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Posts posted by Eric83

  1. Shaunie especially. She is supposed to be an executive producer And sat there and let one of her cast mates be harassed. Then has the nerve to go to Kesha's room and say you need to figure out how you're gonna get your purse back. :blink:

  2. I was feeling bad for Teresa this episode. She went to the party, brought the kids, was staying AWAY from the conflict. Stupidass Kathy can't even leave well enough alone. When you have a huge rift with someone, sometimes it's progress just to be in the same place as the other person acting semi-normal. It helps break the ice. They were doing well, not fighting, exchanging pleasantries. That was actually progress. Yet, Kathy has to encourage Teresa to talk to her brother, and Joe has to wrap her into a conversation that really should have been private. Of course, she could have just walked away, but I really feel like these people are TRYYYYIIINNGGG so hard to engage with her. I saw it last week. If all these people were always trying to get into it with me, I'd be defensive, too. I just refuse to buy this Teresa-is-the-root-of-all-evil storyline they're pushing. I think she's pretty dim-witted and has a hard time admitting fault, but they're ALL like that. Melissa has totally said her share of bitchy stuff, and I assign her lots of blame here, too. They're trying so hard to make Teresa look bad that she's actually become a sympathetic character for me.

  3. And they are going to put fish in Kenya's room next week. SMH. So childish. They do know that the employees will be the ones that have to find all the dead fish and get rid of the stench right? No suprise it was Suzie's idea. It is hard to believe she is 33 and has two children. wacko.png

  4. EW I got sucked back into watching and I am so disgusted by Tami. What a fake bitch! She is on the edge of talking [!@#$%^&*] about Jennifer, but that is supposed to be her friend and she talks [!@#$%^&*] about everyone except Shaunie and Evelyn and then she came at Kesha like that? Wow.

    And f_ck Suzie's snitch ass. She couldnt wait to run back to Miami and tell on Kesha. What a spineless loser. She acts like Evelyn/Tami/Shaunie are god. I bet they dont even really like her. Weak bitch.

    Team Kesha and Jennifer!

    Too bad this is not a Bravo show, they would restructure this show from top to bottom, but Kenya/Jennifer/Kesha will prob leave and we would be stuck with Evelyn/Tami.... UGH

  5. Uh what Caroline was refering to with Danielle and with Tre/Dine wasnt made public so she didnt want to disucss it on the Reunion show, nor was why Jac didnt show up for the Reunion, so I can understand them not wanting to discuss in those forums

    Juicy Joe's escapades are PUBLIC so Tre getting all upset because her SIL mentioned "jail" after she has publically dissed everyone, and taken heresay and idle gossip she prolly started and sharing ti with her Bro who she is supposedly trying to make amens with makes her look CRAZY, and yes she is getting attacked due to her own selfsih actions.

    It doesn't matter. If Teresa doesn't want to talk about it she doesn't have to. All of them are on television, and the fact that Jacqueline's husband filed for bankruptcy and has a lawsuit pending is public. Caroline's husband losing his job is public info but is Teresa going on about it?

    You do realize Joe Guidice is an ongoing case right? It wouldn't be wise to be going into full detail discussing it on a reality tv show.

  6. Oh and Kandi has said that filming for Season 5 of RHOA has already begun. Rumor around ATL is that Bravo is looking for 2 new women so I higly doubt Marlo will become an official wife (Kim was right :lol: ). I wouldn't want her to anyway she is just better as Nene's recurring friend.

  7. Ok. I can see if these were other people judging her but these people are her family and friend she considered family.

    How many times has Jac gone running off screen or even not show up (the reunion) because she didn't want to face something? How many times has Caroline uttered, "you know what you did" or "read between the lines." There are so many instances of Caroline and Jac not wanting to discuss things on camera that for them to think it's ok to ignore Theresa's position is just beyond the pale. They are hypocrites of the highest order. Melissa will put anything and everything out there just to be on TV. She herself said that there were problems between her husband and his sister before the show so I totally believe the story that they came on for to publicly "out" Theresa and give he grief, so I'm not surprised at all that she and her [!@#$%^&*] stirring husband consider nothing off limits. They're like a pair of vultures feeding off of Tre's flesh. I honestly think that Kathy is a bit better than the rest, but not by much. She throws her support to Caroline, someone she's only known for a short period, as opposed to someone she was like a sister to? Not a flattering pictures, Kathy. More Rosie and less Kathy, please.

    For all of her faults, and there are many, I honestly believe that Teresa has her back up against the wall with trying to fix the mess she and her husband got themselves into, raise her daughters, and make money so that they can live. JoeGui is not supportive of her, at least from what we see. He's going through his own meltdown. Maybe it would be a different show if he was doing well financially. I give Teresa more credit than the rest of the cast because at least she's trying to get through this via working to bring in the dough. Meanwhile, the roving pack of hyenas that is the rest of the cast, continue to kick her while she's down, and then sport a "holier than thou" attitude while doing it. Sorry Caroline, we've met the bully, and it's you.

  8. I'm still Team Teresa. She doesn't want to talk about her issues. Nobody is talking about the financial issues that Jacqueline and her husband are going through, I remember reading something on TWOP about JoeGo having issues but nobody is talking about that, as well as Caroline's oldest son, but somehow Teresa's issues are open season and the other 4 ladies spend their time going in on her bc they are all boring and can't support story on their own.

    LOL I did love when Teresa stepped to Melissa and Melissa said "Would you like to do something?" I knew they weren't going to throw hands bc they don't do that on Housewives but that would've been a funny fight.

  9. Kinda odd that they are having this as a summer series as its always been an early spring one


    I think NJ took its slot bc NJ usually starts the end of May.

    Speaking of NJ, I am Team Teresa. While I don't think Melissa would leave Joe Gorga for a richer man I don't see why Joe can tell Teresa Juicy Joe is cheating. I'm sure she knows that but wants to keep her family together and probably just said out of spite and anger she may have toward Joe Guidice. Honestly what Teresa said is true if JoeGo is secure and has faith in his marraige than what Teresa said shouldn't matter.

    The Gorgas want to act like they are so innocent but wasn't their hook to get on this show (as well as Kathy) was to go up against Teresa?

    Caroline is so annoying. She kept saying at the party "Teresa is a bully"... lol but in Season1 or 2 you were laughing when she table flipping and calling Danielle a "prostitution whore" Ok bitch. She just wants to manipulate everyone against Teresa.

    Kathy? Eh. Jacqueline? Eh.

    They need to shake this cast up next year. I miss Danielle's crazy ass and Kim G.

  10. Um how old is Milania? Did you all hear when she said "you're not a cooker you're a hooker" :blink:

    Anyways, I like Melissa and Joe's relationship they seem to really love each other. Kathy is pretty boring, but I thought it was funny when her son got sent those naked pictures. :lol:

    I really don't like Caroline and Jacqueline.

    Teresa is my favorite. I really don't understand this cookbook madness. She was just joking. Who would randomly go after their friends in a malicious way in a cookbook? Caroline is the one that gets on my nerves the most, whining about how she could talk about her children. They are all adults and have had plenty of sh-t to say theirselves.

  11. Both NJ and DC have never held anything in the opening... surprises me. Does Vancouver hold anything?

    Anyone tracking Miami drama online? There are a few Miami insider websites (and other Housewives bloggers) out there... apparently this season of Miami is going to be CRAZY. They are bringing the drama, and should be 100% better than Season 1. I wonder if they'll change up the opening credits' graphics (which were terrible)...

    Links to the Miami stuff? Would love to read them.

    Vancouver doesn't hold anything in their opening either.

  12. I can't stand Caroline. She acts so self righteous and annoying.

    Jacqueline is annoying as he'll. Tired of Ashley drama and sending her to Vegas? Yeah, shell stop drinking and partying. :rolleyes: Hated when she was clapping her son's hand saying make the right decision. Ugh and in next week preview crying about Ashley hating her. Ugh I sure do.

    Love Melissa, she is so mellow and chill. I can't stand Joe Gorga. He is mad over so damn tabloids. He is cute but that's about the only thing he has going for him.

    Lawd. Teresa and Juicy Joe. SMH. he is so disgusting and I wish Teresa would leave him he always complains and acts like he hates them. When she asked why he was out with girls and he said "it is what it is" ? Hell no. I feel sorry for their kids.

    Kathy? Eh. Her husband disgusts me.

    I don't know if I can take a 20+ episode season/3 part reunion like ATL/BH.

  13. ATL:

    Oh man Part 3 was so much better than 2. They were throwing so much shade at Sheree. I loved when they replayed back her biggest arguments right after asking her was she classy and elegant.

    Cynthia finally stood up for herself I was proud of her. On twitter they were saying Cynthia and Marlo are Nene's Kelly and Michelle. :lol:

    Lmfao at when Nene said she got Kim and Sheree on the show and the producers thought Sheree was boring. I liked that little moment where Kim thanked Nene for getting her the gig and they were civil towards each other. I miss them being friends. :(

  14. I heard about the TMZ article where several cast members are boycotting the reunion if Jennifer comes because of the lawsuit. It is probably Tami, Shaunie and Evelyn. SMH. A hot mess.

    I'm especially disappointed in Tami. She was broke and couldn't dress her first season whining about how Evelyn and Jennifer were mean girls now she has done the same to Meeka, Kenya, Kesha, Suzie and now Jennifer. Smh.

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