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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. I loved Marlo calling Kim out only bc Kim is trying to act houlier than thou. I used to really like her but now that she is with Kroy she acts like her Big Papa escapades were years ago, its barely been two lol...

    Also loved when Cynthia asked Sheree if she was so offended by the black baby comment why she didn't speak up before and when Phaedra asked Sheree why she just didn't pull Kandi aside instead of putting her on blast while on the phone with Kim.

    I don't know why Kim would take Sheree's word, especially when Kandi has left Riley in her care. Kandi wouldn't leave her child with someone she thought was a racist. And Sheree isn't Kim's friend. Just two years ago they were going back and forth on Ellen Degeneres and Sheree was pulling wigs off. They're only friends bc Sheree fell out with Nene. Smh. Sheree is so messy.

    Other than that the husbands segment was boring, and Kroy looked ugly. This should have been two 90-minute specials instead of 3.

  2. I think Nene drives a hard bargain and IMO without Nene this show would be completely dull she is one of the few housewives to become a household name and Andy Cohen loves her. At this point she hates Sheree and Kim, and I can see her saying she refused to film another season with those two.

  3. Sheree has confirmed she is leaving RHOA but claims it was her choice.

    :rolleyes: Yeah right.


    And I love how she says she is tired of the drama but who was trying to pull Kim's wig off her head? Who decided to confront Nene over some event that Nene didn't even go to? Who threw Kandi and Phaedra under the bus? OH.

  4. Didn't Sheree say the beginning of Season 3 she was determined to win an Oscar? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I am hoping with Sheree possibly out and Kim could get a full on spin off that Nene will interact with the other ladies bc I think she could be cool with Phaedra and Kandi, they can add two new girls. With Sheree and Kim there is just too much history and bad blood.

  5. Boy the ATL reunion was on fire!

    Its not even funny talking about Sheree anymore its sad. When she was stuttering and tripping over her words and talking fast about why Chateau Sheree still hadn't been built it was so pathetic. I loved when NeNe called it neverland... lol.

    Sheree was dead wrong trying to question Phaedra's abilities as a lawyer, and Phaedra handled that argument gracefully and won that.

    Kandi is already moving with a new guy? Geesh. I don't understand why she needed to bring up Nene being a stripper but whatever. I loved the way Nene says dildo lol it sounds like deeeeel-do.

    Kim :rolleyes: She is trying to act like none of the stuff is from Big Papa when she said it HERSELF on the show.

    I was TOTALLY Team Nene. She was taking them out left and right. Sheree tried to bring Bryson into this and I loved how Nene went in on her. Sheree, how can you say a kid's action are a reflection of their parents i n the same breath as "well people make mistakes". Good lord. Nene also got Kim real good. Why is she worried about what is on Nene's twitter? And Nene wasn't talking about how her children she was talking about Kim. Kim is trying to act born again bc she is with Kroy and now acts like she is a lady of the manor. Nene was just reminding everyone that Kim wasn't perfect and has 3 baby daddies.

    I loved how Andy kept saying "rich bitch". You can tell Nene is his favorite :wub:

    All in all, it was pretty entertainng and I can't wait for Marlo on Thursday!

    Oh yeah. Nene: "I was just letting you know what time it was" Sheree: "What time was it?" Nene: "What time it was, is that I'm a very rich bitch"... :lol:

  6. I am not trying to be argumentative, but I disagree about the depth of problems associated with AW's ninety minute format. Examine the yearly ratings. Yes, AW did drop 1.1 points, but that was minor compared to the loss of two full rating points in 1980-81. Obiviously viewers preferred 90 minutes of Harding Lemay and Tom King over 60 minutes of L. Virginia Browne and Corinne Jacker. And, AW's ratings from 1980 onward never managed to achieve the lowest ratings posted under Lemay. I believe the quality of writing (or lack thereof) was more decisive than the format.

    1977-78 AW 8.6 (last year at 60 mins)

    1978-79 AW 7.5 (first year at 90 mins)

    1979-80 AW 7.1 (last year at 90 mins)

    1980-81 AW 5.1 (back at 60 mins)

    1981-82 AW 4.7

    But wasn't all of NBC tanking during this time (1980-1981)?

  7. I'm done with this sh-t. All they have done this season is meet up and talk about drama. It is so boring and tiring.

    Evelyn is doing way too much. She can't fight. Kenya admitted at the pool that she said that called Evelyn a hoe and Evelyn didn't do sh-t. But she wanted to get buck at the winery bc she need she could throw a bottle and security would jump in. Weak bitch.

    I'm sick of Tami. She is just a straight up bully and she was doing way too much at Kenya's video premiere. How is Kenya trying to be like Jennifer, Evelyn or Tami? O_o then Tami trying to act like she has made someone famous when she made Kenya rephrase herself. Bitch grow up.

    Suzie is the weakest bitch of them all. She was practically begging Tami to forgive her for the food stamps comment. F-ck Tami. She isn't god and if she was going to drop you over one comment. Oh well. I have never been the type to beg. I say my peace and if you don't want to forgive I move on or wait for you to come to me and accept an apology.

    But I have absolutely had it. Next week looks even worse. Evelyns friend trying to get camera time and famous by slapping Jennifer and then Evelyn's old ass jumps off the table into the arms of a security guard? I'll pass.

    I still got love for Kesha, Jennifer, and Royce but this sh-t is week. I'm sticking to Love and Hip Hop and Real Housewives of ATL/NJ

  8. at roughly 700K per season, how the hell Sheree broke? Bitch dont know how to manage money

    She might not be dirt poor, but buying Aston Martins and other cars, Birkin bags, designer clothes while your son sleeps on an air mattress???? Ridiculous. Then trying to front like she is building a mansion from the ground up. She did all that for nothing, now she is most likely cut and won't have anything to show for four seasons on the show. She should've gotten some money managing tips from Kandi and Kim. Kandi doesn't do all the extra and she was making money before housewives and before Kim got with Kroy she lived in a modest townhouse with her and her daughters. Sheree is so stupid.

  9. Here in Atlanta they revealed the salaries of the HWs on the radio. Kroy and Apollo get paid 50k per season, Peter and Marlo got paid 75k, Cynthia and Phaedra get paid 300k per season/75k for the reunion, Kandi gets paid 450k per season/100k for reunion, Sheree gets paid 550k/150k for reunion, Kim gets paid 600k/150k for the reunion, and Nene gets paid 750k/250k for reunion.

    Nene wasn't lying when she said she very rich, bitch. They also hinted that Nene's salary per season could possibly be seven figures. No wonder Sheree is hating. I bet she asked for a raise, and Bravo said hell no and showed her the door. :lol:

  10. So the HWs for this season of Jersey are just the same as Season 3? I agree they need some people not related to them to join.

    I just don't know what will happen with ATL. the only ones that I can see doing another season are Kandi, Phaedra and Cynthia. Hopefully Kim will get her own show ala Bethenny and Nene does one more season while they ease in some new girls.

  11. Also on the WWHL party Andy said hi to Nene, and he said he hadn't seen her since they taped the reunion. And he was like "shots were fired, weren't they" and Nene said yes "shots were fired"... lol can't wait to see what this means. I hope she goes in on Sheree.

  12. Guess which Atlana housewife allegedly got fired?


    This could be true. Nene, Cynthia, Phaedra, and Kandi were the only ones who showed up for the ATL wives. I can see Kim not coming bc of Nene and her baby, but Sheree would have came.

    LOL at her begging and crying to keep her job. :lol: Was watching old Season 1 episodes it crazy how far she has come from the mansion, hair stylist, personal assistants to living in a two bedroom apartment, making her son cheese sandwiches while he sleeps on an air mattress.

    I was reading on Twitter that the Watch What Happens Live: All Stars special aired an exclusive preview of RHONY. Did anybody see it? The reviews on Twitter don't seem good. Sounds underwhelming and lots of comments that the new wives look strange (and similar)...

    I dont watch NYC like that but the preview of it looked really boring and like not alot was happening.

  13. Didn't they say this man had called the police about 40 times in recent months?

    46 times in a gated community in the suburbs. Smh.

    So, please explain the "walking through a rich neighborhood dressed like a crack dealer" line. I'm very interested in hearing why you made a truly unfortunate statement such as this. Now he looked like a crack dealer because of what he was wearing? Or was it the color of his skin? Please explain.

    Exactly. I didn't know a crack dealer had a certain type of attire and that he saw Trayvon's pants sagging.. smh.

  14. If his clothes were such a problem how come the only call about him prior to the altercation was that psycho who was just sitting in his car on a Sunday afternoon waiting for an altercation? A hoodie doesn't equal crack dealer and just because you see pants sagging on tv doesn't mean his were. Believe it or not all black youth do that. This can be argued over and over again, but ultimately this man needs to be arrested.

  15. Newt is a piece of crap for making political hay of this. BUT....Sorry you guys...Geraldo is exactly right in what he said recently. For 15 years now, youth have been dressing like criminals because they think it's "cool". and furthermore, you can probably bet this boy had his pants on the ground, so walking around with your hand in the waistband to hold them up, some people are gonna think your'e going for a gun. you absolutely SHOULD only be judged on your actions, but a person don't need to tempt fate, either. It's not his or his parents' fault as much as it is the fault of society and black culture for not rejecting the concept of children being allowed to dress like criminals, and have it be accepted. And Al sharpton wasn't being generous coming down there when his mother just died... he was wantin to be in front of the TV cameras. Jesse Jackson could have handled that rally. Don't get me wrong, Zimmerman was obviously wrong from what i've heard so far. But I don't believe in doing, saying, and wearing things that will set off unstable people.

    rolleyes.gif How do you DRESS like a criminal?

    I guess young minority youth shouldn't wear hoodies and dress as they please so poor innocent citizens will not think they are a criminal. George Zimmerman is a psycho and what Trayvon had on has nothing to do with it,

  16. When exactly did I "brush off" that racist bumper sticker? And because you are indeed "late to the party," you obviously are unaware that I don't support either Santorum or Gingrich for president. (In fact, my first choice for president was Huntsman, who was the one candidate a lot of Democrats seemed to heap token praise on. After he dropped out, I shifted my support to Romney.)

    You brushed it off by saying "oh it won't be on 99 percent of Conservative's cars anyway", but if situation was reversed I doubt you would be singing that tune. Then you try to throw shade at Cee Lo Green performing that song, it was a big hit that went #1 last year. I doubt many people are up in arms over it.

  17. But really, why would even a single Puerto Rican ever vote for Santorum? His bizarre insistence that Puerto Ricans should speak english is a giant assault on that island. You don't see Canada demanding Quebec speaks english. It is almost a cliche example of that old worn out phrase, cultural imperialism.

    Exactly. I guess the only way to be a real American to him is to speak English and be white. Ugh, just to even insist that pissed me it was completley disrespectful and made me dislike Santorum even more than I already do. He is so incompetent and is a male Sarah Palin. I want this loser to win the nominee so Obama can crush him in November.

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