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S01 - Episode Fourteen: "All Differences Aside"

Mr. Vixen



Heaven's Meadow

Season 1 - Episode Fourteen

"All Differences Aside"

This episode features:

Susan Lucci as Erica Kane

Ric Herbst as Lucas Erickson

Colleen Zenk as Anjelica King


Catherine Hickland as Lindsay Rappaport

Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan


Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler



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(In the WAVE Studios. Lucas is in his office. There is a knock on the door. He stands from behind his desk, and moves towards the door. He opens it and lets Clint Buchanan into the room.)

Lucas. Mr. Buchanan, what can I do for you?

Clint: I'm here to discuss Hayley Vaughan.

Lucas: What about her?

(Clint takes a moment before he replies. After a sigh, he speaks.)

Clint: Something is wrong with her, and I'm fairly certain that you know what it is .

Lucas: Mr. Buchanan, I--

(Clint cuts him off.)

Clint: I don't have time for excuses, Lucas. I know Hayley has been having a rough time, and believe me, I sympathize. But I'm here to run a business.

Lucas: And her personal problems are getting in the way of that, am I correct?

Clint: You are. And if you know something that I don't, you need to tell me. The ratings for the show are already falling rapidly from last year, and Hayley's erratic behavior certainly isn't going to help matters.

(Lucas moves to the other side of his office and has a seat behind his desk.)

Lucas: Have you talked to Hayley about this?

Clint: I tried. She had a complete meltdown, at the very mention that she take time off from the show.

Lucas: This show is the only thing she has left. I'm sure you've heard about her husband's disappearance.

Clint: And I'm very sorry to hear about that. Believe me, Lucas. I respect that she made this show what it is. However, that doesn't mean that I can allow her to go on acting like this.

Lucas: There's nothing I can tell you, Mr. Buchanan. Your guess is as good as mine.

(Clint is visibly disgruntled. He moves towards the door, but turns around.)

Clint: I know you're very close to Hayley, Lucas. I respect the obligation that you feel to protect her. But if you find anything out, you let me know. Otherwise, very drastic changes will be coming.

(Clint exits the room, and shuts the door behind him. Lucas stands from behind his desk and moves towards the bookshelf on the other side of the room. He picks up a framed picture of him and Hayley, and begins speaking out loud to himself.)

Lucas: Consider yourself lucky, Hayley. I could have blown you, and your vodka bottle, sky high.

(He chuckles.)

Lucas: All in good time.





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(Inside Erica's hotel room. Erica is in the bathroom freshening her makeup when she hears a knock on the door. She puts on her silk robe, and makes her way to the door. She swings the door open, expecting her room service delivery. She is stunned to see Skye Chandler standing in front of her. Skye doesn't wait for Erica to speak. Instead, she walks right past her and into the room.)

Erica: I'm in no mood for you today, Skye .

Skye: Trust me, I have no desire to be in your presence. Ever.

(Erica rolls her eyes.)

Erica: Then why are you here, Skye?

Skye: Oh, don't roll your eyes at me, bitch. I happen to have a very good reason for coming to see you.

Erica: Which is?

Skye: It's about Hayley.

(A serious looks spreads over Erica's face.)

Erica: What about Hayley?

Skye: She's in a very, very dark place, Erica. She needs our help.

Erica: What are you up to, Skye?

Skye: Excuse me?

Erica: You don't honestly expect me to believe that you give a damn about Hayley, do you?

Skye: She's my family, Erica.

Erica: Oh please, Skye. The Chandler's aren't your family. Most of them try to pretend you don't exist.

(Skye slaps Erica across the face.)

Skye: Don't you ever talk about the relationships I share with my family, Erica. You know nothing, and it's none of your damn business.

Erica: You are such trash, darling. It's sad really. I'm not going to engage with you any further. I won't lower myself to your level. Please leave.

Skye: I'm not going anywhere, Erica. I came here to discuss Hayley, and I'm not leaving until you listen.

Erica: What is it you think Hayley could possibly need your help with?

Skye: She's drinking again, Erica.

(Instant concern spreads across Erica's face.)

Erica: That's not funny.

Skye: I know it isn't.

Erica: And what made you think that?

Skye: A couple weeks back I ran into her at the Meadow Club, and I could tell she'd been drinking. I hinted to her that I knew, hoping that she'd come to me for help. But she didn't. And last night, I went to see her at her house.

Erica: And she was drunk?

Skye: She was trying to hide the alcohol when I got there, and she dropped the bottle. There was glass and booze everywhere. She is not in a good place, Erica. She's on a fast downward spiral, and I don't know how much longer she can live like this.

Erica: You're certain that you couldn't have misinterpreted the situation?

Skye: No, Erica! I'm not stupid! I've been there before. I am a recovering alcoholic. That is a battle I face every day. And I recognize the look in her eyes, Erica. I know you will, too. She needs our help.

Erica: You're serious.

Skye: Very.

Erica: Then I'm willing to put our differences aside, Skye. For Hayley.



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(At Patty's. Anjelica is sitting at the bar. Lindsay walks up to her and begins speaking.)

Lindsay: You need to leave Viki alone, Anjie.

Anjelica: Have you always been this nosy?

Lindsay: Yes. Now, I meant what I said. Leave Viki alone.

Anjelica: By what stretch of the imagination is my relationship with Viki any of your business?

Lindsay: Viki is a good person, and I know what you're capable of. I'm not going to sit back and watch it happen.

Anjelica: You know, we spent a lot of time talking while we were cell mates...And in all that time, you never mentioned that you had a good friend named Viki.

Lindsay: I didn't say she was a good friend of mine.

Anjelica: Then why are you so concerned about her?

Viki: Just because we're not best friends, doesn't mean she deserves whatever it is you have planned. I know how you operate, Anjie. You're not exactly subtle.

Anjelica: Your nosiness is really getting on my last nerve, Lindsay.

Lindsay: I don't give a damn. I've filled Viki in on your entire past.

(Anjelica looks surprised and angry. Lindsay smirks and grabs Anjelica's martini, taking a sip.)

Lindsay: Yep, I know everything. The embezzlement, the fact that you didn't really grow up here, so on and so on. Not to mention your real name, the fact that your brother used to own the magazine...Oh Lord, I could go on all day. You get the gist.

(Lindsay grabs her purse off the bar, stands, and turns to leave. Before walking away, however, she turns and says one last thing.)

Lindsay: I left one key element out of the story I gave Viki. You know exactly what I'm talking about. And that can stay your little secret, so long as you quit The Banner and leave town. If you're not gone by the end of the week, I'll be forced to leak your story to the press. Luckily, I know someone that owns a major magazine right her in Heaven's Meadow.

(Lindsay gives Anjelica one last smirk and walks away.)


Thank you for reading!

Don't forget to check back TOMORROW

for an ALL NEW episode of



Recommended Comments

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It's now time for Anjie to show us what she's made of. Let's see how she gets herself out of Lindsay's clutches ...

I wonder if there will be an all out war eventually with the newbies vs. the vets. It'll be fun when we get to see more details into their plans, motives and how the stories hopefully intersect each other. Things are building very nicely.

I hope Hayley at least has some drunken sex. She needs to hop on something, me thinks.

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As always, thank you so much for reading and commenting, Bright Eyes! :)

There's definitely a lot coming for the newbies AND the vets! :) I like your idea about Hayley. ;)

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I'm glad that you didn't tell us all of Anjelica's secrets. That means this story had a big reveal but still has more to come. It's such fun.

The scene with Lucas and Clint was good too, very believable, although I was surprised at Lucas having the chuckle, as I didn't get the impression he was supposed to be a complete sociopath.

I like the credits. The music is catchy. Will there be one for Anjelica?

The Skye/Erica talk was OK, but I think the slap in the face was somewhat out of place. I think if someone slapped Erica, she'd hit them back, or be flustered and angry. Aside from telling Skye to leave, she barely seemed to react. It was sort of like Skye slapped her and then Erica forgot a second later.

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I'm glad you guys are enjoying the Anjie stuff. It's so fun for me to "see" Lindsay back in action, and Anjelica is a fun new character to write for as well.

I'm glad you liked the Clint/Lucas stuff, too. I wouldn't categorize Lucas as a sociopath just yet. His story is going to be explained more, and will really come to fruition in season 2.

Thanks for the compliments on the credits. Yes, there will be another opening that features the characters not seen here (Anjelica, Brianna, and Tad.)

I totally see where you're coming from, and I agree it should have been fleshed out more. That's my bad. But don't worry, Skye/Erica will butt heads again and Erica will have her time to get angry. :)

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It's nice to see these credits. I don't know how people come up with them, I'm sure it takes all kinds of work.

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Thanks Carl! It took me some time and work, yes. But mine aren't half as good as some of the ones I've seen!

Yes, it is the instrumental of Survivor!

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"Oh, don't roll your eyes at me, bitch." LMAO! I'm glad the scenes got serious after that cause wouldn't have been able to continue reading. I'd be laughing too much. LOL. Awesome Skye/Erica scenes. Great to see Erica back, I'm looking forward to seeing how she deals with Hayley!

Great credits. Hey I'm in editing school & I know some cool stuff, maybe one day like for a new season of Heavens M, I could edit a new opening credits video for the fanfic! cool.png

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Haha! I'm so glad you liked the Skye/Erica scenes. I could just picture Robin Christopher delivering that line so perfectly. Erica/Hayley is going to be such an interesting dynamic to explore, and I hope you'll enjoy it!

It's crazy you mention that because I was just thinking that! I was going to ask you, but I know how busy you've been with school so I didn't want to bother you! But definitely, I'd be honored to have you do that for the next season! I'm no editing genius like you, lol! I'll definitely get in touch with you when the time comes!

And no worries, I know how swamped you are! smile.png

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A real exciting, attention grabbing part of soaps is the catfights, verbal and physical, and you capture them very well..this time Erica and Skye...I liked it...

Very nice so far

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The catfight was flawless and I love that Erica and Skye are teaming up to help Hayley!

I've spent the past hour binge-reading your show and im not bored yet!

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