence to have drama not bc she cared about her friend. So she decided to deny Sheree the satisfaction of that by saying she never said it. She called Lawrence later to explain herself and ask for his forgiveness which he did do.

    All I can say is :lol: :lol: :lol:

    So over Peter and Cynthia.

    I think something is seriously wrong with Bryson and when the move out deadline comes Nene will let him stay.

    I feel like the only reason Kim all of a sudden thinks Sweetie is a bad employee is bc Kroy doesn't like her. She has been with her for years so there is no way all of a sudden Kim is fed up. She will do anything to hold on to her cash cow. Smh.

    Phaedra is entertaining doing anything. I loved her segment.

    Marlo really has a deep voice when my head was turned I thought it was a man that Nene said hi too.

    Sheree is such a hater, why go to a party to talk [!@#$%^&*] about it. Do you even like Cynthia? And was she the one talking about what Phaedra did for Ayden's birthday by buying 12 cakes? At least her son isn't sleeping on an air matress. So sad that I can see all the other ladies, even Kim do without if it meant they could give their child a bed.

    But yeah this season needs to end, the stories are wack and we need some new life. Get rid of Sheree, Kim, and Cynthia please.

  4. Just caught up...

    While I don't agree with what Sheree did, and I do think she exaggerated the whole thing ("black baby") --- I still feel like Kandi was at least implying SOMETHING when she said she couldn't see Kim in the orphanage or in Africa. Just like Kim said, WTF wouldn't she want to go to Africa or orphanages, if the timing was right? I'd think Kandi would know Kim better than that.

    Because Kim is a lazy sloth who barely wants to hold her own baby. Seriously who needs all these people to help raise a child when you have no job? And she also would've been whining about Nene going, even though Nene would've had done her own thing with Marlo and Cynthia.

  5. Kim is such a lazy sloth. You have Sweetie and 2 housekeepers and you needed a nanny? Take care of your own child.

    :rolleyes: at Sheree and Kim acting like they have been besties for ten years. I guess they have selective memory. I was totally Team Kandi, Sheree is so shameless and will do anything to remain relevant. Now that her and Nene are no longer cool she is trying to latch on to Kim. If I were Kandi I would say screw both of them bc all will be revealed at the reunion. And Sheree, if you felt so strongly about this how come you said nothing during the convo?

    Notice how when Phaedra was about to put things into perspective Sheree got louder to drown her out bc she knows she is wrong. Her and Kim are both wack.

    Peter why throw a party you know you can't afford? Just take Cynthia out to dinner. A 1 year anniversary doesn't need a party that's for bigger milestones like 10 or 20.

    Agree with Nene, Bryson needs tough love. Stealing some razors from Wal Mart? That is just ridiculous and trifling.

    Marlo was wrong making that girl pack all her stuff.

    :lol: at how Sheree's house hasn't even BEGUN to be built. She is so broke and a poser. Please kick this chick off the show.

    Loved Kandi this week.

  6. Suzie irks me the most. Saying Kenya is too old to be doing videos but honey you are too old to be gossiping, telling your friends business and deciding who should be in "the circle". Hopefully Tami has a story to keep me interested bc Jen/Evelyn/Suzie are wack.

  7. Suthie is suck a weak ass broad. How soon you forget you were the outcast 2 seasons ago. So what if Kenya videos are a hot mess? You need to be worried about your bff Jennifer and Evelyn leaking naked pics of themselves in their 40s.

    Oh Evelyn honey you are so desperate. So Chad can cheat on you as long as he wears a condom and tells you? Oh and you can have threesomes with whatever chick he brings home? Wow.

    Those were the only things that really bothered me. Still like Kesha and Royce and liked how Tami is pushing Royce to work things out with her dad.

  8. Ok so I finally got around to watching the premiere. Let me break it down girl by girl.

    Shaunie: She is just sitting letting these girls act a fool while she counts her money.

    Evelyn: this chick is SOOOOO childish. You cut off a ten year friendship over a blog post? And then when she reveals what she said it wasn't even that serious. I hope this is just fake drama for the show.

    Jennifer: I want to root for her but this chick is so weak. You know good and damn well you wrote it not your publicist, just own it and move on. Why is she so scared of Evelyn? Chick is all talk and never got this rowdy with Tami.

    And how she was acting with the new girls. Like who does she think she is? You only got camera time bc you were bff with Evelyn.

    Tami: She was acting like Suzie tonight. Smh. She pretended like she didn't like Suzie and Jennifer so Kesha and Kenya would open up and then ran back to them to tell what Kesha and Kenya said. Not to mention Evelyn and Jenn. Very messy.

    Royce: She is so over it and clearly doing this for exposure. I'm not mad at her love that she tells Suzie how she feels about her to her face and doesn't run and tell others. And that she is letting the newbies form their own opinions before she tells them hers.

    Suzie: HATE this chick. She runs her mouth too much and is completely irrelevant. Go away please.

    Kesha: she seems very cool and has a nice head on her shoulders. I like her.

    Kenya: She is okay now but I already feel like she will be Meeka 2.0

    Did y'all notice how in the opening Jennifer was before Tami? Guess Jenn really is out of the circle now... lmao

  9. ATL: Sheree is pathetic and desperate, plain and simple. I do not for one second think that she truly believe what she told Kim about Kandi. She knew she was twisted and manipulating the situation and that nobody would clarify. I cant even be mad at Kim for believing it, because im sure even the accusation of one of her closest friends saying or even agreeing with someone else saying such a thing must really hurt. We have seen Nene throw shade at Kim regarding race so, shes kind of been through this before too. I hope Kim and Kandi work through this and kandi beats the [!@#$%^&*] out of shree. Nene clearly brought Marlo on to make herself seem more sane and/or to piss off producers looking to stir the pot. It comes off very fake, but then again everything with nene is fake.

    Nene said Sheree and Phaedra pushed production to bring in Marlo bc they thought she would be a Nene rival since they were both involved with that football player. But when Marlo and Nene became cool all of a sudden the "smalls" don't like her. I'm sure this will be clarified on the reunion. But I definitely believe Nene, the smalls like to act innocent but are extra sneaky behind the scenes. I bet they don't even associate outside of the show which is why its so easy for Sheree to throw Kandi under the bus. Say what you will about Nene but her and Cynthia is the only authentic friendship on the show.

  10. I need to watch Season 3 of NJ I started watching at first but missed a few episdoes and got to lazy to pick up where I left off. Does Bravo post full episodes on their website?

    Also watched the past 2 episodes of Atlanta. First off I was lmao when Phaedra said Marlo looked like a Solid Gold dancer and started dancing like she was at a disco right behind her.

    Marlo and Nene clearly didn't care about the kids, and Marlo was so ignorant talking about buying the kids perm kits.

    The guy with the bones predicting the ladies future. Lmao at him telling Sheree she would never be married again bc she is too old.

    Really don't feel sorry for Kandi, she likes to play like she doesn't like the drama but why did you feel the need to bring Marlo up at lunch when Nene arrived?

    Sheree is a thirsty chick. She likes to get drama pumped up so she doesn't get fired bc in reality she knows she is broke. Smh. Why were you laughing with Kandi and one minute later putting her on blast with Kim on the phone? That was so fake to me.

    Loved how Nene said they had to report to their boss and they all got mad but Nene said you say I'm Cynthia's boss so what's the difference.... in all seriousness they call Cynthia a follower and weak bc she likes Nene and they don't.

    Cynthia does flip flop a lot and talk a lot of trash. She said Marlo was annoying but when Nene came to lunch all of a sudden she had no problem and Marlo was all cool.

    What was up with Marlo saying she didn't want to see a doctor from Africa? :rolleyes: I want to like her so much bc she put Sheree on blast but she is making it hard.

  11. BET will be airing the funeral for those who wanted to watch on TV.

    Also Billboard has changed their rules and allowing old songs to chart if they are in the top 50. I Will Always Love re-enters at #7, I Wanna Dance with Somebody at #35 and Greatest Love of All at #41.

  12. I was surprised when I went out to the grocery store yesterday and saw no tabloids with this on the cover. I could have sworn when MJ died, they were extremely quick to put that and I suspected they had something on standby just in case he did die

    How ironic last week she was on the cover of a tabloid that said she collapsed and was broke and strung out. Whitney saw it and was like "when did I collapse?" Those magazines are so harsh. I never really knew anyone who buys something that is telling such blatant lies and so badly photoshopped pictures. :shrug:

  13. I thought her family didn't want anything public.

    They were going to have a public service in a stadium in New Jersey but decided not to. They are only allowing one camera crew in the church, so I guess they want her fans to say goodbye but have the service with the people closest to her.

  14. Some people on here swear they know how what someone should have done in this situation :rolleyes: Bobby Brown doesn't have a private jet so I'm pretty sure he knew it would take some time and maybe dedicate his performance to Whitney. And like someone else said you don't know maybe he needed to get himself together so that he could be Bobbi Kristina's rock. I think some of you are letting your feelings about Bobby Brown prior to this cloud your judgement. You're acting like he was thinking "screw my daughter this performance is more important" doubt that he was.

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