S01 - Episode Four: "Baby, You Don't Know a Thing About Me"

Heaven's Meadow
Season 1 - Episode Four
"Baby, You Don't Know a Thing About Me"
This episode features:
Susan Lucci as Erica Kane
Rick Herbst as Lucas Erickson
Jerry ver Dorn as Clint Buchanan
Jill Larson as Opal Cortlandt
Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughan
Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler

(At Georgio's - A popular Italian Restaurant in Heaven's Meadow)
Lucas: What are you doing here, Skye?
Skye: I think the better question is, what are you doing outside of a jail cell, Peter?
Lucas: I'm not Peter anymore, Skye. I am Lucas Erickson now.
Skye: You can change your name as many times as you want, Peter. I know exactly who you are.
Lucas: What do you want from me, Skye?
Skye: I want nothing from you, and nothing to do with you. I wouldn't take water from you if I was on fire. You are scum.
Lucas: That's ironic, coming from the woman who set fire to the home of an AIDs victim, while she was inside with her son.
Skye: Don't you dare throw my past in my face, Peter. I have done some horrible things in my life, but none of them compare to what you did.
Lucas: Oh yes, saintly Skye. She does evil things, but she dos them with love so it's all okay. Give it a rest, Skye. You are no saint.
(A cunning smile spreads across Skye's face)
Skye: Tell me, "Lucas". Did you ever come into that money you so desperately wanted? Or did those funds dry up during your time in the big house?
Lucas: You know, what? I'm done here. Goodbye, Skye.
Skye: This isn't over, Peter. I won't let you do here, what you did in Minnesota.
Lucas: I'm not scared of you.
Skye: You should be.
(Skye walks away from the table and exits the restaurant.)

(At "The Meadow Club" - A high-scale hotel/club in Heaven's Meadow. Hayley sits at the bar trying desperately to fight the urge to take a drink. She stares at the bottles of booze on the shelf behind the bar, longing for a drink. Lost so deeply in her want for alcohol, she doesn't notice as Clint Buchanan taps on her shoulder.)
Clint: Ms. Vaughan?
(Startled, Hayley turns around)
Hayley: Yes? How can I help you?
Clint: My name is Clint Buchanan, I--
Hayley: If you're from the press, I'd be happy to set up and interview, but now just isn't a good time.
(Clint chuckles and takes a seat next to Hayley)
Clint: No, I'm not from the press. I'm the owner of a corporation called Buchanan Enterprises, and I've just purchased the production company that produces your show.
Hayley: I wasn't aware that it was for sale.
Clint: Well, it wasn't, per se. But everything's for sale, for the right price.
Hayley: If you don't mind my asking, why would you want to buy a company most known for producing a syndicated talk show on it's last leg?
Clint: Wave is hardly on it's last leg, in my opinion.
Hayley: Well, then you must have heard that Erica Kane is coming aboard.
Clint: Yes, I've heard. But that's not why I have hope for Wave. I'm sure that she'll be a wonderful addition to the show, but you are Wave, and I want you to know that I understand and respect that.
Hayley: Well, I appreciate you saying that Mr. Buchanan. I look forward to working with you.
Clint: You as well. Well, I'm sorry to bother you so late in the day. We'll discuss this more tomorrow. See you at work.
(With a smile, Clint stands up and exits the restaurant. Hayley sighs. Despite his kind words, Hayley was not reassured. She still doubts herself and fears her life is crumbling around her. After a long moment, she orders a martini.)

(At the airport.)
Opal: I just can't believe you're leaving Pine Valley.
Erica: Is it really that hard to believe? I always said I would some day.
Opal: Yes, but honey you've been saying that for so long that we all kind of stopped listening.
Erica: Well, when Erica Kane sets her mind to something, it happens. No matter if it takes 40 years.
Opal: And I am happy for you, honey. We all are. But I'm gonna miss you. What will I do without you?
Erica: And I'll miss you too, Opal. Of course I will. But it's your job to oversee Pine Valley, now. These people have never known a Pine Valley without Erica Kane! I certainly wouldn't want the town to become stale, and if anyone can keep something crazy, it's you.
(Opal laughs.)
Opal:Well fine! But do I have to refer to myself in the third person now?
(They both laugh, privately reflecting on their many years of friendship.)
Erica: Promise me that you'll look after Bianca, and my grandchildren?
Opal: I would be honored.
(Tears well in both women's eyes. They embrace for a long moment, before pulling away and wiping the tears from their eyes. The loudspeaker announces that Erica's plane is boarding. Erica walks towards the gate. She turns and waves good bye to her friend, before walking through the gate, tears in her eyes.)
(At "The Meadow Club". Hayley still sits at the bar. She is now on her second drink. Part of her regrets the drinks, but an overwhelming part of her craves more. As she begins to get up, she turns and sees her sister Skye entering the restaurant. She quickly turns around and asks the bartender to take her glass away. She sits silently at the bar, hoping Skye won't see her. She's out of luck however, as Skye immediately spots her and walks towards her. With a smirk on her face, she begins speaking.)
Skye: Well hey, sis.
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Heaven is the New Hell!
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