S01 - Episode Three: "Skye's the Limit"

Heaven's Meadow
Season 1 - Episode Three
"Skye's the Limit"
This episode features:
Robin Christopher as Skye Chandler-Quartermaine
Ric Herbst as Lucas Erickson
Angell Conwell as Jacqueline
Sean Kanan as Brandon Mayweather
Vail Bloom as Brianna Emerson
Kelly Ripa as Hayley Vaughn
Erica Slezak as Victoria Lord


(Inside Georgio's - A popular Italian Restaurant in Heaven's Meadow. Skye is sitting alone at a table, dining, when Viki walks in and spots her. She walks over to Skye and begins speaking.)
Viki: Do my eyes deceive me, or am I looking at Skye Chandler?
(Skye's surprise at seeing Viki shows on her face)
Skye: Well, hello Viki.
Viki: What brings you to New Hampshire, Skye?
Skye: It's nice to see you, too, Viki.
(Viki sits down at the table with Skye.)
Viki: Is there something going on in Heaven's Meadow that I may need to know about? Something dramatic?
Skye: You know, everybody in Llanview seems to share the same problem. What has it been, Viki, ten years? And yet, as soon as you see me, the first words to come out of your mouth are these veiled comments that imply that I'm up to something
Viki: Is that really such an unreasonable assumption, Skye?The last time we interacted certainly gave me reason enough to be cautious. Yoou infiltrated my business, befriended me and then revealed that you were married to a man I believed to be my husband.
Skye: More ancient history lessons, courtesy of Llanview's finest.But on the subject of husbands, Viki, I hear your current one is a murderer.
Viki: Clint was cleared of all charges.
(Skye chuckles)
Skye: And with a stellar judiciary system like the Llanview PD, I'm sure that means he's innocent.
Viki: I didn't approach you looking for a fight, Skye. That wasn't my intention at all. But all arguments aside, we can agree on one thing. Llanview seems to be quite a magnet for drama. I'm hoping that Heaven's Meadow will prove to be different. In fact, that's one of the largest reasons that I decided to move here: to get away from it all.
Skye: And whether you believe it or not, I'm looking for the same thing.
Viki: Well then, I hope you find what you're looking for. And on that note, I'll leave you to your meal.
(Viki gets up and leaves the table. Skye's cell phone rings. She picks it up and begins speaking to her real-estate agent.)
Skye: I hope you're calling with good news?
(She pauses, waiting for a reply. As she listens, she gets up and begins walking towards the exit)
Skye: Wonderful! I'll be over soon to sign the paperwork. I'm ready to get my club up and ru--
(She stops mid-word when she sees Lucas Erickson sitting at a booth near the exit)
Skye: I'm going to have to call you back.
(She hangs up the phone and moves towards Lucas' booth)
Skye: Hello, Peter.

(Inside Brandon Mayweather's apartment. He is sitting on his couch when there is a knock on the door. He gets up to answer the door. When he opens it, Jacqueline is standing in the hallway.)
Brandon: Hi, baby.
(The two kiss. Jacqueline enters the apartment and sits on the couch.)
Jacqueline: Hey angel. I hope you don't mind me just dropping by.
Brandon: Of course I don't. You are always welcome here.
(She reaches out and touches his cheek.)
Jacqueline: You are so sweet, Brandon. I'm very lucky to have you.
Brandon: I'm the lucky one. How was your day?
Jacqueline: Fine, I suppose. I got a call a few moments ago, telling me a space that one of my clients was ready to put an offer on has been purchased. I knew there was a prospective buyer, but I had no idea it would move this quickly.
Brandon: I'm sorry, I know it's never easy to lose a sale.
Jacqueline: Oh, I'm not even worried about the sale. It's my client I'm worried about. She really had her heart set on that space. I haven't told her yet.
Brandon: I'm sure she'll understand. And with a kick-ass real estate agent like you, she'll find another property in no time.
Jacqueline: I hope so. How was your day?
Brandon: Stressful. Ever since the new owner came aboard, I've been feeling a bit anxious.
Jacqueline: It's always hard adapting to a new boss. I take it she's not easy to get along with?
Brandon: Oh no, Viki's great. It's Anjelica who's got me nervous.
Jacqueline: I always thought you liked Anjelica?
Brandon: Oh, I do. But we all know she doesn't have the cleanest past, and ever since Viki came to town, she's been acting different. I'm worried she's up to something.

(Inside the WAVE studio. Hayley is in her dressing room, just before she is set to film an episode of the series. She walks towards the far side of the room and opens a cabinet placed against the wall. She pulls a bottle of vodka and a glass out of the cabinet. Moving to the refrigerator next to the cabinet, she removes a lemon slice. She pours the vodka into the glass and squeezes the lemon into it. She raises the glass to her lips, just as the door swings open. Brianna, Hayley's assistant, has entered.)
Brianna: Hayley, sorry to bother you, bu--
(She is unable to finish her sentence, as Hayley drops the glass after being startled by Brianna's entrance.)
Hayley: I'm sorry, you startled me, that's all. I was just deep in thought.
Brianna: I'm so sorry Hayley, let me help you clean that up.
(She begins to move towards Hayley, but Hayley objects.)
Hayley: No! No, it's fine. I've got it. Just tell me whatever it is you needed.
(Brianna is startled by Hayley's reaction. After a moment, she spots the vodka bottle on the counter-top, as Hayley hadn't had a chance to put it away.)
Brianna: Hayley, are you drinking vodka?
Hayley: Yes? Is there a problem with that?
Brianna:No, it's just that it's only 9 AM...Normally I never see you drink, but this is the second time this week you've been having a drink on set.
Hayley: You are my assistant, Brianna, not my therapist. I appreciate your concern, but there's no need for it. I'ts just been a stressful week. This is my final week as the sole-host of WAVE, and I'm under a lot of stress.
Brianna: So Erica Kane is definitely coming, then?
Hayley: Yes, she arrives tomorrow. And I'm excited for her to be here, I really am...But sometimes, when things change, I get nervous. So I was just trying to calm my nerves, is all. Now what can I do for you?
Brianna: I just wanted to give you these note-cards, is all. There's been a couple changes to today's shows.
(Hayley takes the cards from Brianna.)
Hayley: Thank you.
(Brianna smiles and exits the room. Once the door is closed behind her, she walks to the end of the hall. Making sure no one is around, she takes out her cell phone. She dials the phone and holds it to her ear.)
Brianna: Everything is right on track. Erica arrives tomorrow. You'll have her in your hands in no time.
Thank you for reading!
Don't forget to check back tomorrow,
For an ALL NEW episode of
Heaven's Meadow!
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