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Veto Comp



James is sitting in his room alone when the TV screen comes down. "What's up James?" Howie's loud voice reverbaerates through the room? "I am here so you can ask me five yes and no questions. I may or may not be telling you the truth, it's up to you to decide."

James sits up in disbelief. "Hey Howie, you are so missed here. Did I do the right thing in nominating who I did?"

Howie answers, "Yes"

"Am I trusting the right people?"

Howie hesitates, "No"

"Marvin seems to be a loose cannon, should I cut him loose"


"Chaira and Nathan are becoming a couple, are they joining the other alliance?"

Again Howie hesitates, "Yeessss"

"Or is just Nathan because Chiara hates Amy"

"Yes. That's all I can answer for you James. Tell Jedi Janey I miss her and be sure to check out all the boobies that you can!"


Nakomis and Jack were sitting outside discussing their situation before the Veto competition. From the looks of it, it looked like an Obstacle course. "Nakomis, you need to win this Veto. Nathan is already on our side. If we get rid of Amy, Chiara will join us. That helps us in numbers."

"I know. They have James, Janelle, Hardy, Rachel and Nicole. Dr WIll and Marvin are up in the air. Will you never can trust, he will go in any way that he wants. If I win and we can convince James to nominate Marvin, we can vote out Amy and Marvin. He is a threat.

Jack leaned back in his chair, "Even if WIll wins, that will be good."

"No James wants me gone. He considers me too much of a threat. We need to win HOH next week. I will try my hardest to win it."

Jack stood up, "Try your hardest. Regardless, I don't think you will get voted out. I won't vote you out, you have my word on that."


Dr Will knocked on James door, "Hey can I come in?"

Surprised, James said yes.

"Hey James, mind if I talk to you about something?"


Will sat down on one of the chairs in the HOH room "Look, you have every right not to trust me. I wouldn't trust me. But you are a damn good player. If you tell anyone I said that, I will have to kill you."

James laughed, "What do you want Will?"

"I am not in any alliance and I want to join yours. It's the smart one. I realize that I will be the last man in and thats fine with me. When it comes down to it, it's every man for themselves. Tell me how to vote and I will"

"Are you serious? How do I know you aren't just going to be screwing me over?"

Will shrugged, "You can't. But how do I know you aren't going to screw me over?"


"Would you have put me up for nomination if you could have this week?" Will asked.

James thought it over, "I may have, I am not sure. I get along with you though and we are a lot alike. Too much alike I fear."

"Look, just think about it. I am not thinking about a final two pact or anything. Just I will watch your back and you watch mine." Will got up and left.

James stared at the door, dumbfounded.


Marcelleus and Amy lay in the hammock minutes before the Veto competition was to start. "Marcy, what am Ah gonna do if I lose? Ah don't want to go home.

"Amy honey, if it happens it happens. You can't control it. You never know you may win it."

"Please Marcy, It's an obstacle course. Ah am a southern girl and southern girls don't sweat! I hate to run."

"Quit your bitching. I am already stressed out as it is. I should have just done House Calls and bitched about everyone in here."

Amy laughed, "Well, we do enough here. So tell me what you heard about Janelle?"

Marcelleus looked arounf to make sure no one was around, "I think, and don't repeat this, that she may be having a secret fling with someone. I saw her go into the bathroom and then I heard a kissing sound. Then Jack came by and I didn't hear who she was talking too."

Amy clappedher hands in delight, "Ok we have to figure out who it could be. It could be Hardy, he's single. Will too, Nathan even though Chiwhora is getting her hooks in him or even James. He may have broken up with his girlfriend. There is also Marvin."

"This is who I think it is...." They were interuppted by Rob and Amber coming out and starting the obstacle course.

The course was made up of tires, a wall to climb over, a balance beam, the pool, in which they had to grab a disk out of the bottom of it, a jump rope in which they had to successfully jump rope twenty times in a row, and a sprint to the finish line where they had to make and eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Rob took the stage next to Amber and said, "We are goin to do this in heats of two. Ambah here has straws, shortest ones go first." After they drew straws, the heats were made up of James and Nakomis and Amy and Will.

James and Nakomis went first with Nakomis easily beating James. In the second heat, it was a closer race, but Amy won. In the final heat, Nakomis easily beat Amy.

"Right now, we are going to go into the living room for the Veto ceremony." Amber said. After they all assembled in the living room, Nakomis took the floor and kept it simple, choosing to take herself off the chopping block.

James got up and looked around, "Nathan I am choosing to nominate you as you are a physical threat to me. It's not personal, but you can beat me in just about anything. Sorry man."

Nathan nodded and got up, "I understand." He took his place in Nakomis' vacated seat.

"In a couple days you will vote and when you vote, you will vote for the person you want to keep in the house." Rob explained, "Good luck."

Hardy said, "Something tells me we might need it"


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