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ANOTHER WORLD 169 Steven receives shocking news



ANOTHER WORLD 169 - Steven receives shocking news

Written by: C. Nathaniel Richardson

KIRKLAND’S SUITE - Kirklandblogentry-14971-0-25769200-1402789882_th and Charlieblogentry-14971-0-72559700-1402789899_th are in bed as Charlie lies in Kirkland’s arms.

Charlie: You know this is our last time together.

Kirkland: Before the wedding?

Charlie: Yeah duh?

Kirkland: Oh you believe in that bad luck thing do you?

Charlie sits up and looks at Kirkland…

Charlie: Yes it’s true.

Kirkland: It’s just a myth.

Charlie: You’re making fun of me aren’t you?

Kirkland: I mean...Charlie...what if I wanted to give you a great big kiss before you put on your wedding dress?

Charlie: Well you’re not supposed to do that.

Kirkland: Says who?

Charlie: Says...me.

Kirkland: Because we agreed not to have a rehearsal dinner.

Charlie: You know I gotta go to my dad’s right to finalize our plans.

Kirkland: Well since this is the last time I’m gonna see you before we’re married, we’d better make the most of it huh?

Charlie looks at Kirkland with a smirk, smiles and joins him back underneath the sheets as they make love.


WINTHROPS HOUSE - Cassblogentry-14971-0-91115400-1402789944_th answers the door and Feliciablogentry-14971-0-08411000-1402789964_th walks in.

Cass: Hey.

Felicia: Hi there darling.

Cass greets her with a kiss on her left cheek.

Cass: What are you doing here?

Felicia: Wedding stuff with the ladies.

Cass: Oooh that’s right. I forgot.

Felicia: Yeah Charlie’s getting married.

Cass: Not funny.

Felicia: Something on your mind? Or should I say...someone?

Frankieblogentry-14971-0-69551700-1402789990_th walks in the door and she and Cass stare at each other.


HOSPITAL - Lindsayblogentry-14971-0-10896100-1402790052_th is getting a cup of water at the bubbler, and Gregoryblogentry-14971-0-80495500-1402790082_th taps her on her left shoulder. She turns around and sees him with a bouquet of red roses, which pleases Lindsay.

Lindsay (smiles): Well who are those beautiful flowers for?

Gregory: They’re for Bay City’s prettiest, hard working, physical therapist, who also happens to be my awesome girlfriend.

Lindsay: Thank you babe.

Gregory: Of course.

They kiss.

Gregory: Why don’t we go to the Center and grab a bite?

Lindsay: I got a few minutes.

Gregory: That’s all? Aren’t you off?

Lindsay: Yeah but I got the wedding stuff. We’re meeting at my uncle’s house.

Gregory: Cool. I’d ask to come with you but…

Lindsay: Youuuu don’t wanna deal with all the…

Gregory: Chick stuff?

Lindsay: Yeah. What are your plans?

Gregory: I’m gonna go visit my mom.


MENTAL INSTITUTION - Stevenblogentry-14971-0-07997100-1402790130_th comes out of Sharlene’s room and Johnblogentry-14971-0-00243400-1402790159_th walks up to him.

John: Steven.

Steven: Uncle John.

John: I came to see my wife.

Steven: You might wanna wait. We had a bit of an intense session.

Steven grabs his jacket while Sharleneblogentry-14971-0-97693300-1402790201_th opens her room door.

John: Where are you headed?

Steven: Downtown. I’ll be back, but I think you should probably come back tomorrow. Aunt Sharlene needs to rest.

Sharlene: No. I’ll talk to John.




WINTHROPS HOUSE - Frankie has just arrived at Cass’s house, moments after Felicia got there. Felicia looks back and forth at both of them.

Felicia: I’m gonna give you two a moment alone.

Felicia walks to the back. Frankie then walks past Cass and puts her purse on the coffee table.

Frankie: I’m...here for Charlie. We’re putting the finishing touches on her wedding day.

Cass: I thought it was a good decision for them not to have a rehearsal dinner.

Frankie: I didn’t agree with that but, it’s her wedding.

Cass: Right.

Frankie: I promised myself that I wasn’t gonna meddle like my mother did.

Cass: Emma really put her five cents in it didn’t she?

Frankie: Yeah I know mama meant well. I bet she’s looking down and smiling.

Cass: And Charlie’s gonna be wearing her dress.

Frankie: Mama’s gotta be very proud.

Cass: Well I’m...gonna leave so you all can do your wedding things.

Cass walks toward the door, but Frankie isn’t done.

Frankie: Cass...don’t leave yet.

Cass turns around and faces her…

Cass: Something else you need?

Frankie: I need you.

Cass: Frankie…

Frankie: I need you in my life Cass.

Cass: We are in each other’s lives. We’re always gonna be there for Charlie.

Frankie: I’m not talking about a co-parent.

Frankie walks up to him and kisses him and Cass kisses her back. Felicia then walks in the living room with a smile. Cass and Frankie are stopped as they hear clapping at the door from Charlie, Stacey, and Lindsay, which causes Cass and Frankie to smile.


John: How are you feeling?

Sharlene: I’m getting better every day.

John: Good. This is what I was hoping.

Sharlene: I’m glad you called Steven. He’s been great.

John: There was no doubt in my mind that he would. We’re missing you at the house...Gregory and I.

Sharlene turns away from John…

Sharlene: I’ll be home before you know it.

John: Is something wrong?

Sharlene turns back around to face John now….

Sharlene: Something is very off.

John: Is there anything I can do to help?

Sharlene: I’ve been very worried about you and Gregory.

John: Sharlene I told you there’s nothing going between us.

Sharlene: In the hospital; the last time you both were here. The butter of tension could have had a hot knife slide right through it.

John: I want you to focus on coming back home to us.

Sharlene: For God’s sake John stop trying to protect me! You’re not leaving here until you tell me what’s going on between you and our son.

Gregory walks in…

Gregory: Yeah dad, tell mom the truth.


POLICE STATION - Jack Snyderblogentry-14971-0-49351200-1402790344_th is sitting at his desk in his office when he gets a visitor.

Jack: Dr. Frame.

Steven: Detective.

Jack: How’s your aunt?

Steven: We’ve made a breakthrough. In fact that’s why I’m here. I have to report a crime.

Jack: I’ve read up on D.I.D. As long as Sharlene gets therapy she’s not held responsible for poisoning Reginald.

Steven: Even though he’s dead, I still feel obligated to report it.

Jack: Are you talking about your great grandfather?

Steven: Yes. He killed Evan Frame. I know there’s nothing you can do about it.

Jack: I guess we can add that to list of his charges.

Steven: Yeah he kidnapped my sister Bridget, but you can’t charge a dead man right?

Jack: We went to the morgue, and the body that was on the slab was fake. Listen you can’t say anything to anyone about this.

Steven: About what?

Jack: We have reason to believe that Reginald’s still alive, and as long as he’s out there, your family’s in danger.




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It was nice to see that kiss between Frankie and Cass happen. I loved the Charlie and Kirkland moment during the first scene. I feel like Jack is gonna dig himself a deep hole. To hear the truth from John will be quite interesting.

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Like the youthfulness of this show and the romantic touches.

Very nice scene for Cass and Frankie and how the gilrs came in clapping.

It is always good to see Greg. I do think SHarlene is right John kinda smothering her.

And why would Jack tell Steven about the fak body if no one was to know?

So I wonder what Steven will do and what is Jack going to do to find him.

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Good show. Lots of great scenes happening, and I really liked the conversation between Cass and Felicia. You really understand their relationship well.

Great to see Cass and Frankie back together.

Lots of romance in the air, loving it. Can't wait to see the showdown between Gregory, Sharlene and John. I'm excited!

I guess there's lots of trouble ahead for everyone connected to Reginald. Can't wait to see it all play out! Good work!

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I'm happy for Cass and Frankie and I love me some Kirkland and Charlie.

Jack is catching on....


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